
Daily Ooo's: February 28-March 1: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Woo hooo!! It is*thisclose* to being March! Less than 24 hours for me, and it already is March Down Under!
I always feel like if I can survive Jan and Feb- then "Yes!! I got this!!!" All I need to do is ignore the snow and ice piled up outside.:lalala:

How is everyone today? Hope that you all got to sleep in a bit and are enjoying your cups of coffee or tea. I slept until almost 7 which was lovely. Gary set the coffee pot up for me so all I had to do was turn it on. Makes my morning much easier. Seeing the sun again (ignoring forecasts of snow tomorrow-- more of this ~> :lalala:) also helps a lot.

Anyone have fun plans for today? Aside from having kids, lots of kids here today, I think that I have (yet another) quiet day. But woo hoo! Last day of Tindamax for me!!! Yesterday I was so exhausted from it, but in another day or so, I will feel better. Somewhat. :pound:

QOTD Don't throw anything at me :brick: but what colors did you see with The Dress? I originally saw white and gold, then blue and brown. I read a really neat article on Color Constancy online that explained how the brain interprets color. I'll see if I can find it and share with you.



The Loopy-O
Here is the article, I found it very interesting, but WTH, I do have a degree in Psychology :eyebrows:

Is The Dress blue and black or white and gold? The answer lies in vision psychology

Hi Fran :wave: Nice to see you in here! Yes, the sun is amazing!

Nancy- congrats to your friend on her new grandson! That is very exciting!
I love your commentary and how you dislike squirrels.
Isn't Jagr one of your favorite players? Bummer that he got traded and I hope that you get good draft picks.
Hope that you are enjoying your walks, we are now at 12*, it was -1* when I got up and are supposed to get allllllllllll the way up to 24*

Shar- I totally relate to not dealing with people IRL. Crowds never bothered me all that much, malls, concerts etc, I was all ok with that. Then when I first started getting sick, it became almost unbearable- to loud, too bright, too annoying. I am much happier hanging out with small groups of family and friends here.
Love your story of the little girl being bossy and not listening until you put your foot down. Kids need to know their parameters, for sure. Cait sees that with Nathan, our cousin's little boy whom she babysits. She will use the sweet voice and then Gary or I will be very firm if he is not listening to her. She is getting it though.
Good luck with Lightroom. I have never used it and rarely shoot in RAW or I would try to help.

Trudy- ugh about being up at 4 am. Hope that your nap was refreshing.

Jean- Of course you like the bird migration the best! I have no idea when and where they migrate around here, but I did here a bird chirping the other day that I know I did not here over the winter.

Sending hugs and sunshine to you all!


Well-Known Member
good morning! My Devils lost again but they played very well and tied the game in the 3rd and then lost in OT. I love how they have not given up! Got in a good walk so that is really good. It was so nice out. The sun was shinning and the shy was blue. There must have been over 50 mallards in the River below the weir just sitting in the sun. My son has my car today and he is checking fluids and oil now that the winter is winding down. I am including the page for all of us that are tired of winter. We have in my town this amazing snow artist. Here is Olaf!


Chris hope you have a great day with the all the kids. I doubt it will be quiet but should be interesting. Jagr was a good Devil and he will be in the NHL hall of fame but Patrick Elias is my favorite. He has been a Devil his whole career.

Shar you must have a great grandmother voice. Loved the story. And yes the older I have gotten the more I adore quiet and few people. Even at the hockey games I like it when the games are not sold out. Not good for the team but the lines are less so that is good. LOL

Trudy glad you had a wonderful anniversary and hope you caught up on your sleep!

Jean I too love migration. For my area it is the red wing blackbirds that seem to come back first and call to the females. Then come the warblers. The question always is will the leaves come out before the birds arrive.

QOTD - that dress photo craze is too funny. But it is remarkable that people see it so differently. I only see it as Black and blue. My son sees it white and gold.


Woke up to a GORGEOUS day. It's supposed to get up to the mid 50s today. But the incredible news is that Captain Romance suggested we use the day for a photo hunt! =:O We are going to drive south toward Mt. Rainier. ...won't go that far, but there is a lot of farmland and views of the mountain...maybe some old out-buildings, barns, and rusty farm equipment? What a GUY!

