
Daily Ooo's: February 7-8: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend!!!!
Wow, I have gotten really spoiled and lazy these past few weeks. I know I need to rest and recover but I have been letting even basic things slide. I a scared that when I am able to get back to work, both here and for work, that I am not going to want to. heh!!!

I do like the weekends b/c I am not stuck under my IV for 2 hours. Last night, partway though, i needed to pee so badly but it is way too much trouble to grab the bag and walk it to the bathroom. We don't have a regular rolling IV pole so we are using a microphone stand from Gary's days of being in a band. There is no way to bring that around the house. Gary could disconnect me and reconnect me but that is also a PITA because he has to be all sterile to do that. So three cheers for me that I don't have to do that tonight and tomorrow!! whhhheeeee!!! (It really is the little things in life that make me smile.

Yesterday, Gary got another dose of what it is like to be me. Cait called from school- she was having non-stop bloody noses, needed to be picked up, cleaned up and then go back to school. He hadn't even showered yet, but had to run down to get her. Then his stomach was acting up and he needed to take meds for it but they make him drowsy and she was still having nosebleeds and throwing up blood, and finally we decided that she should stay home the rest of the day. But I had to laugh as he was trying to figure out the hows and whens of it. I told him too try doing this while you are at work! LOL

I had a nice but short visit with my parents. They loved being able to see Cait who was in rare form. She is really a Mini-Me, but has a wicked sense of humor. Not wicked as in mean, but so quick that it takes you by surprise.

Not much else here. Same old same old...

Hope that you all have a wonderful day!!


The Loopy-O
Hi Nancy- I bet the moon looked so pretty! Nice to see it from inside where it is warmer than it is outside. The Alumni Game sounds like it will be a blast for you. Is your DIL going to
take your son up on the offer of the ticket?
The dogs are doing what dogs do, they are establishing who will be the alpha in their pack, as well as doing puppy playing. They will snap and growl and tumble and roll. They might even nip at each other. (Ray would nip at Harley's ear and she ended up with hematomas!). The thing to watch for is if the hair on their back stands up, b/c that can be a sign of aggression. My mom always thought that my dogs were hurting each other too. the humping will go away for the most part when they get the male fixed.

OMG-- that is horrible, just horrible about your friends son.
It is good news that he is off the breathing tube. and I hope that the EEG comes back normal. Good thoughts again~~~~

What time did the window guy come, Phyllis? Hope he was sort of of time, as in, before 5pm LOL That princess is awesome, and it looks just like me!!
It is snowing here right now with more to come Sunday night. Just ugh.
i think you are ALREADY a sports photographer!
That is what I was going to say too!!!

Sharon- that is a big bummer about the delay, but really awesome that you were able to change your date and get some $ towards another flight. My parents love playing games with my kids. When we go to my parents' lake house that is always on the Must Do list. Scattergories and Apples to Apples are the favorites. We have been playing them since the kids were little.
I wish I had someone here to help me crochet. My grandmother tried to teach me when I was 7-8 years old, but I had no patience for it. Now I need someone to help me get the tension right. It is hard to learn that from books and youtube, at least it is for me.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Well-Known Member
Chris, i'm loving (not in a malicious way) your DH's baptism by fire into Chris' World. honestly, i think the only way for them to understand what it's like to be us is to have to BE us for a bit. hopefully he'll be wanting to do more and YOU will let him! :becky: is Cait better? does she have a humidifier in her room? if i didn't have one going 24/7, i'd have nosebleeds all winter! hope she's feeling better . i use this stuff called "Ayr" to help with the nasal dryness, if that's her problem. can't believe it's snowing at your place. we're going to have sunshine(ish) and temps in the 40s!! super woot! :cheer2: where are you with The Tudors. the end drags a bit. Henry also developes an unusual way of talking. i saw on iTunes yesterday that you can buy the entire HD 4th season for around $4!!

Nancy, how was the game? i haven't heard any scores yet today. you are SUCH a good Doggie Gramma! they ARE going to get the little dude fixed, right? they HAVE to, or mucho probs ahead, living with a female dog, too.

