
Daily Ooos: Friday, December 1: Party Time!!!!


The Loopy-O

It's heeeeeere!!! It's December 1 and the party is happening! :xmas5:

I'm sorry that I never made it back to do personals yesterday. We were back home with Jaida before lunchtime but we had a ton of stuff to review. By the time I was able to sit, it was time for dinner.

You probably guessed that Jaida does need surgery. She is scheduled for Monday and it's going to be another long process and recovery. It will be similar to when she had her right knee done, with strict rest, then short walks and PT, then longer walks and more PT. She'll need to stay overnight and then go back for rechecks and PT sessions on-site. Lots of time in the car- it is almost an hour away and a block away from our LLMD who we both see on the 14th. Not ideal for this time of year but it is what it is. The cost-- sheesh, it's in the ballpark of what I expected, I was figuring $6000-7000. Their estimate ranges from $7400 to $7800. We applied for a new credit card and I am rummaging in the attic looking for stuff to sell. I have silver plate tea sets that belonged to my Grandmothers, I doubt they are worth that much but every little bit will help. I am so glad that I'll be working soon. I am going to snatch up as many hours as I can in January.

Today I am running out to do some errands and shopping in town. This afternoon, I am taking J to the vet for her pre-op bloodwork. But most of all , I want to start the challenge for Day One ♥

Hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
In all of my Debbie Downer news, I forgot that I wanted to share a positive bit-- the surgeon said that Jaida's right knee felt stable which is a HUGE relief. Then I had to joke that she will never be able to get through TSA due to all of the metal plates and screws in both knees. :rotfl: Not that she or we have any plans to fly but it would be funny LOL!!

@vickyday Hope you had a fantastic time with Ilene and that your back did okay too.

@BrightEyes I love the parties here too, always so much fun!
Thank you for the compliments on my previous gift baskets. I worry that people get sick of them. Same old s*** that Chris makes. But I don't know what else to do, especially on a tight budget.
That's wonderful news about DD#1 and I hope that your Sis can make it out, maybe even after Christmas would be a good time *fingers crossed*
So happy that PSE 24 is working out for you and I can't wait to see all of the awesomeness you create!

@taxed4ever You look 100% adorable in your avatar :love:
The like with the waterfalls must have been incredible. I hope you have some photos to share with us. I am so bummed-- I got an email from the County for a free hike on Saturday, being led by Scott and his colleague. I would go in a heartbeat but tomorrow is FP day and considering all of the bills piling up, I can't afford (literally) to miss it.
Did you get any decorations from the crawl space or did you take it easy on your legs?

@Cherylndesigns If you aren't feeling it, don't stress over the tree this year. So many people I know are not feeling it either and I am suggesting them the same thing. I told Gary not to bother with the lights outside. I barely put out anything inside other than the tree.
Maybe it's just me, but is there just an overall funky mood this year? Too much going on personally and globally for everyone I know.

On that cheerful note ;)
HAGD and happy 12 Days of December Party!!!


Love my O Family!

It's heeeeeere!!! It's December 1 and the party is happening! :xmas5:

I'm sorry that I never made it back to do personals yesterday. We were back home with Jaida before lunchtime but we had a ton of stuff to review. By the time I was able to sit, it was time for dinner.

You probably guessed that Jaida does need surgery. She is scheduled for Monday and it's going to be another long process and recovery. It will be similar to when she had her right knee done, with strict rest, then short walks and PT, then longer walks and more PT. She'll need to stay overnight and then go back for rechecks and PT sessions on-site. Lots of time in the car- it is almost an hour away and a block away from our LLMD who we both see on the 14th. Not ideal for this time of year but it is what it is. The cost-- sheesh, it's in the ballpark of what I expected, I was figuring $6000-7000. Their estimate ranges from $7400 to $7800. We applied for a new credit card and I am rummaging in the attic looking for stuff to sell. I have silver plate tea sets that belonged to my Grandmothers, I doubt they are worth that much but every little bit will help. I am so glad that I'll be working soon. I am going to snatch up as many hours as I can in January.

Today I am running out to do some errands and shopping in town. This afternoon, I am taking J to the vet for her pre-op bloodwork. But most of all , I want to start the challenge for Day One ♥

Hugs to everyone!
Hate to hear J is going to need surgery! I hope everything goes smoothly, including the recovery process! :hug4:
In all of my Debbie Downer news, I forgot that I wanted to share a positive bit-- the surgeon said that Jaida's right knee felt stable which is a HUGE relief. Then I had to joke that she will never be able to get through TSA due to all of the metal plates and screws in both knees. :rotfl: Not that she or we have any plans to fly but it would be funny LOL!!

@vickyday Hope you had a fantastic time with Ilene and that your back did okay too.