Nancy, love your snowman LO! Not fond of the movie, but this is adorable.

Chris, hope you have a delightful day with the munchkins.

I don't know what that dress thing is about (I'm a social media flunk-out), but the first time I saw it, it was white and gold. The one on your link looks blue and black to me. Maybe it depends upon how much coffee one has consumed??? LOL Or maybe someone is playing with us (Photoshop???)!

Did I mention that there isn't even any wind today? I hope we ALL have a lovely day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely "O"'s A very sunny but very chilly morning here this morning! Yes you heard me right it is down right chilly here. Even some snow on the mountain tops. Really hoping that my tulips did not get hit with frost last night. We knew it was bound to happen, winter is not quite over yet is it!! I was very absent from here yesterday, just a kind of blue day for me, not sure why? Guess I am just missing my kids and grands! Hope to be a bit more active sometime today. DH and I are headed to Costco to stock up on a few things and then he needs some new clothes for work, so a quick stop to Moore's Men's Store and home again. It should be a quick trip.

Chris - Hooray it is the last day of Tindamax for you! Sure hope you feel more alive after this is done! A day with a house filled with teens sounds wonderful! I do miss all that activity and its great that you know where everyone is and what they are doing!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day together!

Nancy - sorry that your Devils lost, but happy for the Bruins and my hubby :becky: Love, Love that page of Olaf! A great talent to be able to do that with snow! Our neighbour in Sask. could do that he was very talented and always mada a new snowman whenever we got fresh snow (which was quite often). Too bad that you did not get a photo of those mallards, or did you? Nice that your son is taking care of your car for you! Hope you get in a nice walk again today!!

Shar - Last day of Photoshop week and I will be done with taping and hope to get in some time to actually watch and learn soon! I have to go to hubby's computer to be here so that my video is not disturbed, it just records what is showing on my screen so it picks up background noise too!! :becky: I am watching bits and pieces and it will be a lot of learning for this old gal!! Hope you are having fun with your new goodies! Love your story of your grandma voice, yes the little ones need to know who is boss!! So wonderful that you were able to help out that single mommy!

Frani - :wave: how nice to see you here! Don't be shy and pop in whenever you can!!

Phylis - Sorry you had to spend so much time in the Dr's office, hope your DH is ok!! Did you ever figure out how come you keep losing your posts?

Jean - Yes the bird migration is so great!! So nice to see some of the birds returning here, although for some reason some of the robins never left this year?? Just like the hummingbirds they seem to be sticking around more now.

Thanks everyone for the Anniversary wishes!! We had a wonderful dinner and night together!
QOTD - I saw Periwinkle Blue and Dark Brown, then when I looked later on the internet it was White and Gold?? So wierd, but fun!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar we posted together AGAIN!! Have fun with your photoshoot!! Your Captain Romance is a great guy!!!


Well-Known Member
I was also unaware of "The Dress" but thanks to the article I find it very interesting. In Psych 101 the part I really liked was on perception. I see the dress as dark gray and blue, so not quite to the black and blue side.

It is beautiful today. Sunny and into the 20s. Also the winter storm watch to start tonight has been cancelled. Expect only 3 to 5 inches of snow. :shocked:
Happy March?

Chris, have fun with the house full today and Tindamax ending. You could have heard a cardinal singing but some birds are showing up like goldfinch for us.

Nancy, nice to see creativity with the snow. Still be happy when it's gone. How nice to see all the mallards on your walk. Maybe the Devils will win today.

Sharon, your CR is sure a super guy! I know you'll have a wonderful time.

Trudy, hope today is better for you. And the cold can't last too much longer (I hope). Hope the tulips are OK.

Have a good one, everybody!


What a fun morning! We actually didn't take many pictures of Mt. Rainier. With mid day light and a CLEAR BLUE SKY!!!! the lighting was not the best. But I'm giving you one shot. Thought you'd like the flowering trees too. I took about 30 pictures, but not at all what I set out to take. I'll do a collage of them in the next day or so.

We stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall tiny town restaurant for lunch...so good.