Shar, bummer about the delay, but i guess it turned out well, eh? how long would it take to drive from your place to Utah? sounds like fun is being had, though. maybe you CAN move there one day!

the window guy came a little before 11 yesterday. he was here for five minutes, measured the windows, and left. now i get to wait until the windows are made and then installed. today DD is coming out in a bit for lunch (she requested Reuben sandwiches) and to work on her taxes with Hubby. i'm doing not much of anything. i'm making some baba ghanoush ATM. and for no apparent reason.i made some cauliflower cheese soup earlier. doing some laundry, vacuuming. you know. the usual thrills.

enjoy the weekend. Chris, sit DOWN!! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Hi - it is late afternoon before I got here. Yesterday I went to pick up my DIL so we could go to the Devils game early to get autographed mystery pucks. Amanda was not feeling well but went anyway. The money goes to Cancer charity. Our first 3 pucks were Cory Schneider, Adam Henrique and Martin Havlat. It was awesome. I then got a Steve Bernier and another Martin Havlat. So now I have one and they have one. I was so happy! Then I found out from Amanda that one of her friends that she sits with says there was a VIP package for the 95 Cup Alumni Game, it comes with a meet and greet, 2 Jerseys, 2 reserved seats, and parking pass. It was expensive but I did it anyway. So now everyone has has tickets. Amanda will take her mom, Zach will go with me and my two extras will go to my younger son. I love it when it all comes out well. After the second period my son calls (his wife was sitting in my seat and I had hers) to tell me that she was not feeling well and they were going home. Which I totally understand but they had my car. Well the Devils were winning 3-0 so I am not leaving. Besides Patrick Elias had just scored his 400th goal and I knew he would be first star and to hear him talk. So I txted my DH and he meets me and we ride the train and then walk home. It was a cold crisp night and fun to be with my DH. I may have to tell my DIL that I need to sit in her spot as when I do they win. I mentioned that to my son and he said she was not sitting by him again. Too funny. Tonight they play up in Montreal. I had a 6 month high blood pressure check up and it is good. So that made me happy too! Today I have gotten two pages scrapped. I had gotten in a good walk. The sidewalks are still a mess so walk in the street a lot.

Chris thanks so much for the info on two dogs growing up together. Yes they are getting both dogs fixed. The male will be done soon. Turns out Sidney is a real escape artist. They had her in the pen and had put cardboard so she could not crawl over but she still got out. They both agree that she is learning faster than the male Gizmo. They are starting to call them Bonnie and Clyde. Glad you had a good time with parents. I so hope that Cait was better as day wore on. I agree with Phylis more humidity needed. And I so love reading about how now your DH is learning just how much you do! Also fun seeing my page in the newsletter - thanks

Phylis so glad that the window guy came and it did not take long. You food sounds good!

Shar congrats on asking for favors from the airline. Most of the time I have been delayed it was due to weather so they did nothing. Have fun playing games! I bet Costco was glad you came for a visit!

Have a great day all!


The Loopy-O
Good morning, O-zies!!!
Catzilla is saying hello too.

Of course, the cat in this image is much smaller than Catzilla and there is no one attached to the other end of the mouse, like I am.

Phyllis- I heard about the mall shooting in PA yesterday, that is right near you? Scary stuff.:(

I had another quiet day yesterday. I washed some dishes and put away the silverware. Then I was tired.;)
Cait was babysitting our cousin's son again, and this kid is adorable. He just laughs and laughs! It is nice to see Gary playing with him too- he zooms him around the house and both of them laugh. Brendan was having a blast too. Cait had Nathan down for a "nap" (this kid is perpetual motion) and as soon as Brendan got back from work, Nathan popped right up to play again, nonstop. It is really nice to have that little kid energy in the house. As long as he goes home at the end of the day bwuahahah!!!!

I am really proud of my niece too! She is on a Competition Cheer Team and she posted that her team won Nationals yesterday. She has been cheering since she was 4? 5? maybe. She is a Base and must be strong as hell to catch the flyers.
And my nephew is learning how to ski. My brother and SIL are part of the NJ Special Olympics and last week was Winter Games. They signed Christopher up for lessons while they were involved in the games. They sent me pictures of him on skis, so expect a LO of that someday (hopefully soon).

We are getting ready for more snow and ice tonight and tomorrow.Ugh. Depending on the forecaster it will be between 4-8 and then icing. The icing is the worst.

Hope that you all have a fab day, here is some :tea: for all of you!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- yeah, it is pretty amusing to hear him say how he doesn't know how I do it all. SuperFaery!!

