
Daily Ooo's: Friday, December 12: TGIF!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Again, I ask myself, why so excited for Friday? Not like Saturday is all that much different. :rofl: But it *feels* good to say it, so I will continue to do so.

Yesterday was kind of a bust. I had my lyme appt but figured I would be home by noon, but we didn't get home until 2. We left here at 8.15. Our attp was at 9.15-- Long day!
Adding to the craziness of my life, my lyme wants me back on IV. I got my test dose in her office yesterday, since it is a new med for me. It takes an hour and a half to drip!! If you drip too fast, you get itchy and flushed. At one point my scalp was itching like crazy, but I didn't want to slow it down b/c I needed to get home hahaha!!!! I have to call the hospital today to see if I can get a line inserted before the end of the year. ACK!!!!

But I have finished the baskets for my neighbor. I only have to add the fillers and wrap 'em up. Then I can finish my mom's and my dad's and then put away all of my supplies that are all over the house.
Tomorrow I hope to scrap those two pages for the gifts I need to do. I was going to do them yesterday- but no, life has a way of messing all of that up.:croc:
Sunday- I hope to bake. I said to Gary that I have never been this far behind in baking. Usually at this point I have a freezer full of cookies. Right now, I have the two cookies that I baked and wrecked a few weeks ago. I had already decided that I was cutting way back- but this is pretty sad. heh.

So off to work today, then wrap baskets, then figure out what the heck I am doing for Gary and I for dinner. Yesterday we had canned soup and leftover homemade bread. Is grilled cheese an option? I hope we have sandwich bread!!

Finish It Friday!!!!!

Do you dream of White Christmases? Our forecast is saying a possibility of snow on Christmas Eve Day.
All I can say to that is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make it a great day!!
Hugs and love!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- Is this the kind of binder you mean?

Surgery is Jan 15, and I am worried that it is coming up fast and since I am still so far behind with the holidays, I am going to wake up and Jan 2 and *really* freak out!
Thank you for your advice, I know I am going to need it. I asked my SIL for yoga pants with the fold down/no waistband top for Christmas, that should be nice an comfy. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the surgery and the no external scars and such. The hystersister website talks about reduced scarring, but it seems so weird to not have anything on the outside. I don't know if any of that makes sense...
Were you able to make the cookies yesterday? We call them walnut balls. These were the ones that I made 3 trays of and 1/2 of a tray burned.;)

Nancy- that is ridiculous that they didn't like getting booed.Sorry that you felt invisible to them.
I am sorry that I referred to Samantha as a He. Guess I relate this to my friend's son, Jake. :( I hope that they are holding up ok. Was this their first?
I don't think we have Starz but I iwll check, thanks!

Ugh Trudy! Those night are the worst. Cait has been having that issue too, wonder if the stress of the holidays catches up with everyone?

Thank you for the link to the gift, will look that up next :hungry: And wooo hooOOO on finishing your calendars! The page you shared the other day was awesome!

Shar-- OMG, that page is wonderful!!! So cute and I love how you used Jean's quote!!!

Time to get my butt moving

hugs and more hugs!


Well-Known Member
yeah, Chris. that's it. the one i had was taller than that one. but from what you said above, are you having the kind of op where they pull it out from below and don't make an incision? if so, maybe you wouldn't need the binder! i don't know much about that kind of hysterec. my sister had that kind years ago, but my scar is about a foot long, i know you will be happy to have had this surgery, once all the fear is over. it's a positive life-changer, for sure. why do you need to go back on IV? is any of this doing you some actual good? do you feel better when you're on the IV? crap. i wish i could make all this disappear for you.

Nancy, i'm not a fan of professional athletes. (which is funny, because i married someone who was one for a short time.) i know they often work hard, but to me it's like being a politician. they had better never forget who they work for.

Shar, your page is a hoot! who is the doggie?

Jean, you should frame Shar's page and hang it up at your house! it can be your "laugh of the day" every day!