Trudy, I'm envious that you have the CreativeLive broadcasts recorded. Honestly, my brain feels like toast. There's one more I want to watch this afternoon, then I'm done. My favorite teacher is Dave Cross. Seriously, I sat down with a photo, and felt like I couldn't remember a THING I have "learned" this past week! LOL

DH is out mowing the lawn, then will come in and make mochas. I think I have time to knit a row or two on my scarf.



The Loopy-O
Hello to all of the lOvely O-zies out there! I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Scott and Leah's got off to a rocky start. She got really sick last night and Scott drove her home at 6am. Gary drove her car down and then Scott drove the 2 of them back up here. I know how you sometimes need to be home in your own bed when you don't feel good.

As for me-- Scott woke me up to tell me what they were doing (it was in the back of my very fuzzy brain that I should offer to drive her car down too but it didn't seem to "stick")-- then Kitty/Catzilla would not let me get back to sleep. She had to lay her fat body on top of my head. When I tired to push her off, she laid down, where her butt in my face. I tried to push her off, and she pinned my arm down so I couldn't move.
That cat is too much!

yesterday was nice. Nathan got here while Cait was still in the shower, so I brought him up to her room, and took out the Thomas the Tank engine pieces that he loves. Then we played with "Cow" -- a cow puppet, and a penguin stuffed animal. He loves to build the train track and if anything falls of its a big "Oh noooooo" then "Fix it please!" He had me laughing so much. But-- after an hour of that- I was pooped out.

Today will be a bit busier. It is the beginning of a new month at Oscraps which means: new challenges!!! I have to post mine (Webspiration, I hope that you all play!) and then some LO's for some of the other ones. Then wrap up everything I did for Feb. I really slacked a lot on keeping up with stuff the last 6-7 weeks. I have to get better about that this month for sure.

And of course-- more snow today. 3-6? Who knows at this point, all I do know is that I want it to stop.

My IL's said that they might stop in today, but I guess that also depends on weather. I really hope that they do since I have not seen them since Christmas. They came up on day after my surgery but I was asleep when they got here.

That is it for me. I hope that you all have a wonderful day! Soak up the sun if you have it!!!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- I saw pictures of that snowman on the Star Ledger's website-- how awesome that it is in your town. What a fun page that you made of him too!!!!
Hope that the Devils did ok last night (if they played, I am assuming that they did).

Sharon- :faint2: I so wish I could go somewhere for a photo hunt! When the weather gets nicer I know that I can drag Cait around to do that, but ATM, neither of us want to spend more time outside than we have to.
I love your idea of the dress and coffee link! Could also be dress and wine link, but I wouldn't know that since ya can't drink wine while on Tindamax. :tsk:

Trudy- I hope that your tulips did ok with the frost? When is your last frost date? We are May 15, but usually the plants do ok after May 1. That seems soooo very far away.
I also hope that you are feeling not so blue. As I have said a million times to all of you, I can't imagine my kids and future grands being far away. Sending lots of hugs to you!

My only real experiences with snowmen making is Scott making his version of Calvin and Hobbes ones. :)

Isn't it funny how the dress color can switch like that? I know it is silly that everyone is consumed (at least for the nest 12 hours until the next Thing hits LOL) by it, but I love the psychology/brain part of it.

Shar and Trudy-- you ladies have got to stop meeting like that!!! :pound:

Jean- Yes!! Isn't that topic fascinating??? Scott is in Pysch right now and is in the chapter of Sensation and Perception, something he really, really enjoys. In fact, he is bummed that b/c of snow closings, they are a bit behind, and his Prof said that chapter won't be on the next test. (yeah, my son really said that!!)
I wish I could remember what colors Scott said that he saw- they were a bizarre combo- but he is color blind so I know I wanted to ask him. And now that he told me, I can't remember!
I haven't seen any cardinals recently, blue jays and some little brown birds. I wish I paid more attention b/c all of you birders are fascinating to listen to.

Sharon, I just showed Gary your photo-- we are really jealous of that green stuff. What is it called? Grass???

And I sit, looking out my widow to see the snow is already starting...*sigh*



Well-Known Member
hiya. me, again. i had a few days like Trudy's. kind of "down" for no apparent reason. except the blasted weather, which is p/--/:; snow down on us again. we already have 2-3 and it's supposed to go on all day and night, with some of it turning into delightful freezing rain at some point. MAKE IT STOP!!!! :hurt: honestly, i can't take much more. :faint2:

Chris, are you done with the Tindamax course yet? are the vitamins making a difference? fat chance of soaking up any sun for us today, eh?

