
Daily Ooo's: February 22-23, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I am here!!! I was going to check in but then Cait came down and we had a really nice convo/chat session. I love that girl of mine!!!

How is everyone today? It is going to be warm-ish and sunny here. I hope that it evaporates the snow quickly. Not so sure I want it to melt, just to disappear into the air. I am feeling better and more rested today too. It was a long day yesterday. I had a cleaning client, then more insurance issues. Scott was supposed to drive down to get his GF but it was so foggy and t-storms that I drove down to get her. It was less stress for me to drive in that then for me to worry for 2 hours if he was ok ;)

Today my dad, my brother and my adorable nephew are coming up to visit. Somehow I need to get my house tidied up a bit and then maybe somehow find time to scrap?

If nothing else, I *have* to leave love in the Gallery-- so many gorgeous pieces of art are in there.

Quick question for you all-- I know that some of you crochet, right? I have been wanting to get back into that and now that I need PICC covers, I thought it might be fun to crochet some in some fun colors. Any tips on how to do that?I guess just a simple rectangle then sew the ends to make a tube? I am so not good with any of that LOL

Love and hugs and more coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Blabbering about yesterday:

Laurie- how is the basement today? Still have my fingers crossed for you that it stays dry. Don't you love what a fresh cut and color can do? Can't wait for mine tomorrow!
Cait wants to go together to get our nails done pre-surgery, and I think it will be an awesome thing-- mani/pedis will probably perk me up as well.

Well, P, if you are a Space Cadet, I will be able to understand and communicate perfectly with you :alien: Hoping that yesterday and today were/are much better! Did you know that Gary is Type 1 diabetic too? We have literally run the gamut of all types of diseases LOL ITA- no mind over matter/think positively for a lot of that. But when we all have a good attitude it makes life much smoother. Its just seems kind of rare hahaha!!
I told my kids yesterday morning that I was going to be a "Bad Mom" and not worry about their meds-- I just could NOT deal- so we took the morning off, they took their regular dinners meds and then Monday we will start the new regimen.

Sara- that is crazy about your weather! We had some thunder and lightening that scared me about to death yesterday!
PS: Totally LOVE that you are hanging here-- does this mean I need to read the O-Blog every day?? ;) I really should, you all make such great posts there.

Nancy- what a hockey day for you yesterday :( (sorry Trudy, I know you must be thrilled!)
Good for you for speaking up to the town. I hope those people get their walks shoveled today.

Trudy- got all of those good vibes and I am sending them back to you :love:~~~~~
I loved the graphic that you posted on FB about Call back later, the country is watching hockey- that made me laugh!

Sara- sooo cool to see Jeff Corwin! Wish you could take me too! I am a science geek as you know.
I gave Scott a good plug to you and your fellow librarians yesterday. He was saying how he has been having some awesome convo's with the school librarian. He has 8th period study so if he doesn't have anything to work on, he chats with the librarian. I told him that librarians are awesome :)
Thank you so much for the compliments about my kids-- don't get me wrong, they are slobs and can be lazy and argumentative and all the rest that teens can be, but wow, they just amaze me too-- I even told Cait this morning how I am only one part of the picture- they the two of them complete all of it. She offered to give me her ticket to a concert of two of our favorite bands that she is going to next week. And she meant it. She wanted me to have something fun to look fwd too. She is so cool.
Good luck to Ben tonight and have a "wild and craaaaazy" time!



Well-Known Member
good morning a quick check in as it is in between periods of the bronze medal game between the USA and Finland. So far 0-0 LOL. USA men lost to Canada. A fast and close game. Yesterday was so spooky with all the fog and then rain and thunder. But today is sunny and I will be out as soon as the game is over. Too nice not to be outside. It is supposed to be cold next week. Maybe even snow on Wed. LOL But at least a lot of the old snow will be gone. Was fun watching Mikaela Schiffrin win as she is only 18.

Have a good day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... quick pop in here for me too as I am also watching the hockey and other Olympic sports too. Guess what everyone??? It is :smow: here today and lots of it!! We are getting winter very late this year and it will be white here all weekend. Oh well winter is not quite over yet. Yesterday it was sunny and warm and today it is a winter wonderland WTH?? So after the hockey game is over we are quickly hitting the grocery store before we get so much snow that we can't make it back up our darn steep hill. Wish me luck!! Personals later on!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Woo-hoo. Hi friends!