Trudy, you got all those calendars done FAST!wish i could be on the receiving end of some of your great art!! i'm still coveting one of your teddy bears!! it's gray and gloomy here, too, but that's nothing new for my area. i swear it's gray and gloomy at least 50% of the time! i lose my posts here all the time, though before i post, i'm always trying to remember to save everything before i try to post. also, i'm having some weird cursor things going on here. for example, when i hit return, the cursor actually goes BELOW the box where you enter text. this is on my iPad. and here is the only place it's happening. weird!

we are having some freezing fog here at the moment. wrecks all over the place. hoping my daughter managed to keep safe on her way into work this morning. i need to go out later to buy some baking supplies, but it's supposed to have settled down later today. my LEASt favorite thing is trying to drive on ice! and it's looking more and more like Christmas is going to be snowy. :hurt:

i forgot QOTD yesterday. wrapping gifts for me vascillates between "just cover it" and "try to do something nice." and today's QOTD? if i'm dreaming of a White Christmas, it's a nightmare!

have an ice-less Friday, all! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday went bye and I am not sure where it went. I woke up to wait for my sister's phone call that never came only to get an email saying she forgot it was Thursday. Too funny. Got in a good walk and watched hockey. Today another walk and then off to a hockey game vs the Tampa Bay Lightning. Should be interesting to see if there are boos. I hope not. Just got a call from my sister LOL.

Chris hope you get your IV okay from the insurance company. And yes Grilled cheese is a dinner! Have fun baking!

Phylis hope your weather gets better! Have fun baking too!

Trudy hope your weather gets better.

QOTD - I cannot gift wrap for anything so I just mostly bag things. And yes I dream of a white Christmas. I grew up in the desert and we never had snow so for me it is still a delight!

Shar that page is too cute!

Jean HI!


Phylis, the dog is Alex. He belongs to the daughter of the people who generally host our home assembly (church). They dog-sit him every once in awhile. EVERYONE wants to dognap him. He has this sweet, quiet demeanor about him...seems like the wisest "person" in the room! When he looks you straight in the eye with his big brown eyes, you have the feeling he knows all about you, and especially what you are thinking right then! It could be eerie, but like I said, he's uniquely sweet and gentle...esp. for a big dog.

As to wrapping gifts, I'm a machine!:

I bought a HUGE roll of silver paper from Costco about 3 years ago. It's so big that I think it will last me another 3 years! Every gift gets wrapped in the same paper, and then gets a sticky bow tacked on. I do not try to recycyle those bows, because then you need to tape them down after the first use. I use my sewing/cutting table, and have a rotary cutter that is dedicated to cutting paper. Years ago I gave up trying to hoard the little pieces of wrapping paper that were left over...out they go...no clutter in the room, no clutter in my mind.

I also print to/from labels onto 2"x4" Avery labels, using Photoshop. Stick a piece of Christmas "paper" on the page, and type out the info. Then the labels are stuck on the package at a jaunty angle near the bow. One year I took the time to put photos of the recipient in the "to" portion. Made it easy for little grand kids to know whose was whose.

I do this assembly-line fashion, all at the same time so I'm not getting supplies out more than once. No tissue. I can't remember how to add a photo here from my photos, or I would show you. There's a picture on my Facebook page of Nov. 22 (yes! I had Christmas all wrapped up before Thanksgiving!).

As to snow: It rarely snows in the greater Puget Sound region at Christmas. I'm indifferent. It looks pretty, and if we don't have to drive anywhere, I'm content to snuggle in and just take pictures from the porch!

Okay...I may have figured it out, using Flickr:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... OMG I think I actually see some blue sky trying to peek through the clouds LOL
It has been a long time since we have actually seen that bright yellow ball in the sky! Today I am staying home, can not go swimming as the pool is closed today for some reason or another :noidea: Just as well as hubby has passed on his cold to me and I now am the owner of a lovely sore throat and stuffy nose. Thank you so much DH!!!
So I suppose I will catch up on my house work
and get my lists ready for grocery shopping tomorrow and leave some love here in the gallery that I am so far behind on. Oh and I still have not typed my Christmas news letter that I am emailing to everyone this year. But I don't feel stressed about it with my calendars being finished now.

Chris - Yes grilled cheese is considered fine for supper, its so funny because that is exactly what DH and I had last night, soup and grilled cheese. :becky: Your surgery date is coming up fast!! Don't worry my friend it will all go well and you will heal quickly if there is not the stitches and scarring to deal with!! You will feel better once you have all your clutter put away and don't worry about being far behind with the baking, I have not started mine either, other than a batch of shortbread. Somehow it all comes together and then big day is done and you wonder why you worry so much about it all. :hug:

Phylis - I will try to get my calendar uploaded to my drop box today and send you a link. Sure hope the snow stays away for your area!! I hate to travel anywhere in the snow also, it is even worse if you have to worry about ice on top of it!! I need baking supplies this weekend also, but oh the price of chocolate and walnuts and such is just horrendous don't you think?? Hope your DD makes it safely to work and home again. Such a worry!!

Nancy - Hope the fans behave and do not Booo your team, but I hope they play better for you all also!! I hope that your dreams of a white Christmas come true for you, but please keep it there!! LOL Enjoy your day today!

Shar - I had to laugh about your huge roll of wrapping paper!! I bought one of those about 5 years ago and I am still using it!! It was double sided with lovely snowflakes on the one side and Santa on the other. Every year the kids comment and say, you still have that wrapping paper???? I love how you wrap your gifts though, its right up my alley and would love to have that rotary cutter! Your weather is very much like ours on the Island, guess it should be we are not that far away from each other are we?

QOTD - Would love to see the beauty of the snow on Christmas morning as long as it is gone by the end of the day!!!

Ok DD is Skyping me so I better run, hope that you all have a fabulous friday!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I think I'm a happy camper today! How amazing.

Yesterday I printed a family history newsletter for those who don't do email and sent them with cards. This is for DH's family and extended family I located. It's just a dozen copies total. I did a four page newsletter monthly for four years. Since, I've just done one at Christmas but missed last year. This one is only two pages (two-sided sheet) but I got it done!!!

Today we had a lovely lunch with a friend. After, DH did grocery shopping (yes, he does most of it!) I asked him to look at an advertised special on holiday bouquets. He actually got one and presented me with flowers! And they're pretty, even with a pleasant aroma.

Tomorrow is our Christmas bird count, so we'll be out in the cold all morning then in and out of the (warm) car in the afternoon. It is a long day for me but a great experience each year. The forecast is for NO precipitation, for which I'm grateful. We have a light snow cover which would be perfect for the count.

QOTD: I missed yesterday on wrapping. I love wrapping but keep it pretty simple these days. I really like your system, Shar, and they look good. My mother did elaborate and beautiful wrapping but people tended not to really appreciate it, and then it was ripped open. On a white Christmas, you can keep it! I don't want it.

Shar, I like Phylis's advice to print your LO. It would definitely get me smiling.

Phylis, thanks for that, I think I will. Hope you get better weather. Last night there were accidents on local freeways from freezing conditions but it's better right now.

Trudy, so sorry about the cold! And you just over one too. Hope it goes away quickly.

Nancy, hope you get to enjoy the game and your walk. Just last night I asked DH if he has trouble sometimes remembering the day of the week. Answer was of course, yes, so sympathize with your sister.

Chris, when Trudy wrote: "Somehow it all comes together and then big day is done and you wonder why you worry so much about it all." I had to think how true that is. I am very guilty of worrying something to death only to get past it and wonder what the fuss was all about. For you, a lot of the "fuss" is very real but thankfully you do get past it.


Somehow it all comes together and then big day is done and you wonder why you worry so much about it all.

Yes! And no matter what you try to do, the 26th arrives and it is all over, whether you think you were prepared or not. And the Christmas Police will NOT be by to take you to jail, no matter what "important" things did not get done. BTW, the 26th is my favorite day of the year. It is the furthest from the 25th that we will be for a whole year. Does that sound Grinchy? hmmm.
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