Shar, GORGEOUS photo!! i was trying to imagine my Hubby suggesting we go out for a photo shoot....................nope, can't imagine it.

Trudy. tulips??.? kill me now..... i'm right there with you on having a few off days for some reason. currently worrying about DS and fam, who are in a dangerous country full of about 50+% crazy people.

Nancy, that Olaf snowman is awesome!! what a neat page you made! did you hear of the rink roof collapse in MA? tragedy BARELY averted!

Jean, i know you're as tired of this blasted weather as i am. The Weather Gods keep teasing us with a beautiful sunny day here and there. GrRrRRrR!!!

That dress? i saw it as a sort of perrywinkle blue and muddy gold. no idea what that says about me. the explanations i saw were for people who saw white and gold and those who saw blue and black!

no, i haven't figured out why i lose almost every post i do unless i save it and follow the directions to either sign in (again) or refresh the page and sign in. no idea why.

today? i stay at home, entombed in the house with DH. i think the high point will be ironing his dress shirts for work this coming week. for the rest of the time i will probably just wander aimlessly around the house, muttering to myself. :twitch:

see ya. have a GOOD one! :becky:
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The Loopy-O
Hey there Phyllis-- I feel your PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make it stop, someone, please *whimper*


Well-Known Member
good morning - had a really fun last night - the Devils fan club held a view party with dinner at a Ukranian Cultural Center which they catered. So we had great food and lots of it. It was a nice crowd and we watched our team defeat the Columbus Blue Jackets 2-0. The game started at 5pm so we were home by 8:30. The NHL is now nearing the trade dead line so it is interesting to see the teams in the playoffs trading for new players that they think will help them win the Cup. Got in a good walk yesterday. It must be warmer as the deer were out looking for grass. Today I will try to get in a walk before more snow and sleet begin to fall. I really liked seeing the sun. I am mostly tired of before I go out I have to put on boots, and gloves and a hat and sometimes a scarf. Too much!

Chris so sorry that Leah got sick. My son has a nasty cold. Your cat sounds so cute even if the sleep positions are not perfect for you. Hope you get your visit and not much snow!

Phylis I guess all we can say is that it is March and it will get better! I hope your son and his family are with the 50% that are not crazy! We just never stop worrying as parents.

Trudy and Sharon your part of the country is amazingly a head of us in the East. It would be so nice if there was evening out of the temps.

Trudy hope your flowers are ok.

Sharon that is a gorgeous photo! I love going on photo walks!

Have a great day all!


Phylis, I read/saw the article on your FB about McKeesport. Such a sad shame...but for some cleaver people, an incredible opportunity. I hope someone sees the opportunities. In other news, I was so shocked when Dave suggested a photo hunt, I almost fainted! And he told me last night that he had a good time too. He didn't just stay in the car all the while I shot pictures. He got out and walked the 100 yards down the train tracks with me so I could get a better angle, etc.

I hope and pray your kids are safe. I know what you mean. My DS and his wife were in Zimbabwe for a year when they were first married, and they got out "just in time." Then they lived in San Francisco, and DS traveled across the Bay Bridge twice every day before it was repaired. Other dangers lurking to snatch my kids even in the places that seem safe. It never ends...and 12 grandchildren on my plate too, who are growing fast and will probably disperse all over the world! I need scrapbooking, photography, knitting, etc., to keep my mind occupied.

The best part of DH's retirement was when I got to stop ironing 5 dress shirts a week.

I just cannot figure out how to make Lightroom load my pictures so they are usable. I've watched and read DOZENS of tutorials, and it just doesn't turn out the same on my computer as they are describing. I just uninstalled it, and am hoping a reinstall will work so I can at least start from a clean slate again. This time, instead of trying to load all of my thousands of photos at once, I will try doing a folder at a time. This is so frustrating, especially when they all talk about how user-friendly and easy it is. I wish I had someone to come to my computer room and show me the ropes. I'm not usually this dumb about computer programs.

Nancy, sounds like a fun evening.

Chris, love your kitty page. The colors in the challenge are awesome. I'm looking forward to doing that one.