Everyone is watching the Olympics and I'm so bad, I've watched one pairs skating routine and that's it!! Nothing else! I love figure skating, but I also have been busy and tired. And I think figure skating is severely rigged. But it's still pretty to watch.

We got the Corwin tickets. Yay. The line was longer than we anticipated, but we were fine getting them. And it moved fairly quickly. Which was good because it was COLD. It is sunny and bright and beautiful and then there is an arctic wind going on. I'm so ready for spring.

Ok. I'm going to go get some scrapping done maybe. We have a bunch of errands to run later in the afternoon, but I have maybe an hour to kill. :) Yay!


Well-Known Member
Pardon me for just muscling my way into the conversation but I've lurked on this thread for a while and thought I should finally just jump on in. ;) (I just loved how warm and chatty it is - kind of like sitting around at table with friends, visiting over something yummy to eat and drink). Hope that is okay. :)

I introduced myself a long time ago in the forum but I wasn't so active so a brief recap of me is: I'm a wife & mom living in Asia, a homeschooler but editor on the side, a traveler, a chili pepper aficionado, and someone who wants to scrap like the O girls here do when I grow up. :)

As for my weekend, we have a new puppy (7wks) - need I say more? It's like having a new baby with all the supplies and feeding and cleaning up and stinky stuff and comforting and sleepless nights (potty breaks at 3 am- UGH!) ...but just a more hairy, stinky baby! ;) lol! ooooh, and one with very, very sharp teeth.

Other than that, it's cool (to me) and a bit windy which helps the laundry to dry on the line better (all the clothes & towels that have been puppified) so that is good. Oh, and DD's friends are over so it's definitely not a quiet weekend.
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The Loopy-O
Pardon me for just muscling my way into the conversation but I've lurked on this thread for a while and thought I should finally just jump on in. :wink: (I just loved how warm and chatty it is - kind of like sitting around at table with friends, visiting over something yummy to eat and drink). Hope that is okay. :smile:

We are all so happy to have you join us!! That is exactly the feeling that we are hoping for-- just a bunch of friends catching up over a cuppa!!!


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday everyone!
I had a busy day yesterday, and I never did get time to scrap or even get into the gallery. I cleaned my house a bit/dishes/laundry/mopped/etc and then my brother, dad and that cute godson of mine came up for dinner. :pizza: and :partywine

I got so many hugs and snuggles from Christopher in between him running off to pet the dog and cats. :)
I probably won't get much done today either since I am getting my hair done at 12 which chops my day up too. And I have to get ready for my big stock up on food shopping list for tomorrow. ugh, y'all know how much I *adore* that. :fear:

The hospital called me for me for my pre-op interview which was fun. Really... i mean that literally- the nurse and I were having a fun time just joking about stuff. :) But I have to say I am a bit jealous of Gary. They have this cool system where on my admission, he will get a ticket with my number on it. As I move through the "stations," he'll get to follow my progress on a screen. So he will know exactly when I get out of pre-op, then surgery and into recovery then recovery #2. Maybe all hospitals do that now, but I never got to see that when I waited for Gary's multiple surgeries. It seems like it will make the waiting much easier.

Off for a bit more :tea: anyone else need a refill?


The Loopy-O
ahhh, I am back with my coffee.... ready to catch up on all of you.
BTW- Tropt-- there is absolultey no need/requirement to do "personals." Some of us do, some of us don't-- it is all good, even if you just post one line saying Hi.This is a "No Pressure Thread" and stress is not allowed. Venting is fine, however, whenever you need to do that!

Nancy- how are you this morning? I saw the headline that the US lost the bronze game:(
Did you get outside at all? I tried to chop through some of the ice on my patio but it seems like a losing battle.I really hope that they are wrong, b/c I saw a forecast of another 3-6" on Wed!! Just please Sadistic Weather Gods, no snow on the 3rd!! *throws pizza crusts at them as an offering* :pound:

Trudy- how much snow did you get? Hope not too much and that you didn't have any trouble getting back home.

