
Daily Ooo's: February 21-22: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning my lOvelies! How is everyone today?

Can't stop myself from complaining -- cold cold cold. And more f-ing snow (feel free to insert whatever f word you choose-- even "flowing" could work, although not to the same effect as the one running in my brain. :censored: )

More medical chaos and confusion here yesterday. I ended up buying an IV pole from amazon. The 1000ml bags are correct and they can't be mixed with my meds so I can't run the two things at the same time. The pole I have been using is an old mic stand and that locks me into one place. This one has wheels so at least I can roll it around. I could probably even get some dinner stuff ready as long as I am careful to not tangle the tubing up hahaha!!!!

Not much here again. I am reading a book that I got free online from Bookbub a while ago. Sasha McCandless Legal Investigations or something like that. It is keeping me interested so that is good.

Does anyone know how to pronounce McCandless? I am saying in my head Mc Cand-less. Is that right?

I am also starting to watch The Borgias on Netflix. 15th century Rome/Vatican now. We'll see how that goes.

Hope that you all have a fab weekend!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning to you all... wherever you are?? Sorry to hear that your forecast is not very good again today Chris! I can imagine that I would be doing lots and lots of cursing if that was the weather for my area too!
I will just keep my mouth shut as for what kind of day we are having today. I don't want to see any of you giving me one of these!!

We are heading to Naniamo today with the In-Laws to take DH's Uncle out for lunch. He has been diagnosed with Shy-Drager's syndrome. He is in his 80's and is just the sweetest man in the world!! His wife and son had to bring him back from their winter getaway place in California as he was getting pretty bad and then his wife had to fly back there to go and close up the house, so he had to go to a respite home for a while. Anyway... we should have a nice visit with him and get him out of there for a bit. Later on we are having our high school friends Doug and Gerrie join us for Dinner here at our house. We haven't gotten together for quite some time so there will be lots of catching up to do, it should be a good visit!!

Ok gotta go and get something for breakfast and get the house tidy before we head out. Hope everyone here has a fabulous weekend!! Stay warm and cozy Chris with your new book! :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is cold but not frigid and today we are getting somewhere between 1 and 3 inches which should then turn to rain. Not liking that at all! I have a game tonight so I will be out in the mess! Hopefully my son will drive. Last night I was out in the cold as the Devils played the Canucks. It was cold but I took hand warmers and that helped a lot. Zach did not go as he was sick. I was by myself so I took a lot of photos. The Devils had a great game won 4-2. So wow I now have a 2 game winning streak! Tonight they play the Hurricanes and we have a chance to win this game. But as much fun will be coming home and watching the outdoor game between the Kings and Sharks.

Yesterday I got my hair cut and colored and so happy when that is done. After that I could not keep warm. Wet hair always makes me cold.

Chris hang in there. It will get warmer. Glad you got your new iv holder. 1000 mls is a lot of fluid. Just a curious do you then have to go to the bathroom more often. Sorry Cait had such a bad day! Hope she is better now.

Trudy you do not have apologize for your weather. Enjoy! Hope you have a great time with all your visiting!

Ladies have a great day!


Lazy Saturday for me. We had a wonderful time last night. Paula fixed a coleslaw that I actually LIKED A LOT (normally hate coleslaw), and a "skinny" chicken pot pie that was to die for. I asked her for the recipes and await them with eager anticipation. Dave has always loved both those dishes, but me, not so much. It is wonderful to find recipes for them that we both like. Also, as to Dibs, the kitty, I have decided that she found a home where she was allowed indoors, and decided to move. She is probably on her way to becoming a fat lazy cat. I can live with that. Far better than the coyote scenario. =:O

LOVING my iPhone Academy videos. It is hard to limit the number I watch, but I don't want to go through them so quickly I don't retain the information. I'm glad it is a Forever Access course.

Trudy, I looked up that disease. It sounds HORRIBLE. Poor man. How wonderful of you to spend time with him. He must be feeling so helpless. I'm glad he has a sweetness about him. I'm sure those kind of people cope with that sort of thing better than most of us would.

Hope you have a wonderful time with your HS friends. So great to have HS friends in your life when you have reached grandparent age. I have just one from those days (actually since 3rd grade). We don't get together often enough.

Speaking of "coping...." CHRIS! How nice that you got the proper kind of IV pole! Sometimes it is a "small" thing that can make all the difference. DH and I have always felt like the right tool for the job is important.

When I read your author's name, that's how I said it in my head.

Nancy, I love Hair Day too. I wear my hair short and it grows so fast I have to get it cut every 5 weeks. But the last time, she cut it so short, I'm going to push it out to 7 weeks this time! LOL I stopped having my hair colored (a year ago?), so it is a much shorter and WAY less expensive day for me now. Have a fun Hockey Night.

Is anyone signing up/committing to this: https://www.creativelive.com/conferences/photoshop-week-2015
It's free if you watch in real time, but you can buy individual sessions or the whole thing (I'm not doin' THAT!). I signed up, but don't know how many I'll get to watch. I rebel at being on any schedule these days except getting to my plane on time, or showing up for my tee time!



