
Daily Ooo's: Friday, August 29


The Loopy-O
Well, this is it. Labor Day Weekend is upon us in the States. Crazy crazy CRAZY how fast the summer went.I am not sure if this is good or bad/sad, but usually I get so upset at the end of the summer as all of my plans and hopes for it aren't realized. Usually I go into the summer thinking that I will get organized and recharged and when it doesn't turn out, it bums me out. This year I finally learned to accept and expect it, so while I am really sad to see summer go, I didn't get any high hopes crushed.
Kind of pathetic, eh? LOL

Not much going on here today either. First i have to help Caitlyn make a call to Guidance and get her schedule straightened out. It is still wrong and she really is stressing now. Then, I have go with Scott to DMV to "upgrade" his licence from Provisional to Regular. Then over to his school to apply his book deferment to his Bookstore Account. The lake is on my list for the afternoon. It looks to be a beautiful day and I need to soak up some sun.

I really wish there was some way to store it for over the winter. It was so dark this morning when my alarm went off. That makes me sad and SAD! (Seasonal Affective Disorder kicks in)

Cait and I are going to try to do some fun recipes to get us through the winter months. We both love soups so we are going to try to find a new soup recipe every week. If we run out of soup recipes, maybe we can find seasonal dessert recipes, like pumpkin bread.

If any of you have a favorite soup recipe- pass them along. :hungry:

Finish It Friday:
I won't be able to finish it, but I need to keep working on Scott's GF's birthday album.



The Loopy-O
Oh, I forgot Gratitudes:

1. Oscraps. I am always reminded how wonderful the people here really are. Really-- I love you all.
2. Being a Cheery O.
3. Coffee. Is that cheating, since it kinda goes without saying? :madgrin:

Nancy- that online course sounds perfect for you. I guess there is no way to record it. :(
How was the US Open? Hope you had a great day.

Laurie- I am so excited for you to get that space all finished up!!

Trudy- too funny that grilling hot dogs will make your Gary so happy. Sorry to hear about the rain but like you said, the trees need it. Our trees are getting sort of brown too and lots of leaves on the grass. Woot on cut and color! I am ignoring my roots and greys ATM.

Phyllis- any more "success" with Mac Speak? Sara is a Mac Girl, maybe she knows?
Gah! Don't get me started on grocery prices!!! I am really glad that we are 99% vegetarian because meat prices are crazy. And dairy too. I was looking at the butter prices going so high and I wonder how I will do christmas baking.
Sorry to hear that your glasses were so crazy. And that is on top of contacts? I am going to need bifocals/transitionals next time I go in and I don't know how I am going to pay for that either.

Hi Sara!!

Have a fab day and I hope that the weather is as nice by you as it will be here!


Well-Known Member
whoa. who let the Russian Army invade and march all over my stomach?? feeling rather crappy yesterday afternoon-evening and into this morning, so this'll probably be a "close to home" day. drat! :rant: the plan was to go over and finish that cemetery photo project today, but that might have to be on hold.

Chris, aren't you finding that veggies are expensive, too? i just paid $3 for an artichoke. i'm old enough to remember when they were 4 for a dollar during artichoke season in May. did i ever give you the recipe to my pesto vegetable soup? i seem to remember typing it out on here. that is such a great soup, especially with homemade pesto. if i haven't, let me know and i'll get it to you. do you use beef or chicken broth, or does the vegginess have to extend to the broth, too? i'm thinking of making some ham and cabbage soup today. although not sure how all that cabbage will do in my GI tract....

i'm sad about summer being over, too. although my love of Fall kind of mitigates that. November is what really gets me down. what an ugly month November is in the Northeast. then, of course, we have to put up with January and February, which are good-for-nothing horrible, freezing, dreary, dark and useless months. gaaah! don't get me started!