@BrightEyes I love the parties here too, always so much fun!
Thank you for the compliments on my previous gift baskets. I worry that people get sick of them. Same old s*** that Chris makes. But I don't know what else to do, especially on a tight budget.
That's wonderful news about DD#1 and I hope that your Sis can make it out, maybe even after Christmas would be a good time *fingers crossed*
So happy that PSE 24 is working out for you and I can't wait to see all of the awesomeness you create!

@taxed4ever You look 100% adorable in your avatar :love:
The like with the waterfalls must have been incredible. I hope you have some photos to share with us. I am so bummed-- I got an email from the County for a free hike on Saturday, being led by Scott and his colleague. I would go in a heartbeat but tomorrow is FP day and considering all of the bills piling up, I can't afford (literally) to miss it.
Did you get any decorations from the crawl space or did you take it easy on your legs?

@Cherylndesigns If you aren't feeling it, don't stress over the tree this year. So many people I know are not feeling it either and I am suggesting them the same thing. I told Gary not to bother with the lights outside. I barely put out anything inside other than the tree.
Maybe it's just me, but is there just an overall funky mood this year? Too much going on personally and globally for everyone I know.

On that cheerful note ;)
HAGD and happy 12 Days of December Party!!!
Had a great day with no huge back issues!


Love my O Family!
Happy December to All!

I had a great time with Ilene yesterday!

I picked Ilene up and we drove to Randy's for lunch. We have not been together in forever and haven't eaten at Randy's in forever, either! It was wonderful just to spend time eating and talking and catching up! And even nicer still.....when we got ready to check out the waitress said your bill has been taken care of! We both said, "What???" She said one customer makes it a habit of paying for someone's meal and today he chose the both of you! How nice and what a blessing! And knowing how the Lord works, I'm sure that wonderful person received a blessing, too! Now I'll have to return the favor by watching for someone I can bless in the same way! Thank You, Lord, for the unexpected blessing!

“The only people with whom you should try to get even with, are those who have helped you.”
– John E. Southard

After Ilene and I ate lunch we went to Walmart for a few things. And when I took her back home, I told her I didn't think my back was up to sitting in her straight-backed chairs playing Qwirkle, so we sat in the living room and talked the afternoon away!

Our good friend, Carolyn, is going to have back surgery. Hopefully, it will be a success and she will be able to walk again! Would you join us in praying to that end? Thank you!

No plans today other than scrapping and Oscraps party! Mark just came back from the woods as it has begun to rain and supposed to rain most of the day today and tomorrow.



Morning, everyone. I have been up for awhile but needed to post a few items to various galleries. And needed to stop in to Day 1 Challenge and get my 'special gift' so I can get started on that challenge. I need to stop long enough to grab another :coffeedrinker: before I start scrapping. :xmas9:

@faerywings So sorry to hear it is surgery for J. Sounds like you have your plate full now. Shame you couldn't make the hike but FP must come first!!!

@vickyday Glad you got to spend some time with Ilene... it had been awhile since you were together. Wise move to tell her sitting in her hard chairs was too difficult for you right now.

@taxed4ever I love your December Avatar!!!

@Cherylndesigns Don't worry about putting the tree up.... do what you feel up to doing but no more. I am not putting a tree up either. If I get to feeling up to it, I may put a few decorations out before DD#1 gets here... but that will go by how I am feeling between now and then.

Now it is time to get busy scrapping. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone and Happy December to you all!! So fun that the 12 Days of December have started:yesss:. It should be another great Party! I spent the day making a Lasagna to take to SIL Linda and her boyfriend Mark. They have been very busy making arrangements for his Mother's burial etc. They both are exhausted and poor Mark is so very devastated by his Mother's Death! So I thought they probably are not taking the time to make dinner after their long days. I did have a nice visit with them both and Mark bought me some red roses for helping them out with the photo editing of the picture they wanted to use for the obituary. What a generous guy he is! Sorry but I have to cut this short as the In-Laws are calling BBL!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, Lovlies.

I'm getting a late start but need to get to the party! :xmas8:

Thanks, Chris @faerywings and Kay @BrightEyes for helping me not feel like the Grinch for not putting up a tree. I think I'll just set some of my things out and call it a day. My "everything wreath" over the credenza has Christmas things that I put on it and I'll hang my Christmas wreath on the door, of course. I have some pretty table runners and I have to get out my countdown owl. I think I've convinced myself. It's so much work to put it up and even more work to take it down. I'm so much busier these days fixing Chuck food, keeping the kitchen clean and doing laundry. He used to do his own laundry and he helped in the kitchen. I didn't realize how much he helped with the daily chores. Oh well, it's been good for me and while he was gone, I did a lot of re-arranging (as you all know) and moved stuff where I could get to them. Ava also put a lower shelf in the laundry room so I can now reach what I need. Short person problem. LOL

Chris, I'm so sorry about J. That's a lot of money but I remember how much it cost. I hope you get that/those credit cards. I have been getting offers for credit cards and I'm thinking about getting a couple in MY name. It's awful that we have to live on credit cards, but that's the way of the world right now for some of us. I don't NEED them, I'd just like to have one or two in MY name. LOL Go on eBay and look for similar items to the silver set - Is there a name on the bottom, by chance? That's what I always do when I'm thinking about selling something. Ava sells stuff on FB Market Place, too. That girl is constantly selling something and buying things, too. We always laugh about leaving clothes at her house - that she'll probably forget where it came from and try to sell it. LOL She calls it "Shop My Closet". Steph sells on Poshmark.