Well-Known Member
just a quick fly-by. i am feeling uncommunicative. 4-7" going on now, plus an ice storm later. :faint2: I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!!!!! :rant:

Chris, it's Mc KAND less. the township right next to mine is named McCandless.

:becky: <<<--- phony smile.


Well-Known Member
We warmed up almost to freezing but it is snowing and snowing. Had the computer genealogy meeting across town this morning and I'm glad DH came & did the driving. I couldn't see his white knuckles going as he had his gloves on. Even the freeways were snow covered. We did have people there and the speaker who had to cover about the same trip we did. Fun time (we run 9:30 to 2:00.) But couldn't this weather STOP?

Chris, I'm sorry the 1000ml was right, but at least you'll have a mobile pole. And Phylis has McCandless as I know it too. Hope you can just hang out with the Linus blanket today.

Trudy! Sorry you feel you can't tell about your weather. Let us know so we can remember the world outside our cold and snow. Hope your gentleman enjoys the outing. Still having HS friends must be nice. Have fun.

Nancy, good luck on another Devil's win! Be careful out in the snow.

Sharon, I have to say I actually thought of the alternate story for the cat as it is a real possibility. Can you share the pot pie recipe when you get it? Like the sounds of your "classes" and must be fun.

Phylis (if you fly by again) hope you can keep a grip while they continue to throw this weather at us over and over. I wasn't expecting so much snow today and now the forecast low for tomorrow is -10! Yikes.

Happy weekend (to those not in hibernation!)


aaaccckkk! Jean! Driving in that kind of weather. Your genealogy is more of a passion than I have for anything (with the exception of a few people in my life!).

Yes. I will be happy to share the recipes when I get them. So far, nothing today.


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday to all of you! (And Monday to all of my Aussie friends).
Snow, snow snow... Thankfully, it stayed to about 4" I think, and I don't know about icing. It is still well below freezing so hopefully we didn't get the sleet, freezing rain other part of the state were getting.
Another reason to dislike gov't- my township is over-budget for snow removal this winter. They are proposing to not start plowing until the snow reaches 4". Right now they start plowing at 2 1/2". This would mean they wouldn't start plowing the main roads until 4", and God only knows when they would get around to lesser main roads, and really who knows when they would get to side streets, lake community single lane roads. it is not like most of us live near highways and the main roads in town are mountain roads as it is. Makes no sense, and the second that the accidents start piling up or school buses get stuck (it has happened before), everyone is going to be going nuts.

To add to my "joy" of watching snow fall yesterday, I started working on income taxes. Always a load of fun, almost eclipsed by paying bills. Trying to make heads or tails out of some of the Tax forms is enough to make you drink! Actually-- I did, I had two nice big glasses of pinot while watching TV and dripping electrolytes. Too bad I couldn't mix the wine in the IV bag, then I wouldn't have to stick my arm out of my Linus Blanket to pick up the wine glass.:pound:
The good news is that the Ringer's seem to be helping- I am not shaking much at all this morning.

I got through most of the personal income section-- which is the easy part. Once I start working on Medical deductions, *that* is when the poop hits the fan. You will hear me cursing a blue streak to Mars. The worst part is that none of it matters. We don't pay Income Tax, so we won't get anything back. The medical deductions will offset any of our non-taxed income, but we have such small amounts of that we don't fall into the Pay More Tax Bracket.
(So no one thinks that we don't pay any taxes-- we pay $8000 a year in property tax and sales tax here is 7%, so we do contribute to our lovely state.)

Today will be another same old same old. I tried to watch the Borgias and that didn't work out, the acting seemed bad and I guess I didn't want to watch more about Vatican corruption. Then I went a different route and tried Once Upon a Time (fantasy/fairy tale) and that was ridiculous. Now I am on to The Killing, which reminds me of Broadchurch so far (only two episodes in).
I hope to scrap for some of the upcoming March Challenges too.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
Trudy!! hahahah!! I would never
to you! I might beg you to please adopt me, but that would be it. :hail:
OMG I just looked up that syndrome that your Gary's uncle has. It is similar to the autonomic neuropathy that I am experiencing but mine will get better. I can't imagine at all how it would be to have that as a degenerative condition. Just horrible :(
Hope that you had a nice visit with him and with your HS friends.

Nancy- did you end up getting rain or did it stay snowy by you. When I went to bed, I had heard that the cold was staying south of me too. Did the Devils make it to a 3-game streak?
As to your question- yes, the iV's do make me need to pee. The Ringer's are b/c of the sheer amount of fluid, and the abx makes me thirsty and I have to drink more water. The new IV pole will be a help for that. I should have it on Tuesday.
How sad that a new IV pole makes me this happy?:peace:

hehe!! I just read Sharon's post-- yes, the right tool for the job.

