
Daily Ooo's: February 14-15: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! I hope that you know how special and dear to my heart all of you are.

We are getting ready for more snow here. 4-6" so not to much, but it is gonna get cold and windy. I am really glad that I don't have to leave the house until Tuesday :D

My Lyme dr's office called yesterday to tell me that my white blood cell count was very low and wanted me to go somewhere that I could get it done STAT, rather than have it drawn and then wait for it to be picked up by a lab. There is nowhere close to me that can do that, unless I went all the way down to the hospital. I told her that I am all out of my IV meds and will be seeing her on Tuesday. I simply could not deal with one more thing. Thankfully, she agreed, and we will go from there.
I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So done.... gah.

My parents were cute when they come up. My dad was coming from their lake house and he stopped and got donuts. Leah came with cupcakes that her mom made for us. Gary had asked my mom to make her brownies (from a mix- but however she bakes them, he loves), but she had already baked us a cake, so he ended up making some from scratch on Thursday. She felt bad and went out Thursday night to by the mix and made them for him. We are drowning in baked goods!! Yum!

Last night, at dinner, I laughed so hard. Leah and Scott were just busting on each other non-stop, then Leah and I had Scott going, then Gary had to get in on it. Gary and I keep saying how awesome they are together. They really "click."
I took it much easier yesterday too. I am so damn impatient though. (just in case you didn't know that already heh!)

Catzilla is right over me purring loudly, licking my face and making it difficult to type. She is sweet if a PITA :D

QOTD Similar to yesterday's question, but relevant. Do you like flowers as a gift? What kind?
I am not big on cut flowers unless they are from my yard. I am more of a "plant girl." I am so proud of my African Violets that I got from my neighbor after her mom passed. They were her mom's and they literally bloom all year round and I treasure them. My neighbor can also see them from her front porch in my window so that makes it nice for her too.

Better post things before Kitty ruins it all for me! LOL

Have a FAB day!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- another cute smilie! You and Trudy are the smilie queens! That is funny that someone could be addicted to clean sheet- If I ever get that personal maid, I can see myself addicted to that too.
OMG! We are on the Do Not Call list and for the most part it has helped a lot. But we get these calls from someone saying that they want to help us with our computer problems. Really? You have called the *wrong* house dude. We did get a notice in the local paper that an older woman in town was scammed out of a lot of money by them or someone like them. :mad:

Trudy- hope that you got inspired and scrapped yesterday. You should try the sandwiches - we love red onion so I add them in becasue I used to make a similar recipe and that one had red onions.
Wow, you do have lots of stuff in Feb!
How are Heather and Mason doing? Hope they are great!

T and P- I usually try to be nice, but these last few times the computer people I ended up yelling at them too. And T- I think that rolling pin smilie has to be one of my Top Ten Faves!!!

Shar- I hope that today brings you better health. :hug:
PSA: I repeat this often, but in case you haven't seen it already from me, I swear by garlic pills for colds, viruses.

Nancy- haha!! I love that about the puppies, how you can give them back at the end of the day. I got totally steamrolled by my family and they submitted an application for a puppy through Petfinder. They know I'll kick up a fuss but cave in the end. and the "good" thing about petfinder is that a lot of the times you find a puppy, it is gone already. IMHO- I would rather go to an adoption and see them IRL. Puppies can look really cute in pictures, but I like being able to see their personalities. All of the animals we have rescued- they all picked us.
How is your friend's son physically, he doing ok? ITA with the family needing counseling as well. After Gary's incident/commitment, I hysterically called the therapist that I was seeing at the time and left a voice mail in the middle of the night, and she called me right back and helped me focus on what I could do/should do/and let go of the "If I had done things different." I couldn't have gotten through that (and then again with Scott) without her. When Cait was seeing her therapist when she was cutting, I would sit in on some sessions to learn how to best support her and myself. It is a really good suggestion for your friend to get individual and family support. (just my two cents from someone who has BTDT)
Did we miss your birthday???????? OMG!!!! SO sorry!!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Nancy-the Most-Amazing-Devils Fan, Happy birthday to you!!!!

Sharon-- good to hear that with some Dayquil you are able to be up and about. Sending chicken soup through my computer to you!


Well-Known Member

you can always tell when people aren't USED to snow. they write songs like THAT!! ^ click on the word and have some Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney for breakfast!

we're getting some more of the blasted stuff now. 1-3" expected. we usually get the upper end on my street.

Chris, your mom is amazing. she's a keeper.
why do you think your white count is so low? did the doc say? is she in contact with your gyn doc about it? well, glad to hear that you're taking it a bit easy and not trying to run around like a nut.

Trudy, loving the rolling pin emoticon, too! i'll probably use that one since it so perfectly looks like me in a rage. BTW, that calendar photo of your DH and DD on facebook is WONDERFUL!! i can't ever get over how true YOUR dna must run, since every kiddo associated with you looks JUST LIKE YOU!!

Nancy, hope your BD was a great one.
what did you do for the day, beside getting to have a lot of it to YOURSELF?!!

Shar, feeling better? hope all the " 'Quils" are getting you through this one.

Hi, Jean! Hi, Lurkies!

QOTD:: i LOVE cut flowers. i have some lillies my DD got me for my BD on the kitchen counter right now, and she bought me a bouquet every other month for Christmas. since DH "doesn't BELIEVE in flowers," nice to have someone in the family who gets that I DO BELIEVE IN FLOWERS!!

today, i have to hang around near the computer, because DS and Fam will SKYPE today instead of tomorrow. i hope, anyway. sounds like everyone is SICK over there, and they have a party to attend tomorrow, so hopefully everyone is OK. other than that, it's stay home, maybe cook a turkey that's been thawing out in the fridge and do a bit of this and that. more thrills.

enjoy! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - Yes Chris I am another year older! Don't worry about missing it LOL. I had a really nice day. I was home alone. I could do what ever I wanted. It was nice. Got phone calls from far away friends. We will go out to dinner on Sunday as Sat is Valentines day and I am sure my son needs to spend this evening with his wife and not with his mom LOL. But it was a bummer to watch my NJ Devils lose to the Chicago Blackhawks though I know my team is just not as good as the Hawks. My youngest son made it into NYC and home with no problems. He actually found a parking garage directly across from the building he had to work in that is open 24/7 so it all worked out really well. He said he enjoys the driving in the City as he like honking at cabs as much as they like honking at him. I believe in mass transit. He has to go back on Monday morning to restart all the printers that were shut down to make sure they start and function properly. He is glad he did it but also glad it will be someone else's turn next time. Today we should get more snow but at least the temperature is better. Yet tomorrow we are back in the deep freeze with lots of wind. I am getting out soon as today is Hockey Day in Canada and I learn so much about Canada by watching the celebrations.

Chris wow love how everyone brought you sweets. An awesome variety too! You all will be on a sugar high for days. Sorry about the blood results! I am sure you will get if figured out! thanks for the advice for my girlfriend. I hope she takes our advice. I can only think that having an unbiased professional listen would be such a relief. But you can't make them go or ask. thanks again!

Phylis keep your ideas coming! They always make me smile. Love your sense of humor.

Trudy your Feb is packed full of days to celebrate! Hope you got some scrapping done and of course your swimming and FaceTime.

Shar hope you are feeling better. You must be a little to sit for a time at the computer.

Have a great day all and Happy Valentines day


I think I'm on the homestretch with the cold. Planning to get dressed today! Cannot believe what a baby I am about colds anymore. Just praying a cough does not develop (as it seems to at the END of the snuffling and sneezing). I still sound like the bass singer in the Statler Brothers, though, so not going to subject others to me (which means, still no Paul).

I buy cut flowers at farmers' markets in the summer. Best flowers I ever got from Captain Romance was when he had a bouquet delivered to the beauty shop when I was getting my hair done. PUBLIC flowers are worth 100 times more than private ones.

Today I made Dave TWO digi cards, because I loved the sentiments:
1. I love you with all my butt. I would have said "heart," but my butt is bigger! (ROTF)

2. You + Me = aWEsome

I didn't print them out...just sent them to his email. Can't wait for him to see them! hehehe

So. Pretty pathetic when the highlight of the day is getting dressed, but that's the way it is.