Trudy @taxed4ever I'm so sorry about Mark's mother's death. How nice of you to take the Lasagna and how nice of him to give you roses. He sounds like a keeper.

Vicky @vickyday what a blessing you and Ilene received yesterday. Yes, you must pay it forward some day. I don't think I ever told you girls, but Steph bought a beautiful leather couch at a resale store and when she went up to pay, they said that somebody had already paid for her. Turns out, she had been chatting with this man and he just happened to own the store. She didn't even get a chance to thank him because he was gone by the time she went to check out. The lady at the register said that he frequently did that.

I'm going to go and see what shenanigans Buddy is sprinkling around and see what's happening in the Pre-Party Avatar challenge. That has kept me busy commenting.

Happy December 1st everybody!


Love my O Family!
Morning, everyone. I have been up for awhile but needed to post a few items to various galleries. And needed to stop in to Day 1 Challenge and get my 'special gift' so I can get started on that challenge. I need to stop long enough to grab another :coffeedrinker: before I start scrapping. :xmas9:

@faerywings So sorry to hear it is surgery for J. Sounds like you have your plate full now. Shame you couldn't make the hike but FP must come first!!!

@vickyday Glad you got to spend some time with Ilene... it had been awhile since you were together. Wise move to tell her sitting in her hard chairs was too difficult for you right now.

@taxed4ever I love your December Avatar!!!

@Cherylndesigns Don't worry about putting the tree up.... do what you feel up to doing but no more. I am not putting a tree up either. If I get to feeling up to it, I may put a few decorations out before DD#1 gets here... but that will go by how I am feeling between now and then.

Now it is time to get busy scrapping. HAGD
Yes, it had been TOO long!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon, Lovlies.

I'm getting a late start but need to get to the party! :xmas8:

Thanks, Chris @faerywings and Kay @BrightEyes for helping me not feel like the Grinch for not putting up a tree. I think I'll just set some of my things out and call it a day. My "everything wreath" over the credenza has Christmas things that I put on it and I'll hang my Christmas wreath on the door, of course. I have some pretty table runners and I have to get out my countdown owl. I think I've convinced myself. It's so much work to put it up and even more work to take it down. I'm so much busier these days fixing Chuck food, keeping the kitchen clean and doing laundry. He used to do his own laundry and he helped in the kitchen. I didn't realize how much he helped with the daily chores. Oh well, it's been good for me and while he was gone, I did a lot of re-arranging (as you all know) and moved stuff where I could get to them. Ava also put a lower shelf in the laundry room so I can now reach what I need. Short person problem. LOL

Chris, I'm so sorry about J. That's a lot of money but I remember how much it cost. I hope you get that/those credit cards. I have been getting offers for credit cards and I'm thinking about getting a couple in MY name. It's awful that we have to live on credit cards, but that's the way of the world right now for some of us. I don't NEED them, I'd just like to have one or two in MY name. LOL Go on eBay and look for similar items to the silver set - Is there a name on the bottom, by chance? That's what I always do when I'm thinking about selling something. Ava sells stuff on FB Market Place, too. That girl is constantly selling something and buying things, too. We always laugh about leaving clothes at her house - that she'll probably forget where it came from and try to sell it. LOL She calls it "Shop My Closet". Steph sells on Poshmark.

Trudy @taxed4ever I'm so sorry about Mark's mother's death. How nice of you to take the Lasagna and how nice of him to give you roses. He sounds like a keeper.

Vicky @vickyday what a blessing you and Ilene received yesterday. Yes, you must pay it forward some day. I don't think I ever told you girls, but Steph bought a beautiful leather couch at a resale store and when she went up to pay, they said that somebody had already paid for her. Turns out, she had been chatting with this man and he just happened to own the store. She didn't even get a chance to thank him because he was gone by the time she went to check out. The lady at the register said that he frequently did that.

I'm going to go and see what shenanigans Buddy is sprinkling around and see what's happening in the Pre-Party Avatar challenge. That has kept me busy commenting.

Happy December 1st everybody!
WOW! That was wonderful that the owner gave her the couch! I love hearing stories like that, don't you?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
WOW! That was wonderful that the owner gave her the couch! I love hearing stories like that, don't you?
She couldn't believe it, Vicky! She tried to find out his name, but nobody would divulge it. He just liked to "bless" people like that and wanted to remain anonymous. :hug4: