
Daily Ooo's: Friday, August 1


The Loopy-O
12 hours, just 12 more and I will be sitting with a glass of wine at my mom's lakehouse. The catch- (there is *always* a catch!! :D) I have soooooo much to do in these 12 hours.

I have to post my August Challenge, get laundry folded so I can start packing, off to work, IV and dressing change. I was supposed to make rice pudding for my dad as I thank you for all his has done for me, like painting and all that. I wanted to make some snacks to bring up with us.And-- I want to be on the road by 2pm, so we don't hit Friday PM Summer traffic on top of the construction traffic.
And it looks like the weather is not going to cooperate either. Rain for Sat and Sun which were the 2 days we had open for the Fair. But like I said yesterday-- better to be not here with rain as well.

I didn't get as much done yesterday as I had hoped. We had to wait for a long time to see the Financial Aid officer, but we got really good news, and Scott's FA grant will cover his tuition 100% and he has some left over for a book deferment. All of the college money he has can be saved for when he goes to a 4 year school and his grants won't cover that fully. And he heard that he has an awesome English teacher too. He was relieved that he will be all set for Sept, and so am I!

I hope that all of you have a terrific Friday. I hope that I'll be able to use someone's laptop this weekend and I can pop in, but if not, I will see you all on Tues or Wed!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis!!! A Python Fan, no less!!!! There is *always* a Python Quote to get me through the days!!!!
You will get a kick out of this one- I was running around the kitchen which was a mess yesterday afternoon. I had nothing done that needed to be done, and was not feeling so hot and I don't even know exactly what I said, but had muttered to myself about shooting me know, I was confused and had so much to do, blah blah. Gary told me that I should keep that stuff to myself, that it affects the kids when they hear it. *eye roll so hard I think I saw that spaghetti-mess-of-a-brain*

Seriously jealous, again and again of your zucchini!!


Sara, caitlyn made some baked zucc "fries" a couple of weeks ago and they were good. Not super crispy, but I wonder if she sprayed a bit of olive oil on them they might have crisped up? If you want, I can ask her where she found the recipe. I also pinned a link to Zucc Recipes on Pinterest and if you want, I can link that up.
BTW- loved your coffee pin for me :)

I saw that lemon zucc bread and that looks delish!

Nancy- Brigantine still has a lighthouse? Is that open? All of those birds sound great and the weather turned out really nice up here, so I hope it was the same for you.

Love to all!



Well-Known Member
Chris, i am so bad. the first thing i thought when you said what Gary said is that i would have said: " you know what? you can keep THAT **** to yourself, because it affects ME in a way you don't want to feel the repercussions of. " like i said. nasty old me.i'm pretty sure that with all you do and endure, you don't need any speech police to deal with. have a GREAT time at the lake house. wine, mom, peace. even if it rains, that sounds like a great combination. great news about Scott, too.

oh, SARA!! that glazed zucchini loaf looks excellent. i couldn't eat it, but it looks like something Hubby would love. i love that glaze.

Nancy, i have to look up Brigantine and see what it's like. sounds like a beautiful place.

first thing this morning i cleaned the other bathroom. it feels SO good to have that already out of the way. more work on the upstairs today, then i'll be ready to start with the downstairs all over again.... and then there's the basement. :faint2: i'll have to think of something to do today that will make it absolutely impossible that i continue to clean the house. :becky:

enjoy Friday! do something you love. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning had a nice day. Got chores done so that was good! Got two more pages done for my road trip album. Sounds like the weekend here in NJ is going to be wet so I will hopefully be getting more pages done. Not much else going on.

Chris have a great time this weekend and hope that rain does not wash out too much! Brigantine (now named Edwin B Forsythe wild life refuge) where I go does not have a lighthouse.

Phylis your freezer must be packed to the brim with all your fabulous bread!

Sara hope you had a great day!


Well-Known Member
You are all up and at em today!

I love Python too. Always good for a laugh. Chris you should start tell people your line is "merely a flesh wound"!

And heck, doesn't Gary know better after this many years of marriage? That wasn't the time to try and be the voice of reason! LOL Have a great time at the lake - rain or no rain!

Phylis - Will you come clean my house? Matt is swamped at work, so every last thing is falling on me at this point and I'm beginning to let things slip pretty good. Our microwave is not looking so hot! Could you eat the bread without the glaze? Or is the type of flour? I honestly didn't even look at the recipe. You use almond flour a lot right?

Nancy - The birds sound beautiful. That's one good thing about spring around here. We see all kinds of birds. By summer, we're stuck with robins, blue jays, cardinals, and grackles.

We didn't go swimming yesterday because it was gray and not really hot. We went to a movie instead...and when we came out it was sunny and 90 degrees. WTH? So, I have a meeting today where we pick the 10 children's choice award books for the 15-16 school year. Then I might take Ben to the indoor pool. We'll see. I should probably clean too. And I have to stop at the store to get stuff to take to a potluck on Sunday. Busy weekend ahead.

Have a good one everyone!