Fun Valentine movie we watched last night: Ever After (Drew Barrymore). I'm sure I saw it years ago (it was out in 1998 ), but didn't remember any of it (well...except for the general story, of course!). Anjelica Huston is devilishly wonderful, and Dougray Scott (never heard of him before or since) is delightful eye candy.

Nancy, my DH just spent his birthday alone too. I was in Utah. Our DGD has the same birthday as DH, and we had not spent a birthday with her since she was a baby. So it was a win-win. He was happy to have the day to himself, and she was quietly flattered to have me there for her. Glad your son did the NYC run successfully. We have driven through NYC once on the way elsewhere, and did it on a wing and a prayer! I prefer the train and taxis in that city!

Chris, my blood sugar spiked just thinking about all your baked goods! Hope your blood count normalizes soon.

I'm going to try the "Does your mother know you do this for a living?" response next time I get a call from Nigeria saying I have $900,000 waiting for me if I just put up $3,000 earnest money!...or the Pakistani Windows guys offer me their help! I love that.

Time for another slosh of coffee under the comforter, then my big event of the day...get dressed!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning to all my favourite Valentines!!

A sunny day here today that is when the fog finally lifts from the lake and we can see the sun!! We are basking in warm temps here still and I feel so bad that the rest of you are still experiencing the winter from HELL!! Record temps here yesterday as we his +15C that is almost summer temps!! :sorry: Are we really living in Canada?? Well the rest of Canada is not fairing as well as we are, it makes me wonder what kind of summer we are in for??

Chris - sorry that your blood count is down, hope you are not feeling too tired because of it!
Those recipes all look amazing!! Thanks for the link! Sounds like you had a fun day with the kids yesterday! You really do have amazing children and I guess they are hardly kids any more are they? Growing up in a fine way, you and Gary should both be so proud of them!!
As for Heather and Mason... Poor little Mason has a bit of fever and DD and him are just over having a bad cold. Hope that he is not going to get that horrible enterovirus as he has developed a harsh sounding cough. DD got beautiful Stargazer Lilies from her man Jonah for Valentines Day. I think that she is doing much better and seems to be much happier (knock on wood)!! They are headed into the big city of London Ontario this Monday to celebrate family day there. It will be so good for all of them to get out of the house for a while!! So really hope that Mason's fever goes away soon!!

Phylis- White Christmas is my fav Christmas show and I watch it every year, I love this song too, I think that I was born in the wrong era and always have loved Bing Crosby!! Also love all the Big Bands from that time period too. Hope you get to Skype with your family today, it must be so hard to be so very far away from all of them! At least you have your daughter close by!! Now she just needs to give you some grands!! Thanks for the compliment of my calendar page!! Yes I suppose my family DNA is strong, you should see some of the old, old family photos that we have, its almost scary to see me and my sisters faces looking back at us!! I will have to post one or two of them one day!

Nancy - DARN I missed your birthday too!! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

I hope that you enjoyed your day!! Gosh our hockey woos continue don't they?? The Bruins couldn't even beat the Canucks last night :hurt: I want the old big bad Bruins back!!!! I bet you are feeling the same about your Devils too!! Glad to hear that your son made it back and forth safely!! I always wonder why everyone honks at each other in NY?? I mean really what the heck is going to do to help?? LOL .

Alright it is time to get some breakfast for DH and myself, it is so hard to believe that its almost been a whole week since we were sitting on the beach in Puerto Vallarta!! It is nice to be back in my own bed and I have been sleeping amazingly well since returning, but I would love to be back there relaxing and getting waited on!! Have an awesome Saturday everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Well here we go again Shar!!! Posting at the same time!! Ha, Ha love your Valentine cards!! too funny!! Hope you continue on your road to wellness!! Getting dressed is the first step! Feel better soon


Well-Known Member
Hello dear O-Valentines! Hope everyone is having a heartfelt day.

Shar, love those cards! These days I make one for my DH with a version of my art work. He's so sweet, he stashes them in books later. He doesn't do cards himself and gifts only at Christmas. We do pick special restaurants for other occasions but I'd rather have him as is than any of the commercial trappings.

Chris, love the stories from yesterday and oh my the goodies sound great. Just keep on keepin' on till Tuesday when hopefully you'll know more/feel better. Say hey to Catzilla.

Phylis, are you getting snow like us? A minute ago a gust of wind churned up a whiteout. And in a bit the temperature is going to disappear. Glad I was out yesterday and not today.

Nancy, hope your weather doesn't get too bad. Wish you all had better success with your hockey teams. I'm so happy that the equipment truck left for spring training in Arizona last week and pitchers and catcher report in a few days. I had another sign of spring last Saturday when I heard a cardinal sing. But looks like a LONG time before it really gets over winter. And I missed your birthday too! Glad you had a nice time to yourself!

Trudy, reading your post just makes me green. Sounds so nice there and that after a week basking in Mexico. Hope it stays nice for you. Love all the delightful smilies you and Phylis add to the day!

I'm sure I missed someone, but wishing a happy Valentine's to all!

QOTD: I think I like cut flowers but maybe didn't always. DH has brought some from the grocery several times now, but the other day didn't find any he liked. Rats.


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Sunday. I hope that I don't blow away in the wind before I can post this. We are getting huge gusts of it. I have no idea how much it snowed last night, looks like possibly 3-4", but you can't tell- it is blowing around everywhere.

How was your Valentine's Day? Totally uneventful here. Scott, Cait, Leah, and Brendan went out to the diner around the corner for dinner. Gary made us grilled cheese (he grilled the bread in butter and dried rosemary and he used mozzarella inside) and that was out yummy dinner that we ate while watching Criminal Minds on DVR. So romantic *swoon*

Not much going on here today. Just trying to stay warm. In fact, as soon as I post this I am going to put on a second pair of socks. I don't want to have to take off my blanket though. My mom got me this amazing throw from Home Goods before my surgery. It is a microfiber throw and it is thin, warm, super-soft and I swear, I wear it like a cape, I drag it around the house after me, and I snuggle with it at night. Gary called me Linus one day and it's true LOL

Here is to a very happy Sunday to all of you!


The Loopy-O
I am back and my feet are warmer. Fuzzy socks and a fuzzy blanket. I guess this is about as cozy as I am going to get at this time of year. How many days until spring??

Phyllis- :rofl: That link- I feel that way about all snow songs-- Winter Wonderland, Let it Snow. Ugh to all of them!!!!! Gary and I have this joke about watching snow too. You know how in TV shows/movies where is is all quiet, the people are watching the snow gently fall out their window, and they say softly "Look, honey, it's snowing..." I will do and say that and then make gagging noises. :puke:
(that sentence is so grammatically convoluted, but YKWIM!)
Did you end up with a lot of snow? I hope not.

(Why am I smelling maple syrup? No one is up except Gary and me... that is so weird!)

No idea why my WBC is low. It has happened to me before and she rec'd echinacea and another supp but of course I don't remember what it was. I guess I will find out on Tuesday.

Why didn't I get to see Trudy's calendar photo? I HATE FB's algorithm. I see stupid jokes, people's food, but not Trudy's beautiful family. :mad:
I love that your DD got you the flowers every month. So sweet of her! How are the grands feeling? I hope that you got to Skype. Last week you didn't because of sickness and bad computers, IIFC?

Nancy- home alone-- sounds *wonderful*!!!! Hysterical about your DS dricing in the City. Either you love it or you don't. My BFF likes driving in the city and its funny how she changes her driving style as soon as she gets to the Lincoln Tunnel. Hope your DS doesn't blow away in the wind tunnels tomorrow.
How was Hockey Day? (Silly question, it was awesome, right?)
I hope that your friend takes your advice too. Its a very difficult and lonely road to travel. hugs to all of you.

Sharon- how is the cold today? All gone? I love your valentines! So cute!!!! :high5: on getting dressed. It is a big step! (I might not bother today...)