Shar- you have to share the cole slaw recipe- I love home made cole slaw, but my recipe is very simple. Shredded cabbage, mayo, a bit of white vinegar, a bit of milk and a sprinkle of sugar.
Good to hear about Dibs too.
That is really great about the Academy videos. I hope that you get lots of info out of them, as it seems to be already.
My BFF is from back when we were in Elem school- known each other since we were in Kdg. We have had our ups and downs and break-ups, but she is my sister and we always get through it.

BTW- I love your new avi!

Phyllis-- sing it, sister! So done with this weather. I hope that today you will get some sun. (what is that, you ask??)
Funny that McCandless is a town near you- the story takes place in Pittsburgh. Hope today is a better one for you. hugs!

Jean- so glad that your hubby did the driving and you made it through ok. See my snowy roads rant up there^^.
I hope that it stops snowing by you too! It has to end, at some point right??
Spring is a month away, it really has to end......

::grouphug and :tea:


Well-Known Member
good morning - yea my Devils won again! That is three in a row. Of course now my son is thinking they will make the play offs and I laugh. Yes my team is beating the teams that are worse than they are but they still have to defeat the teams that are higher in the standings. So far they have not done that enough. But I am enjoying the winning! Most times I am reluctant to blame the coach for the problems but this time I am seeing a real difference. My new co coaches have put players in different roles and have actually sat players who are not producing. It is interesting to see this change in the players. It was also good as my son did all the driving. It was snowy on the way in and rain on the way home. Everyone was driving slow and carefully. We also had friends at the game so we talked to them during the intermissions. It was so good to see them. Came home and my husband had shoveled so that was awesome! Today is just a do nothing day. Scrapping and watching hockey as it is hockey day in American. NBC is during their hockey broadcast at noon is also going to be talking to the team from the 80s Olympics Miracle on Ice team. It is the 35 anniversary. It is still amazing to me it has been that long. I watched several of the team play college hockey.

Chris that is crazy about the city and not plowing. I would think that would leave the city wide open to law suits if accidents occur. Enjoy your reading and scrapping time. Hope you get your taxes done with not too much more trouble.

Shar glad you had such fun and found food you both love!

Phylis so sorry the snow gremlins are getting you down! Keep watching Outlander. Jaime should brighten your day!

Jean your genealogy studies sound so fun. Glad your had your husband to drive.

Trudy hope you had a great time with all your visits!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning feeling really good and well rested. The down side was realizing it was unusual these days. It is still warm(ish) and the house so much more comfortable. No new snow for now but temps will fall tonight. Anyone else watching Oscars tonight? I don't see the movies when new, so I learn about them from the show. Plus, Lady Gaga is performing. ;)

Nancy, hurray for the Devils! It is amazing how a few wins can bring such hopes. Today's paper has a section on spring training, and every day now has baseball news, so that will keep me looking forward to the season. Glad you also had someone else to drive.

Chris, good luck with the plowing. It sounds terrible. Our driveway is supposed to be plowed whenever it snows 2" so having them wait for 4 to do the roads sounds preposterous. OTOH, if they don't have the money, what can they do? I haven't started on our taxes and always dread it even though I do it on the computer. I'm enjoying envisioning you under your Linus blanket and hope you get to spend plenty of time that way today.

Happy Sunday, all!


Afternoon, all. Here's the Coleslaw recipe:

1/4 sugar or I mix it up with Stevia in the Raw
1/8 cup or less of sesame oil
equal parts of rice wine vinegar and apple cider vinegar
equal parts of mayo and plain greek yogurt (we buy the Costco regular two pack)
salt and pepper to taste. Add more sweetness if desired.

I assemble the salad an hour or an hour and a half before we will be eating it to keep it crunchy but allowing time so it's marinated through. I dump the shredded cabbage into a bowl, ( which I buy either at Trader Joe's for a small gathering or for a large gathering we purchase it at Costco. They have a big bag of shredded cabbage with shredded carrots and red cabbage that you can mix in). Add the dressing, adjust seasonings to taste. I then let it marinate for 30 minutes to an hour. About 15 minutes before serving I add in a bit more cabbage for crunch mix it all together.

Church ran longer than usual today. Yesterday DH spent a good portion of the day raking up the dead moss he killed last week, so he's probably going to fall asleep in front of golf...not before fixing our afternoon mochas, I hope! =:O

Still hoping Paula will send me the pot pie recipe, which I will post when I get it.

We've got sun today, so I'd kind of like to get out and take some pictures using my new skills, but on the other hand, I'm feeling a bit sleepy too (woke up too early again). I used phone apps to make a really cool picture (see my FB page if interested: https://www.facebook.com/shar.lamb.9). It is a row of houses that reminded me of the Painted Ladies in San Francisco. But mine are new, so I grunged them up a bit (aged them?), and love the result. Weird thing is, I took the photo through a chain link fence! LOL

Nancy, congrats on another win! WOOT!

Chris...not envying you the paper work. I'm so grateful that Dave took all that over many years ago, and a few years back, when we had complications due to several factors, he turned the income tax over to a Tax Dude.

I'd say "have a good day," but for most of you, it's almost tomorrow!
Sleep well!