Bad a$$!!!
Cait's nose is better. She used to have a humidifier in her room but then it broke and we haven't gotten her another one. But she was fine all day yesterday. I think she either has Ayr or something similar, but chances are she doesn't think to use it.
I am halfway through the second Season of the Tudors- They just arrested Sir Thomas More. Kings were pretty mad, weren't they?
Hope you had a nice visit with your DD. I have to think about taxes soon too. They are going to be really complicated this year. :ranger:

Nancy- ITA with Phyllis- I hope they fix both dogs, but esp the male. The humping of everything is one reason why I will only have female dogs. Oh, I just read that they will be getting them fixed, good move!
I am sorry that your son needed to take your car home but that is awesome that you got to spend time with your DH. Fantastic news about the good BP check. That is too funny about Sidney learning faster than Gizmo. But of course-- all females are smarter:D

Hope that everyone is having a great day!


Well-Known Member
good morning - I am writing this as I watch one of my favorite old movies The Magnificent Seven. OMgosh Steve McQueen was one handsome man. Got in a good walk yesterday. Got scrapping done. And watched my team lose to the Montreal Canadiens. It was not unexpected as the Canadiens are good. Today more of the same.

Chris glad you had such a nice day. That little boy sounds so cute! So many times there energy makes us feel so much better.

Phylis so to hear about the shooting.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Well-Known Member
yep. that is the same mall where a hundred or so teenagers decided to show up and have a riot a while ago, just for fun. this mall is the one i went to as a kid/teen. at this point in my life, where i live now, it's about 25 miles away. i guess after they ruin that mall, they'll branch out to other suburban malls and ruin those, too. i am disgusted by the whole thing. our society is disintegrating. it's being overrun by crazy, lawless sociopaths. and it's not PC to go after the ones who are making life hell for people who just want to go shopping. i have no idea how to solve any of this. so i guess we all get to stay home and cower while the crazies take over. :rant: <--- me....

Chris, get your lovely DD another humidifier. it made all the difference in the world for me. can't hurt. don't get a "cool mist" one. mine is a Vicks model. steam. under $40 at Target. congrats to your niece! that's quite an accomplishment! geez. i remember when i was a cheerleader, things were a lot easier! now you have to be a dancer and a gymnast! re:The Tudors. i actually sat there and cried my head off when Thomas More was executed! there were several times during that series when i was yelling at my iPad. Henry was a maniac.

Nancy, i haven't seen that movie since it was made! i'll have to look it up again. is Yul Brynner in that one? good news on your BP. do you take meds for that? all your walking must help!

well, no talking to DS and family on SKYPE today. he called and said that his computer had crashed. plus The Peanut is very sick with something. :hurt: so, not much going on. i just got on the treadmill and walked for about 35 minutes while watching a program about sink holes on NOVA. terrifying! i feel so sorry for all these people in Florida whose property is basically worthless. and dangerous! :scared: i think i need a dose of Pride and Prejudice or something else equally fluffy. :becky:

happy day, y'all. we need some new recruits in here. where's Jean? i hope she's not mad at Shar and me for liking the 1950s!
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Yes! Jean come back! I'm so sorry if I offended you! Please forgive me. If anyone has to leave, it's me. I'm the brash newbie!

Phylis, it takes a day and a half to drive between home and DD in Utah. Today is DH's and DGD's birthdays. He is home, but with friends today. I'm thrilled to be here in Utah to celebrate DGDs 15th. DGS age four has a horrible cold, so guessing I will have it by this time next week. if so hope it is short lived and I'm over it before we go to AZ next month.

Love spending time with the kids but looking forward to knitting with Zanna tomorrow when the three older ones are in school and the two younger ones are napping. We went for lunch at a Mongolian grill today, and it was wonderful to see how much better the kids are doing in a restaurant than they have been the last few years. Came home for red velvet birthday cake ( Costco) with cream cheese frosting.

DD, DSIL, and birthday girl went out to do errands and little guys are down for naps. Seven and nine year olds put on "shows" for me. She actually has some singing and dancing talent. He likes to show off bike riding and ball skills. I'm a perfect audience!

Don't know which I need more right now, coffee or a nap.

Oh! And did I mention how GREAT the weather is? We left coats and sweaters home today! LOVE it!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, silly O-zzies! I wasn't at all offended. But I often get here late and brain doesn't quite function for writing. Yesterday was a genealogy meeting, working on my project for the historical society and helping with a class. Then more time on the project. It's the kind where I can't leave it alone. Made some interesting headway today. Don't we have a challenge this month about obsession? If I can find time ...

Got to make dinner now and watch the Grammys. Started watching them again when I fell in love with Lady Gaga. She'll be on again tonight. Laugh all you want, but I'm far from the only geriatric "little monster."

Hope it has been a good weekend for all.