
Daily Ooo's: December 6-7: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hello my O-zies!! How are all of you doing today? I am so happy to be home in my pj's. I will have to throw "real clothes" on-- eg. sweats and contacts ;)- when I get going in the kitchen soon.
I actually did go to my friend's house in leggings, one of Gary's sweatshirts and my glasses. It was nice to curl up before the fire. I didn't sleep that great last night b/c I ate soooo much, more than I had probably eaten for several days. She is a Pinterest Addict and loves trying out new recipes. Eggnog Rice pudding for dessert- can you say YUM????

Not much else going on here.

Oh but I do have good news, and I think that you will be proud of me!
When I was going through radiation tx, I was given a gift card for $100 as a -- can't think of the word, scholarship, grant, charity, something like that-- from a family whose mother had died from breast cancer and this was part of her legacy. Anyway, long story short, I put the card away, planning on using it for something for myself. And so it sat... My pen/tablet is old and had been driving me bonkers with it's not working randomly. I was given a HUGE bonus ($150!!!) from my client yesterday, and as I put it with my other "save it for another day" envelope, I realized how ridiculous that is. I need a new tablet. I have that GC to cover the cost. So why the heck am I cursing at the silly one I have?
I went on amazon, and got me another wacom. Go Me!!!!!! :cheer2:

Maybe this is a new me? haha! Doubt that, but it is a step in the right direction!!

Hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
good morning - It is cloudy and should be heavy rain all day. Of course I have a hockey game so that sucks. But it will be fun once I get to the game. Had a really fun day yesterday. Went to pick up my calendars and I am so happy. They turned out even better than I had hoped. Then my son and I went shopping for Christmas. It was fun to help the economy in our small part. I did get in a good walk also.

Chris good for you to do something for yourself. Enjoy you day today!

Phylis who does cut all the wood you need for your wood stove? My girlfriend has wood stove and it does an amazing job but they are always having to find a wood supply.

Trudy - thanks for watching my Devils. It was a good win. Glad you are back swimming and feeling so much better. I think I must have dominate short genes as my sons are all shorter than there dad. One always thinks they should be at least as tall as their parents but in my case I am significantly shorter and gave that to my sons LOL.

Have a great day all!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- our dance lessons are canceled. My hubby has left to go work on our barn 2.5 hrs away- I have the day to get stuff done. Still in my jammies and enjoying the morning. Have the list together and I am going to get moving. Baking and laundry and more getting ready for company next weekend. I may even go shopping later- or not. Love days where I can stay home. I did take the car in and it will be $4000 to fix it- so happy for insurance, my part will be $500 which is a lot, but I am expecting to get that much back in conference reimbursement fees which I had not dedicated to anything. Chris what tablet did you get? I keep thinking I need one.....


Well-Known Member
Howdy. And Happy Saturday. Chris, sounds like a great day for you so far! Glad you're getting some new "kit." That always makes the day seem better.

Nancy, Hubby chops all the wood. We have trees on our property, and e.g., he's going out today to pick up some wood from a friend who had some trees taken down. We occasionally have to buy some wood, toward the end of the season, but that's not common. DH is a fine physical specimen, really, and he likes to do all this sort of chopping, etc. Exercise. better him than me, I say!

Trudy, did you get any tall genes? It's hard to tell from your pix. It's a good thing I married a tall guy, or my progeny would be working with 5'2" DNA....

Laurie, is there anything better than a lazy morning without a guy underfoot? If there is, I haven't discovered . Mine's out to the library and the tree gathering for most of the day.

I've been up since 3 a.m. I couldn't get back to sleep, fuming about my most recent collision with Government Incompetence. To make a very long story short, I mailed 6 boxes to my son and fam overseas. Five have arrived. The missing one is the one with all the most expensive and irreplaceable gifts in it. Don't even get me started. :rant: If I don't blow a gasket this month, it'll be amazing. Or, as Jean suggested, I may just go up in smoke. :flame: On the phone for two hours with (very polite, TG) postal people yesterday, then at the post office early this morning. Now I wait. On a more pleasant note, I'm going to pick up some stuff at the framers. One print is my Christmas present. They always do a great job, so at least there will be one hassle-free thing today. Then DD is coming out to make Buckeyes later. And pizza for dinner. And bring on some cheap champagne. The girl NEEEEEEDS it!! :champagne

Hope your day is a good one! :becky:


The Loopy-O
Good morning, Happy Sunday to you all!

I had a productive day, I think. I tried a few new recipes for some body care stuff and a couple came out good and a few didn't at all. The Coffee Butter Scrub- that came out amazing!!!! Smells so good and is super moisturizing. My hands felt so soft after I washed the dishes out. It is coffee butter, mango butter, safflower oil, sugar and ground coffee.
The other big hit (IMHO) was a rejuvenating skin salve made with avocado oil, rice bran oil, vitamin e, and carrot powder. My mom is concerned about the age spots on her hands, and while this won't make them go away, the oils are good for skin tone.

The bombs were the vanilla soap scrubs. The recipe called for salt as the exfoliant, but I find it to be harsh on dry skin, so I used sugar instead. I am not sure what went wrong but they never hardened up. I am going to have to see if I can salvage any of that. The other "bomb" were the bath bombs. I have made bath bomb before and they tend to be very finicky. I used a different mold b/c I was trying to make them into snowmen. I got two of the bombs out ok, the third cracked in half as it was drying and the 4th I couldn't even get the halves to stick together.

The house smells really good. Very Christmas-y.

Today it is going to smell yummy Christmas-y, I hope. Caitlyn and I are going to start making today and I hope to get the 2 PITA but Must Make Cookies done. These are the ones that I love having Cait help me, because that second set of hands is appreciated. Walnut Balls (Russian Tea cakes) and Walnut Cups (Nut Tassies). The walnut balls we triple the recipe because they are gobbled up quickly.;)

Then this afternoon, we are going to go out and get our tree and decorate. This is another example of how ridiculous I can be with money. My mom gave us money for our anniversary (In May!!) and were told we couldn't put it towards bills. I guess "normal people" would go out to dinner with it, but It has been sitting in the envelope in my office for 6 months. We are going to use that to get the tree. I guess that makes it a win-win.

Another busy day, I guess, but typical for this time of year.

I hope that all of you had a wonderful day yesterday, and will have an even better one today.

What is your favorite Christmas movie? I love it's a Wonderful Life, bu my family hates it. But I found out my friend loves it too so we are going to make it a date to watch together.
Family movie is A Christmas Story. That one cracks us up every time we see it!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- it poured up here too. I saw the mail truck go up the street but every time I was going to grab it, it opened the door, then closed it. The poor dog was drenched when she had to go out.
How was the game? Hope it was good!
That is great about your calendars and it is really rewarding to shop local.

Too funny about the short genes. Same in my family too. Gary is 5'11" and I am 4'11" - we always hoped that the kids would get his height, but nope, they get that from me. Cait is 5'1" and Scott is 5'5". Poor kids!

Laurie- I would looooove to have the house to myself for a good chunk of time. Did you get everything done that you needed to?
Thank goodness for car insurance. Will it take long to get fixed?
The tablet is a Wacom Intuos (I think that is how it is spelled). I was able to get it on Amazon for $69. The other Intuos was $84- but it looked like the only difference was the pen had an eraser. I never use the eraser, so I went with the cheaper one. This will be my third tablet from Wacom. I have been using them for about 10 years and I have a very hard time scrapping with a mouse.

Phyllis-- uh- oh! I think you just might go up in smoke soon! I hope that they can track that lost package for you. Crazy!!!!!
FWIW- I got an email from my health insurance co-the one I called on Thursday and was told that the office hours were closed- saying that I had correspondence on the website, but the website is down. Really??? Tomorrow I get to call them, and Cait's school to set up the attendance hearing and OMG- I might be going up in smoke with you!

On that note, I am going to sign off here, and head over to the Gallery to leave some love.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning opps afternoon ladies... I was MIA yesterday, the whole day was spent getting groceries, wine kits and labels etc. and just running around picking up various things that were needed. We ran into some old high school friends and chatted it up for almost 2 hours!! It was great to see them again. He is my hubby's school buddy and she is one of mine, they have been married as long as we have and he is now the Mayor of the town we used to go to school in.

Chris - I wish I could have been at your house yesterday, the smells must have been amazing!! Sounds like you will have another very productive day today!!

As for the growth genes in our family, well hubby is 6'3" son is taller than that daughter is 5'8" and I am 5'6" My parents were not really all that tall, but DH's mother is 6 feet and so is her husband, so I guess thats were all the height comes from. I really can't stay here again today :pout: I am putting up the tree and still in my PJ's . So off I go to get showered and changed and then more decorating and :washing: Hope to pop in later on to leave some loving in the gallery! Have a great one everyone :wave:

QOTD - Favorite Christmas Movie - White Christmas!! Watch it every year, I love the dancing in it!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be MIA for two days. Friday with my sister and yesterday all day at the historical society. Then I get behind in everything else and my mind shuts down when I get here. Sunny today, football on TV. Have to get cards and gifts ready to mail tomorrow. Sad that I dread wrapping which I love, but my shoulder hurts doing almost anything. Also dread the likelihood that I'll have to arrange to see a doctor to find out what's wrong.

Chris, I too would love to have shared the aromas at your house. You make wonderful sounding products and then super food! Hope tomorrow doesn't result in meltdowns for you.

Trudy, your day sounds busy. Hope you get to relax later.

Phylis, clearly you need to keep the fire extinguisher handy! I often wonder why things can't go smoothly as they're SUPPOSED to.

Laurie, wow! Cars are so expensive to fix. Glad insurance covers most of it.

Nancy, hope you're having a good day.

QOTD: I can't think of any Christmas movies that we even watch. Guess that isn't our thing.