Sara, i haven't watched any of the Olympics either. Congrats on the Corwin tix!!

Tropt- you are an awesome scrapper! Congrats on the puppy. My kids want a puppy in the worst way, and so does DH. But you know who always gets the majority of that work, right?? Mom! Please share lots of pics of him/her so I can get my puppy-loving in without having to wake up at 3 am!
How old is your DD? Hope you survived the friends.:)


Well-Known Member
hiya. bad me. i missed yesterday. i seem to have acquired a coughing fit that's lasted for a few days and it's made my usually sunny mood (snort...) a bit messy. so i mooned around, coughed and blew my nose for most of the day.

tropt, SOoOOooo GLAD to see you here. the conversation is open to everyone. it IS like a bunch of friends getting together for a chat every morning. so, welcome. jump right in. i love how you wrote about your new puppy. it made me laugh because it's so true. they are just like babies!! the nice thing about them is that they keep their open, baby-like attitude all through life.

Chris, only you could have fun during your pre-op. you just make me smile, kiddo. re: the screen thing. when i went in for an outpatient thing last year, they had one of those things in the waiting room. it does make it nice for those who are waiting. i think i knew Gary was diabetic, but i forgot he was Type 1. it's a long, hard, screw-around-with-your-head road. as you all know.

Nancy. Hockey Hell. gaaah! what HAPPENED to the USA guys? i could only listen to it on the radio, and i actually just turned off the Finland game after it was 4-0.

Trudy, it's about TIME you're getting winter!!! we seem to be thawing out for a few days. i can actually see some of our brown grass. how'd you make out at the grocery store? around here, where winter lasts for about 5 months, everyone STILL panics when there's snow in the forecast and rushes to the grocery store. which makes shopping even more annoying than it usually is! how much snow are you supposed to get?

going to the first BD Party for my niece's triplets this afternoon. she's the one with FIVE BOYS under 7. makes me nuts just thinking about it. her husband is the basketball coach at a small college around here, so i guess now he has his own Home Team. at home. yikes.

well, off to cough a bit more and do some ironing. have a lovely Sunday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning!!

Welcome Tropt! Remind me what your real name is? I'm so bad with names. I have 375 4th and 5th graders and I always tell them that by the end of 5th grade I will know their name! LOL

My son wants a puppy so badly. I am really allergic. Even so-called hypoallergenic ones have been a problem for me. BUT...I think we found one. A Wheaten Terrier. No shedding...doesn't seem to make me sneeze.... He would LOVE to have one. We have to repair our fence and wait until it gets warmer. Then we might see. I have to prepare myself for all that stuff you are talking about. :) Don't know if I'm ready yet or not!

Chris - I actually like weekly stock up shopping. But, I am usually a go at 8 a.m. on a Sunday kinda person, so it's usually not that bad. The only things I don't like are first of all, getting out of my pajamas and physically going, and that sometimes they are sold out of stuff on Sunday mornings.

Ben had his first sleepover last night. I'm so interested to see how it all went. They are early to bed and early to rise people and we are not. :) But he stayed the whole night, so that's good. We ran a bunch of errands and talked and laughed. We went to dinner at the cheesecake factory and talked and laughed. Watched a couple of Jimmy Fallon's from this week and laughed....it was a lovely night. Dinner with the rest of the family tonight (the sleepover was with my SIL and her two kids). And prepping for a very busy weekend next weekend. I'll have to show you guys my baby shower stuff. I think it's cute. :)

Trudy - So winter finally hit for you. Would you like more of it? I can send some cold your way!

Nancy - What are you going to do when the Olympics are over? You're going to go through withdrawal! LOL


Well-Known Member
Hi Phylis!!!!

That birthday party sounds insane. I don't think that I could handle a party like that. I get crazy with my in-laws bunch. There are 8 kids total now from age 9 on down. It gets bonkers. :)


Well-Known Member
good morning I am up watching the final the gold medal hockey game between Canada and Sweden. This is Canada's game and they if they continue to play as they are they really deserve this gold medal. They are an awesome team. As for the USA it is hard to put into words what they did or mostly did not do. If these were a bunch of kids who lost then maybe in the next game they did not play well it could be understood. But these are all grown men who play professional and to not show up for the bronze medal game is pretty disturbing. OMgosh to lose to a better team like Canada should not be that deflating. As the captain of the team Zach Parise said it was embarrassing. So I am pulling for Canada today.