Trudy- as insanely jealous as I am about your summer temps, it worries me too. All is not well with Mother Earth for sure.
If you like avocados, that website has some really good recipes.
I hope that Mason feels better too. Poor little man. It is so hard when they are little and there is not much you can do to help them feel better. Stargazer lilies!! Beautiful! I am partial since that is what I had in my wedding bouquet :D

Hey there jean! Lots of now and wind by you too? Hope you are staying warm.
Catzilla says hphhhmppgg back to you :)



Well-Known Member
Good morning! Chris I am surprised I have not been blown up to your part of NJ and that you have not blown into NY. The wind gusts are so strong. Not much snow maybe 2 inches but the wind and cold is miserable. I was to go out to dinner tonight but I just don't know if it is worth it to go out in this weather. I guess I will play it by ear. Last night I made jambalaya and boys thought it was pretty good. It was different but I really pretty good. My DH baked brownies with cream cheese frosting. They are so good so it was a good evening until my Devils played hockey. The first period I thought they forgot how to play. They lost 3-1 but looked really good in the second and third. Because I have seen my team really good I remember how the bounces seemed to go in against the other teams and now my team is the other team and the bounces are going in for the better team. At least they are not just giving up! Got some scrapping done and will do more today.

Chris sounds like a lovely Valentines Day snuggling with your DH

Phylis hope you had a good Skype with the family! Hope they were not sick. How sweet that your DD knows you love flowers!

Shar love the two valentines day cards! really a sweet idea, and I love EverAfter!

Trudy as you read above my poor hockey team. Part of me is glad though to see Nashville do well as they have never had a good run to the Cup.

Jean have a good day!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Sunday everyone!! We are heading up to the In-Laws today to check out the new carpet and new furniture that they had installed while we were away. It has been about 30 years since they had the carpet replaced!!!! That is waaaayy too long!! They painted the living room too, although that was painted probably 15 years ago yikes!! I remember because DH and I did the painting. The old carpet was a chocolate brown OMG it has got to look so much better now! Guess we will find out this afternoon.

Chris - It does not sound like a very nice day where you and Nancy are!! I pray that winter will end very soon for you all and the sun will come out and warm you all!! I skyped with DD yesterday and they have lots of snow on the ground also and it was blowing too. Mason's fever is gone but he still has this nasty cough and the sniffles, not much they can give him except childrens tylenol and DD got some Vicks vapo rub for his congestion. Its funny he really likes the Vicks on his chest and always asks for more LOL. Isn't your Mom just the best for getting you a nice warm blanket while you recuperate!! Hope your feet stay nice and cozy warm with your fuzzy socks too! I do love avocados so will have to check further into these recipes for sure!! Thanks for sharing!!

Nancy - Perhaps the winds will die down before you have to head out for dinner tonight? But you are right it is not worth going out when the weather is really crappy!! Was your Jambalaya hot and spicy?? I can't eat really spicy, but my DH loves it!! I had to stay away from the Mexican Salsa
it was very hot and I would have had heartburn all night long! Sorry that your Devils did not win again last night, but its good to know that they never give up !! Did you enjoy the Hockey Day in Canada?? We watched a bit but had to do lots of errands yesterday so missed quite a bit of it.

:wave: to everyone else and hope that your Sunday is amazing!! Do something you love today!


Well-Known Member
We've reached the high temp of the day now, +2. That just isn't right! Sun on the new snow and wind chill like crazy, right now they claim -16 for that. I just want to hibernate.

Chris, I'm thinking that grilled cheese sounds heavenly as do the fuzzy socks and Linus blanket. Glad you don't have to go out until Tuesday.

Nancy, what can I say about your hockey? Really sorry. Keep warm and maybe stay in.

Trudy, hope the IL's place is now looking good. Aren't you glad though NOT to be the painters this time? Hope you're still enjoying nice weather, but Chris is right about things not being good with the planet.

Shar, hope you're feeling better and dressed today.

Phylis, you must be freezing too. Hope you're inside and got to Skype.

Wishing all a good Sunday.