OK. i'm going to go sit down at the Mac again and see what i can learn. have a great day, anyone who stops by! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning! It is so chilly - only 62 degrees this morning. Like Chris I am not ready for fall. However by Sunday and Monday it should be summer like. The US Open was so fun. Was fun to use my senior discount on the train ticket. Made a big difference. We saw lots of great matches. The whole facility has become more fan friendly as they have this fairly new court 17 which is so nice in that the seat all have backs, then outside courts 4,5,6 are awesome with new raised seating. It now seems that the crowds are less as there was so much more seating. But even better the players now have more fans cheering them on! We saw Novak Djokovic play and he dominated. We also watched some up and coming US players Taylor Townsend and Asia Muhammad in a doubles match. I love doubles! However as my DH and I were on the train coming home got a call from my youngest son saying his car has been pretty much totaled. The strange part was it was parked in front of our house. A huge pick up track just smashed into it. I was a man rushing to pick up his daughter from his ex-wife's. He claims he had a sneezing fit Chaz is sure that he was either talking or txting. The police came and were worried about Chaz but he said the car was parked and then they really on the driver. So now we have to get it fixed. What a bummer way for the day to end. Though I guess if you have to have an accident no one was hurt. The worst part for me is that I constantly have asked my son to park in the driveway but because it is near hedges and there are spider webs to the car and he is scared of spider he parked on the street. Now he says he has learned a lesson. This morning off to get my hair cut and colored. Cant wait.

Chris have fun at the lake. Should be a great day! Cant believe the summer is just about over as it never really got hot! Hope the DMV stop goes well!

Phylis grocery shopping is the pits!

Trudy how fun that just cooking hot dogs over a fire can put a smile on his face. Some times it really is the small things that are the best!

Have a great Friday!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... it is cloudy and very cool this morning, but still no :rain: Lots of people will be out camping for the Long weekend so they are probably hoping that it does not rain. We are very desperate for it though, rivers are very low and the salmon spawn will be happening soon if we don't get rain they can't get up river.

Chris - For someone who says they don't have much happening today, you sound very busy to me!!! :becky: Hope you get things straight with the guidence person today! Enjoy your time at the Lake and soak up those rays!!

Phylis - Hope you are enjoying your Mac, I love my iMac and will never go back to a PC. If your LaunchPad icon is not in your dock all you have to do is go to Finder, then applications and find it there and drag it down to your dock, easy peasy lemon squeezy ! That soup recipe that you want to give to Chris sounds very yummy, I think maybe you might have to share that one with me too :becky: Not sure if having the cabbage soup will be very beneficial to your poor tummy today though. Hope you are feeling better soon my friend!! :hug:

Nancy - Sounds like you had a great time at the Tennis Match, but oh my what a horrible way to end the day!! Glad that your son is ok and hope that driver gets what he deserves if he was texting while driving!! That just infuriates me :rant: If it is totalled will he just get a new vehicle? Bet he parks in the driveway from now on, spiders or not!! Enjoy your cut and colour today, I got mine done yesterday and it feels and looks so much better!!

Well better have some breakfast and then I will talk with DD and Mason. Heather has a Fair that she has a table at this weekend. Selling her Peekaboo Beans clothing at, so we are really hoping that she does well at it and maybe meets some nice young mothers to be friends with!! Keep your fingers crossed for her please!! Have a wonderful friday everyone!


Well-Known Member
Just a brief stop to say I'm back! Spent a week in Oklahoma with days around 100 degrees (or more). Makes the fairly warm weekend predicted here sound very tame.

Sorry not to do personals - afraid it'll take a while to catch up.


Well-Known Member
I'm ignoring homework tonight. I have wine, chips, and pizza. It's necessary. Tomorrow I will go back to stats and research articles. (But I get my hair done in the morning!)

What macspeak? I'll have to go back and read some posts to find out...


Well-Known Member
Oh. That was easy to find. :)

Phylis - (You can always email me with questions!) Launchpad is an application. So you will find it in your applications folder. If you want it on your dock as a shortcut, you simply drag it onto your dock. If you don't want something on your dock, you hold down on the icon and pull it up until you see the poofy clouds, then let go and it will disappear from your dock. The application is still there on your computer, but that shortcut is gone off your dock. Frankly, I don't use Launchpad. Maybe it's because I don't use Spaces either. I multitask too much. Some people use "Spaces" to create separate desktops for things. I tried for a little bit to have a scrapbooking desktop space and a school desktop space, but I found myself wanting things from the other too often and it was a nuisance to switch around. When I want to find an app that isn't on my dock, I just use the "Go" menu at the top of the screen when you are on your desktop and go to "Applications". Launchpad seems unnecessary to me. I also have about 19 apps on my dock though.

Make sure to use the magnifying glass in the top right corner when you are searching for things. And the "Show All in Finder" option will bring up all your results in a window that you can sort different ways to help you find things easier.

Play around in the System Preferences for a while. There are a whole lot of things there that you can change that will make your life easier. I hate the "natural scroll" that Apple puts on now. I always change that back. And there are swiping and clicking features that you can set and more. :)

Make sure to hit me up if you have any other questions! I don't mind!