Chris so glad you had fun with your godson! Hugs are always good. Yes I did get out for a walk and I must say that whether is was do to melting or my phone call to the town the sidewalks I most complained about were pretty much down to the bare sidewalk. It was windy but still no hat or gloves so that was nice. One more day and then back to winter. So I guess this was our delayed January thaw. I have not yet heard how much snow is coming. LOL

Sara hope you got some scrapping done!

Trudy what time do you watch hockey it starts for me at 7am so that would be 4 am for you right.

Tropt welcome. Hope all those girls had a good time. I have sons so when I am around young ladies I am always surprised how high pitched their voices are. LOL thanks for all the nice comments you have left on my pages! looked at your gallery and your pages are wonderful

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
But these are all grown men who play professional and to not show up for the bronze medal game is pretty disturbing.
Nancy, i just said something almost exactly like this to my husband. i said it was the "professionals" thinking that the bronze wasn't worth working for. that would NEVER happen with a bunch of college players at the Olympics. i pretty much wish we could NOT have pros in Bball and Hockey at the Games


Well-Known Member
Awwww..thanks everyone for the super warm welcome! ::grouphug I'm sorry I posted and then dropped off the end of the earth (I have a habit of doing that at times). Zoey (the pup) had a cranky day (very nippy & chewing, chewing, chewing - just being a pup or landshark! lol!) and so I was being mom to everyone and trying to make sure the kids didn't eat themselves into sugar oblivion when I wasn't looking while evading a set of little needlelike teeth (the pup, not the kids..although......). lol!

Chris - So good to hang out with you again. I just love your energy (even though you may not feel energetic right now) and positive. Just gives me a boost (and, of course, I love to read what you write because you make me laugh). Sending you hugs, happy thoughts and prayers during these pre-op days. :)

Phyllis - Oh, hope you're feeling better but you know...it truly, absolutely sounds like you are too too sick to do any ironing - not even a bit. ;) so I hope you just rested and didn't wear yourself out with unnecessarily exhausting things like ironing and laundry and cooking, etc. ({whispering} sometimes that reasoning works around my house and I can sneak in some more scrap time so feel free to borrow my lines. heeheehee )

Awwww..thanks everyone for the super warm welcome! ::grouphug I'm sorry I posted and then dropped off the end of the earth (I have a habit of doing that at times). Zoey (the pup) had a cranky day (very nippy & chewing, chewing, chewing - just being a pup or landshark! lol!) and so I was being mom to everyone and trying to make sure the kids didn't eat themselves into sugar oblivion when I wasn't looking while evading a set of little needlelike teeth (the pup, not the kids..although......). lol!

Chris - So good to hang out with you again. I just love your energy (even though you may not feel energetic right now) and positive. Just gives me a boost (and, of course, I love to read what you write because you make me laugh). Sending you hugs, happy thoughts and prayers during these pre-op days. :)

Phyllis - Oh, hope you're feeling better but you know...it truly, absolutely sounds like you are too too sick to do any ironing - not even a bit. ;) so I hope you just rested and didn't wear yourself out with unnecessarily exhausting things like ironing and laundry and cooking, etc. ({whispering} sometimes that reasoning works around my house and I can sneak in some more scrap time so feel free to borrow my lines. heeheehee )

Sara - Yes, I've heard that wheaten's are good re: allergies. We can't tolerate cats but dogs are okay in terms of allergies. Long-haired dogs cause more symptoms (even though I know it's the dander and saliva, not really the length of the coat, but somehow it makes a difference in terms of our reactions). Have you tried Allerg-D? You spray it on the coat and it's supposed to help with the dander. I think you can get it at Amazon. As for my name, my friends call me "T". :)

Nancy: I've been so out of the loop that not only did I not hear about the hockey broohaha (such a fun word, don't you think?!) but I didn't realize the Olympics were even OVER until now! :der:
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