
Daily Ooos: Friday, April 5


The Loopy-O
goooooOd Morning!
How's the O-Fam today?

I see a little bit of blue sky, so exciting! :dance2:
(Don't complain about the temps, don't complain about the temps)
Sorry, I have to complain about the temps. It's so darn cold! :brrr:

Yesterday felt like such a long day and it sure didn't help that I haven't been sleeping all that great. I had time to scrap a page for the template challenge and used pictures from the Murder party. That party was such a blast, it made me happy to scrap the photos. I was upstairs to play with the rats a bunch of times and sent pictures and videos to Caitlyn who misses them (probably more than she misses me and Tom -ha!).
Her presentation is at 8 am and I already texted her a good luck message from them. Last night she was nervous but excited about it. I reminded her how enthusiastic she is talking about work and her students at dinner. If she channels that, the presentation will feel the same.

My May/June work calendar is filling up with more field trips and (probably) a Wilderness First Aid certification course. The CPR/AED course is June 6 and the WFA is June 1-2. Technically the CPR is done before WFA, but if they are taken within the same week, the Prerequisite can be waived. I am waiting to hear about that. I'm still plugging along learning about macroinvertebrates so I'll be ready when the field trips begin.
I have my physical this morning and then a couple of errands in town. The rest of the day will be tidying up the house and playing with the rats.

Thats about it. HAGD! xo


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Sorry that you weren't feeling good yesterday, I hope that you are much better today.
I know you are busy with yard sale prep, but take care of yourself.

@BrightEyes Awesome news about signing up for Xfinity and all of my fingers are crossed for an easy install and transition!

@bcgal00 That is way too much snow! How much did you get all said and done? remi must be thrilled :)
That's a bummer that your bird walk was cut short but it sounds like you got to see a lot of birds anyway. Are you keeping a checklist of the ones you see?
Hope that you were able to get to the clinic and that the inhaler helps. How are your eyes doing? The high BP can affect them, IIRC? please take care of yourself ♥

@Cherylndesigns Whew! What a relief that the SS appt went smoothly. It has to feel like one weight has been lifted.
Hehe, I think that it was a smart move not to try to resuscitate the "eucalyptus plant."

Jaida needs to go out and I need to get in the shower.
Signing off! :waving1


I am doing a happy dance this morning. Got a text that DSon#1 and wife are on their way... will be here sometime this afternoon!!! :banana4: :banana5::upsidedownbanana::banana5::banana4: It will be a short week's visit as they got hired and go to work near the end of next week. Have a feeling that DD#3 will be heading home from DD#2's in the next day or so as she wants to visit with them, too.

I need to scrap a pre-release LO this morning and then will take a break until the kids leave. Plus Jim will be setting up my NEW COMPUTER and transferring files from the one I am using to it. Glad that will be done before the change of internet providers. I forgot to mention what happened when I stopped at the tax preparer's office. I was sitting in the car putting my hearing aids in and one of them slid off the case in my lap and disappeared!!! It fell toward the right. Before I opened the door, I looked but couldn't see it anywhere. Looked for it when I got home also... nada!!! I will have Jim look for me as it has to be somewhere in the car.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone

It's so quiet in here - I finally made it - Adrienne, Roger and I went to Nancy's for lunch and had a nice chat. Then we brought Rog home and headed out to run errands. We both had prescriptions at Walgreens, then we decided to go get coffee at 7 Brew, which we actually like better than Starbucks. Darn it I let her talk me into an extra shot of espresso and am I feeling the results just now. Problem with a caffein high is that I know I'll hit the wall.

Chris @faerywings hope your appt went well. And yes, I do feel like one huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I think it will be all buttoned up in a couple of weeks now. This was one of the biggies. They have all of my banking information now I just wait on the final wheels to turn.

Kay @BrightEyes How exciting about the kids - I know you can't wait to see them and it sounds like everybody else is where they're supposed to be. We still want all of our "chickens" to be accounted for.

I'm watching Bailee from tomorrow morning until Sunday evening, so Daisy will have some company and I'll have my whole bed to myself. She woke me up at five am - sounding the alarm by barking like something was wrong. She never does that unless she's sleeping in the living room. Scared me to death! Upon further investigation, all seemed to be okay, but the cat was crying at the door. I told him that he wasn't supposed to wake me up in the "middle of the night" if he went out, he was out for the night. He really didn't give a patoot - just waltzed right by me and went in to eat.

That's all the news from the ranch. Hope everybody has a nice weekend. :grouphugyay: