
Daily Ooo's: February 15-16, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hmmm, we are halfway through February and I am not sure if that feels like it is going fast or slow. I think it feels slow, especially since this is the Never Ending Winter. Guess what is happening here today?


Yup, another 3-6"

Yesterday snow shoveling was worse than the day before even though we got less of it. There was an inch of ice underneath. There have been a lot of heat packs being microwaved.

I drove Scott down to his GF's since we weren;t sure how the roads out of town were going to be. Her town was about 4* warmer than us and there was so much snow melt and flooding that I am glad that I did. And talk about hard to see around corners! The snow piles are crazy. Now I know why people in upstate NY all drive pick ups that are 2 feet off the ground. That might be a stereotype, but it works ATM LOL

I really want to get my house cleaned before I am not able to but wow, my body is telling me no way!!! Especially if I am doing more shoveling again.

Hope that you are all having a wonderful day! Send sunshine and warmth please!!!!



The Loopy-O
Aww, Nancy, that is so sweet to bake for YMG!
Boo to your son! As I said to Cait yesterday- Boys are stupid. (Feel free to quote me on that hahah!!!)
Are you in Hockey Heaven still?

Phyllis- that sounds so hard to bake and not be able to eat it., Hope you have a safe trip down to see the grands! How is the new G-DD doing?

Trudy- I have always been the same way about Valentine's Day. Gary shouted to me from the LR- Happy Val. Day! I shouted it back. Then he said. Cool, Now we are done. But the bad part is that I guess it rubbed off on my kids and their SO's don't feel the same. Both were stressing about what to do about it.I kept trying to reinforce that whatever they do/make, as long as it comes from the heart it's all good. Scott must have made the most unlikely V Day Gift ever. he wants chickens and she wants a pet goat. They both love eggs. He drew her a picture of a chicken and a goat both dreaming of eggs!!! I thought it was perfect, but I am not too sure about how the GF is going to react!

Hee hee! I see that Trudy's son is the same way about birthdays and needs the sister to remind him . Yup, boys are stupid.

Fingers are crossed for Heather's party today!! Hope she does great!

Jean- aww, what a good hubby you have! Good luck at your mtg today!
Thank you for the little bit of hope that this winter will end. Bird chirps are a good sign!

Sara- hope that you had a good day. Ben is feeling better?

Love to all!


Well-Known Member
well. so much for driving to see the GrandPeople today. it's snowing a little here, but the snow that Chris is going to get is also going to park itself right over our driving route. 3-5"' plus fog in some places. ain't driving in THAT. so, we're going to try to go tomorrow. let's see what the Sadistic Weather Gods have cooked up to try to foil The Weather Bitch tomorrow!!! :rant:

i'll be back later. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Oh ladies - I feel so bad for you. I don't want to complain that our 50 degree day was ripped from us and we will be luck to even see 25 today. I am not sure how it happened. Something from those Sadistic Weather Gods Phylis mentioned.

Thanks for thinking of Ben. He really is fine now. Just a smidge of cough and stuffiness now.

We went to the dentist yesterday. He had a really sensitive gag reflex, like his dad. So the dentist has always been a bit difficult. We've almost had to stop going to the family one and go to a pediatrician because the family guy can't get x-rays at all. Well, yesterday she wasn't even trying for x-rays, didn't even have the mirror in his mouth and he gagged and puked all over. :-( Poor guy was so embarrassed. He was crying after she brought him back out. I wished they had stopped talking about it too. I think they forget that everyone in the waiting room can hear everything that happens in the exam room. So, now it's time to decide on a pediatric dentist. Everyone has a different favorite and there are so many pros and cons. And now Ben is nervous about going again, so I don't want to pick one that doesn't go well...I hate decisions like this.

Anyway - low key Valentine's Day here. I really wanted sushi take-out from my favorite place close by. At lunch time, they were going to have a 30 minute wait for take-out, so I said forget it. At dinner, Matt said he'd go get it for me. He diddle-dawdled around and it was 6:30 before he said to call. The wait was AN HOUR AND A HALF! For take out! The guy said they literally had over 75 take orders. Forget that. I'll get it another day. So we got Italian from Old Chicago.

Phylis - I am sorry you don't get to see grands. That's a bummer. Maybe you'll get time to experiment with your recipe now?

Trudy - I don't think you are a boring old fart. I didn't care one bit that Matt didn't get me cards or candy or anything. I just wanted to spend time with my boys. And don't you hate it when PC people ask us Mac people questions and we can't remember how to do it on a PC?

Jean - I hope your presentation went well! We actually had some birds singing when I went in to work on the day it was 35 degrees. I was thinking that it felt like a spring morning. Now it doesn't feel like spring anymore.

Hi Laurie!!!!

Ok. I have a fairly lazy day ahead. Cleaning and running a few errands. But mostly - scrapping and playing with my boy. I love weekends like this.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Birds are chirping here this morning, but the rain clouds are moving in quickly and it should prove to be a very rainy day today!! :rain: Sorry everyone is having such crappy weather! We are usually in the same boat, but this year for some reason the winter god has decided to leave us alone.

Chris - OMG not more snow!!!!! You must be so sick of shovelling!!
Does that mean that you can't get the snowblower to start? That would just be so WRONG!!!! Thanks for the good wishes for Heather's party today! She is so afraid that no one will show up, poor thing. Wish I was there to help her out, but Jonah is really excited about it and is doing all kinds of fun things to make the party interesting. Keeping my fingers crossed that it goes really well for her! I think that the gift your DS got his girlfriend is perfect!! Who the heck can afford all the other crap they try to get you to buy for Valentines Day anyway?? Its such a money grab!! Booo to Valentines Day!!

Phylis - Darn those awful weather gods!! How dare they interfere with your plans to see the Grands!!
. Hope that you are able to go tomorrow! fun with the grandmen and cuddles with the new baby are just the thing to end your winter blues!!

Sara - A nice lazy day with scrapping on your agenda sounds like the perfect day to me!! Hope that you find the perfect dentist for your son! That is awful that he has such a bad gag reflex!! Sure hope he never has to have a mould done for a mouth guard, it would be awful for him!! Yes helping people with a PC is very hard when you are a Mac person, but DD and I figured out a few things on her new PC, but I don't think I would like windows 8 very much!! My Mac is so much easier!! :becky:

Ok not much on my plate today, just some errands to do and some groceries to pick up. DH and I decided to go to the Rock Cod for supper last night, we had to wait about 45 minutes to get a table, but we knew it would be a long wait without a reservation on Valentines Day. But you should have heard some of the grumpy old men, bitching about the wait!! Like really do you have somewhere else you really have to be??? Are you living under a rock and you don't know that February 14th is Valentines Day??? I was ready to beat them over the head with a bat!!!
But hubby and I had a great meal, the food is fabulous there and we split our dinners up, he had the Halibut fish and chips and I had the Tiger Prawn basket, soooooooo goooood!!!!! Back home we had a glass of wine and watched the first episode of Season 2 of House of Cards, its great to be back watching it!! Ok gotta run and get some breakfast going. Have a great Saturday Everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning (well late morning) and yes I am still in hockey heaven. I was up early 3:40 am (yes on purpose LOL) to watch Slovenia defeat Slovakia for their first ever win in hockey Olympic play. It was fun to see. Then got my DH up at 6:30 to head over to friends to watch the US men's team play the Russian team. The US pulled out a 3-2 win in a SO. The Russian dominate a lot but the US was better on the power play and penalty kill and SO. TJ Oshie was awesome in the SO as was Jonathan Quick as our goalie. So now at noon I will have two more mens games. Tomorrow at 7:30 am the US will be playing the Slovinian team. Had such fun watching hockey with all the kids. It was fun to see all of them who got up early on a Sat morning. We also got to see Patrick who is just about 18 months. He loves to say "go go go" when hockey is on. Now as Chris has reported it is now snowing. 2-4 inches more - where to put it is the main problem!

Chris I know this is the never ending snow winter but it sounds like by Tuesday the temps will be in the 40s to maybe 50s. That should help melt these piles. We don't do a lot for Valentines Day either but I was up and I wanted that coffee cake.

Phylis so sorry you could not make the trip to see the Grandmen and that new Grandlady. Hopefully tomorrow!

Sara that is so sad about Ben and going to the dentist. My sister has a bad gag reflex but luckily she can get through cleanings. Glad he is feeling better. Hope you get your sushi soon. Obviously that must be the best in town if it had that many takes.

Trudy hope you do not get too too much rain. Sounds like you had a lovely date night. have a great low key day!

Jean hope you had a great meeting and it is so good to hear that birds are singing!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the good wishes! Our meetings have several parts and last from 9:30 to 2:00 (or later as today). I think it went very well and I came away energized as usual. It is so interesting to see genealogists connecting and sharing like that. Our morning speaker talked about capturing OUR memoirs. She is a super speaker and very inspiring. Here at the O we're really in tune with her message.

Weather ladies (we won't mention our other name), can it be that we might go above freezing in the next few days? I'm hoping along with all of you.

Sara, how troubling that the dentist's office can't be discreet. Mine is the same I think, but Thursday I ended my 3 hours there by coming out and saying (to my DH and all) "I'm still alive!" Hope they weren't offended.

Happy weekend to all.


The Loopy-O

I am just popping in to say a quick hello. I am not holding up well. Turns out that my IV abx will cost about $1670/month. So that is totally not do-able. Not sure what direction I need to go in. All options just suck.
I am pretty damned tired and worried and -- yeah, I guess I can admit it-- scared.

I have to wait until tomorrow to try to make more phone calls and see where I am at. But the IV is not looking good. And my surgery is in 2 weeks, my BRCA tests results should be here this week, and I am really an emotional mess.

And-- more snow coming on Tuesday. I was supposed to head out with my mom to get some of the bras I will need post-op, and then have a nice relaxing lunch, but I guess that won't happen if it snows.

I could really, really use some good thoughts. I have not felt this out of control emotionally in a long, long time. (which worries me b/c that is usually one of my triggers for my eating disorder.)


Well-Known Member
Oh my Chris. I wish I could do something for you and take this all away. Big loving and supportive thoughts for you. Please let me know if I can do anything.


Well-Known Member
good morning Chris I am sending you good thoughts and support. Any help you need just let me know.

So far I have watched 2 hockey games and I am waiting for the 3rd. The USA's team is through to the quarter finals as they won their division so that is great. Now have to see if Canada or Finland wins their division. I was also watching the cross country skiing and based on what we have in NJ that is how I should be getting around. My snow level in my backyard is over my snow boots so it was pretty funny trying to get to my bird feeder so my birds are happy.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, just wanted to say Hi! I haven't been in here for a looooooong time.

I'm still busy being full time caregiver for my Dad. He has Lewy Body Dementia and is now wheelchair bound.

Hubby is working from home and let's just say that's a mixed blessing. :blabla: I'm doing good considering.

I pop in and read about you all once in a while. :)

Chris, I'm so sorry that you are dealing with all of that. How rotten!


Well-Known Member
Chris, sending you all the warm, supportive thoughts possible! Wish we could make it all better for you.

Wishing everyone a better day today.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies and hope your Sunday is going well! Just a quick :plane: here today as I am very busy today, DD birthday and lots of clean up after the big wind storm we had last night!! Lots of big branches in the yard, but just heard we are in for more wind later today so is this a waste of time??

Chris - I don't know what to say to make you feel better hon?? Wish I could just wave a magic wand and make it all go away!!
Hugging you and your family!!

Merkee - Nice to see you here Merkee!! Sorry your Dad is going through this, it must be so hard on all of you!! :hug:

Hi Jean :wave:
Hi Sara :wave:

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday as best you can everyone!!