Off to church in a little bit. Another stunning day. sorry guys.....


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Sunday ladies... I actually slept until 8:15 this morning, but on the down side it took me forever to get to sleep last night. Well past 1am ugh!!! But the day is sunny so far and I am trying to keep out of DH's hair as he finishes painting the kitchen wall. We had to replace flooring and baseboards from some water damage. (overwatered some house plants) and so the wall needed retouching also. He will be done in a jiffy as he is an amazing painter and loves to do it! Lucky me, as much as I love to paint on canvas and other things, I can't stand painting walls!! :nono:

Chris - Too bad that the kids night did not go too well. Glad that you are done with the Tindamax thing and that you got to have some fun time with Nathan for a bit! Little ones always brighten the day!! Sorry that you are getting even more snow today!! Tell it to STOP already!!! :rant: enough is enough!!

Sharon - Your photo is lovely, the snow covered Mt. Rainer in the background is just stunning! What a wonderful sunny day it was for us yesterday! Too bad DH and I spent most of it shopping yesterday :mmph: Hope you get Lightroom figured out, I am going to start working on mine later today/tonight and I will let you know how it goes.

Phylis - I feel for you my friend! I can't imagine worrying about my kids being in a dangerous place, bad enough that they are so far away, but at least it is safe where they are (well so far anyway) Sending you lots of gentle :hug: hope that they get to come back closer to you soon!! Funny but you and I saw the same colours on that DRESS!! It must be the artist in us that sees a certain colour of periwinkle rather than blue?? Hope you find something to occupy your mind and keep you from further worrying!!

Nancy - A fun day for you yesterday! The bruins have missed out on some great prospects with the trade! Still waiting for them to do something, anything!!! Tulips are ok from the frost and it was heavy frost last night, but all seems fine! Hummingbirds are starting to increase in numbers at my feeder. The first clematis are out in bloom across the street, where they get much more sun than my side. Spring is in the air, but way too early!!

Well its time to get my butt in gear and get the bed stripped and changed and then laundry and hopefully some power washing on the front deck, it is a really ugly green brown colour. Yuck!!! Have a fabulous Sunday everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It's been snowing since last night, but only lightly and we're up to a whopping 30F. Happy March. We had 10 days in Feb. that went below zero, a new record. Records like that they can keep!

Yesterday we drove around Lake View and saw the Merlin fly off so he's still there and had a Pileated Woodpecker fairly close. They are sure amazing. Today will be laundry, eating at home and maybe watching a movie from the library.

Chris, I love your webspiration photo! Totally heartwarming. Hope Leah felt better soon. Hope you're feeling better now as well.

Phylis, sorry you have the scary thoughts of where the family is now. Can well understand having blue days, especially adding in the blankety-blank weather. One winter long ago I claimed my mind spent the winter in Florida as it sure wasn't with me.

Nancy, how nice your Devil's party sounds - and another win! Hope you got in another good walk.

Sharon, not using any of the programs you're working with I have no clue what it's like learning them, but sure sympathize. DH could hardly believe your tantalizing photo of Mt. Rainier. Sitting with over a foot of snow and tons of icicles, it is nearly unbelievable. But it gives us hope!!!

Trudy, your day sounds a little like mine but with flowers and other spring things. Hope it's a good one.


W O O T ! ! ! ! ! ! :whoo:

Ladies, I just HAVE TO SHARE! I finally figured out Lightroom! Well, you know what I mean...I'm up and running with it. I know it will be a long time before I have it all figured out, but at least I got it to the place where I can work with it. I'm SO HAPPY! I've been DREAMING of this issue (not good dreams) for 3 nights. And I think I'm going to love it, just like you said, Trudy! I was making it way more complicated than it really is. Of course, it is Pilot Error :plane: most of the time, isn't it.

Update on our weather. The sun is gone. It is gray and gloomy, but I'm still rejoicing...over Lightroom AND that we don't have snow, and that our temperatures are in the 40s and 50s.

Was it a coincidence that I got this figured out while drinking my afternoon mocha. I don't THINK so!

Well, now. Look at THAT! I also figured out where the smilies have been hiding! I'm on a roll!:rofl:



I love the "O"
I have followed a course lightroom in September ! Fantastic program :clap2: