
Daily Ooos: December 30-31: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hello, O-zies! It's really and truly the last weekend of 2023. Astounding. I typically don't like the retrospectives at the end of a year, but man- this was one *weird.* Bizarre. It was neither good nor bad, just weird. I am sure that this past (weird) week is coloring my memories but it was soooo weird! LOL!

If you had to sum up your 2023 in one word what would it be?

My plans went whoopsie-daisy again yesterday. Gary isn't feeling well- not covid or the flu. His Lyme is bad. Between that and everyone still stressed over covid exposures, Gary, me, and our friend collectively decided to cancel cleaning for him yesterday. I was going to take down the tree today but got started on it yesterday since I had the extra time. All of the ornaments that I can reach are off, Gary will have to get the rest. That took most of the afternoon. There must still be one more box of boxes in the attic because I wrapped and packed the ones I could but the DR table is still totally covered.

BFF texted me that her DH has the flu really bad. It sounds the same as my SIL, MIL, and niece. Isn't it strange that Covid has all of the restrictions/isolation but not for the flu when everyone I know is sicker and more miserable from the flu this time around? Although, my mom isn't any better. Her Dr cleared Mucinex for her to take and my dad ran out to get that for her so maybe she will have slept better last night.

Not much happening today, other than finishing the tree and decorations. I am beyond relieved that I have very few things to pack other than the ornaments. I grabbed the garland and bows when I was outside with W yesterday and that was *it.* No lights or lawn decor. A handful of Santas and a snowman from the LR need to be packed too but again, not a lot at all.

Today, I will keep working on getting organized. It's going to be dry and not too cold so I am going to Permethrin both pairs of hiking boots and some hats. That has to be done outside b/c of fumes. I have to charge my hand warmers too because I signed up for a First Day Hike. I asked Scott if he was doing any (he co-led this one last year with a State Park ranger) and he isn't. He encouraged me to do this one, said I'd enjoy it, so I registered this morning. It is at Wawayanda State Park, part of the Appalachian Trail. He said last year 30-40 people showed up (!!) but told me not to stress over that. He knows me too well because when I saw that, I was going to bail. He said that it's easier to blend in with a group that big. If not, I am positive that I'll find some squirrels to talk to. :floorlaugh:
Look at me, voluntarily going on a hike in January. Who would have thought? *G*

Time to feed the dogs. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


The Loopy-O
ugh ugh ugh. Jaida isn't putting her foot down ATM. That butt jumped on the sofa last night- right in front of us. I think we have been giving her too much freedom to roam around. I hate gating her in the LR room when she whines. She never whines and yesterday she was staring at me through the gate, crying. :brokenheart: I let her out and kept a close eye but she still managed to run and jump.
Any advice other than to keep her locked up?

@vickyday I bet that last Friday you thought that Mark's time off was going to feel like forever and now it is almost over. Caitlyn thought that and said that she didn't accomplish anything that she wanted to. I hope that the weather stays nice for you when the family comes to visit.
How did the Dr appt go, everything healing well with your wrist?
Gorgeous amaryllis! How exciting to see it ready to bloom!

@BrightEyes Don't you love it when there are clear skies with the full moon? I was outside with J at 5.30 am and the moon was beautiful even though there were some puffy clouds up there.
I need to change my avatar and siggie too. I zipped up all of my 2023 psds and deleted them. I'll delete all of the jpgs next. I don't want to think about packing away the filing cabinet though! :thud:
I hope you were able to find everything you needed at WM.
I know I've said it before but I feel awful for the young adults trying to find housing. Sorry that your grandson is going through that too. It's so hard on them. I can't get over how lucky Scott and Sam were, to find the house they are in now. Now we need that for everyone else who is looking.

Get this-- there is a small house for sale across the street from us. Originally listed at $280K. That was out of budget for C and T. Two contracts fell through and the price was reduced to $240K. C and T took another look and there were some visible issues. My SIL (realtor) asked for more info-- it's a tear-down!!! $240K for a tear-down on a 50'x100' lot. Thats insane!!!!! :angry4:

@taxed4ever what color did you pick for your toes? Did they feel amazing after being massaged and moisturized?
I have a lot of anxiety about the year ahead and I join you in hopes that instead, there is love and peace- everywhere.
That is awful about those kids. Their poor families. :(
You can just grab tests- for free- when you need them???? last I looked, they are around $20 for a box of 2!! We -- as in a household, not each person- were able to get 4 free tests twice in 2022, and then again this past fall. That's it. Medicare (insurance for seniors and disabled people) used to cover tests for free but that ended last May, IIRC. I know I made Gary stock up right before that program ended.
Did you have a nice visit with your ILs?
Does your Gary have to be at work before the surgery? I hope he wears a mask if he needs to be out. Lots of healthy thoughts to you all. Oh-- extra-superduper patience vibes for you as I imagine he isn't going to be the most compliant patient LOL!

All of this talk about coffee beans- I forgot to tell you what Cait's gift to Scott was. There is a conservation effort in Scotland that sells 5'x1' plots of land. As a landowner in Scotland, he gets the title of Lord. It came with an official proclamation stating his parcel and title. It is awesome!
The coffee bean connection is that I had to get this for him to go with her gift:

I don't have any idea if he likes flavored coffee but I didn't care, I had to get that one for him :rotfl:

@Su_Sanne what a sweet LO!!! Look at that baby!!!!! One way to get new rats acclimated to each other is to put them in a bathtub with something that floats. Fill it with water, put the rats in, and when they get onto the floaty thing, the stress of "surviving" helps them to bond. Caitlyn never did that, she always felt it was cruel to the rats. But here is this sweetie that liked it! ♥
I felt the same way about recovering after ankle surgery. as your brother did with his wrist.

@Cherylndesigns My BFF's DH is taking Tamiflu after he tested pos for the flu. Thanks for the reminder too!
Any more updates from the VN? I guess we are all impatient when it comes to recovering from illness and accidents. I hope that he can wean off the O2 soon but only when he is ready. Poor guy, he must get irritated by it all.

@bcgal00 Did you watch Wheel of Time? If you liked Shadow and Bone, I think you will like that one too. Carnival Row is another to try.
Congrats on the new phone! I couldn't tell you the last time I took out my DSLR. It's old and heavy- and 10 MP! LOL!
Herbs tend to like lots of sun so your boxes should do fine I am so excited for you. Mint grows well everywhere- even where you don't want it. *Especially* where you don't want it. haha!



Love my O Family!
Hello, O-zies! It's really and truly the last weekend of 2023. Astounding. I typically don't like the retrospectives at the end of a year, but man- this was one *weird.* Bizarre. It was neither good nor bad, just weird. I am sure that this past (weird) week is coloring my memories but it was soooo weird! LOL!

If you had to sum up your 2023 in one word what would it be?

My plans went whoopsie-daisy again yesterday. Gary isn't feeling well- not covid or the flu. His Lyme is bad. Between that and everyone still stressed over covid exposures, Gary, me, and our friend collectively decided to cancel cleaning for him yesterday. I was going to take down the tree today but got started on it yesterday since I had the extra time. All of the ornaments that I can reach are off, Gary will have to get the rest. That took most of the afternoon. There must still be one more box of boxes in the attic because I wrapped and packed the ones I could but the DR table is still totally covered.

BFF texted me that her DH has the flu really bad. It sounds the same as my SIL, MIL, and niece. Isn't it strange that Covid has all of the restrictions/isolation but not for the flu when everyone I know is sicker and more miserable from the flu this time around? Although, my mom isn't any better. Her Dr cleared Mucinex for her to take and my dad ran out to get that for her so maybe she will have slept better last night.

Not much happening today, other than finishing the tree and decorations. I am beyond relieved that I have very few things to pack other than the ornaments. I grabbed the garland and bows when I was outside with W yesterday and that was *it.* No lights or lawn decor. A handful of Santas and a snowman from the LR need to be packed too but again, not a lot at all.

Today, I will keep working on getting organized. It's going to be dry and not too cold so I am going to Permethrin both pairs of hiking boots and some hats. That has to be done outside b/c of fumes. I have to charge my hand warmers too because I signed up for a First Day Hike. I asked Scott if he was doing any (he co-led this one last year with a State Park ranger) and he isn't. He encouraged me to do this one, said I'd enjoy it, so I registered this morning. It is at Wawayanda State Park, part of the Appalachian Trail. He said last year 30-40 people showed up (!!) but told me not to stress over that. He knows me too well because when I saw that, I was going to bail. He said that it's easier to blend in with a group that big. If not, I am positive that I'll find some squirrels to talk to. :floorlaugh:
Look at me, voluntarily going on a hike in January. Who would have thought? *G*

Time to feed the dogs. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
My one word.......old-age-is-catching-up-on-me! Ha! I cheated, I know! But I'm allowed because I'm old! ;)
Hope your mom slept better!
Have fun on your first day hike! You ARE taking the camera, right? ;). You just have to document your first hike!


Love my O Family!
ugh ugh ugh. Jaida isn't putting her foot down ATM. That butt jumped on the sofa last night- right in front of us. I think we have been giving her too much freedom to roam around. I hate gating her in the LR room when she whines. She never whines and yesterday she was staring at me through the gate, crying. :brokenheart: I let her out and kept a close eye but she still managed to run and jump.
Any advice other than to keep her locked up?

@vickyday I bet that last Friday you thought that Mark's time off was going to feel like forever and now it is almost over. Caitlyn thought that and said that she didn't accomplish anything that she wanted to. I hope that the weather stays nice for you when the family comes to visit.
How did the Dr appt go, everything healing well with your wrist?
Gorgeous amaryllis! How exciting to see it ready to bloom!

@BrightEyes Don't you love it when there are clear skies with the full moon? I was outside with J at 5.30 am and the moon was beautiful even though there were some puffy clouds up there.
I need to change my avatar and siggie too. I zipped up all of my 2023 psds and deleted them. I'll delete all of the jpgs next. I don't want to think about packing away the filing cabinet though! :thud:
I hope you were able to find everything you needed at WM.
I know I've said it before but I feel awful for the young adults trying to find housing. Sorry that your grandson is going through that too. It's so hard on them. I can't get over how lucky Scott and Sam were, to find the house they are in now. Now we need that for everyone else who is looking.

Get this-- there is a small house for sale across the street from us. Originally listed at $280K. That was out of budget for C and T. Two contracts fell through and the price was reduced to $240K. C and T took another look and there were some visible issues. My SIL (realtor) asked for more info-- it's a tear-down!!! $240K for a tear-down on a 50'x100' lot. Thats insane!!!!! :angry4:

@taxed4ever what color did you pick for your toes? Did they feel amazing after being massaged and moisturized?
I have a lot of anxiety about the year ahead and I join you in hopes that instead, there is love and peace- everywhere.
That is awful about those kids. Their poor families. :(
You can just grab tests- for free- when you need them???? last I looked, they are around $20 for a box of 2!! We -- as in a household, not each person- were able to get 4 free tests twice in 2022, and then again this past fall. That's it. Medicare (insurance for seniors and disabled people) used to cover tests for free but that ended last May, IIRC. I know I made Gary stock up right before that program ended.
Did you have a nice visit with your ILs?
Does your Gary have to be at work before the surgery? I hope he wears a mask if he needs to be out. Lots of healthy thoughts to you all. Oh-- extra-superduper patience vibes for you as I imagine he isn't going to be the most compliant patient LOL!

All of this talk about coffee beans- I forgot to tell you what Cait's gift to Scott was. There is a conservation effort in Scotland that sells 5'x1' plots of land. As a landowner in Scotland, he gets the title of Lord. It came with an official proclamation stating his parcel and title. It is awesome!
The coffee bean connection is that I had to get this for him to go with her gift:

View attachment 409833
I don't have any idea if he likes flavored coffee but I didn't care, I had to get that one for him :rotfl:

@Su_Sanne what a sweet LO!!! Look at that baby!!!!! One way to get new rats acclimated to each other is to put them in a bathtub with something that floats. Fill it with water, put the rats in, and when they get onto the floaty thing, the stress of "surviving" helps them to bond. Caitlyn never did that, she always felt it was cruel to the rats. But here is this sweetie that liked it! ♥
I felt the same way about recovering after ankle surgery. as your brother did with his wrist.

@Cherylndesigns My BFF's DH is taking Tamiflu after he tested pos for the flu. Thanks for the reminder too!
Any more updates from the VN? I guess we are all impatient when it comes to recovering from illness and accidents. I hope that he can wean off the O2 soon but only when he is ready. Poor guy, he must get irritated by it all.

@bcgal00 Did you watch Wheel of Time? If you liked Shadow and Bone, I think you will like that one too. Carnival Row is another to try.
Congrats on the new phone! I couldn't tell you the last time I took out my DSLR. It's old and heavy- and 10 MP! LOL!
Herbs tend to like lots of sun so your boxes should do fine I am so excited for you. Mint grows well everywhere- even where you don't want it. *Especially* where you don't want it. haha!

Well, the weather has been so rainy that Mark has spent more time in the house than either of us like, LOL! Three more days and life returns to normal! The doc appt went well. I'll cover it in my post below!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning All!
Is it really the last weekend of the year? How time flies the older you get! Not sure I'm having fun yet, however! Maybe once my body has healed life will get back to normal, whatever normal is!

Speaking of healing, at my wrist appointment yesterday he told me the swelling could last from 6 months to a year! OY VEY! I asked him about the swelling hindering the mobility of my wrist because I didn't feel like I was as far along as I should be. He moved, bent, and twisted my wrist and said I was where he would expect me to be at this point.....2 months out. So I said, "so basically I just need to be patient?!" He just grinned! I asked him about the exercises with the elastic band for my back since my hand was sore the next day. He said it was fine to do them, just wear my brace and warm the wrist up before doing the exercises and cool down with ice afterwards. So I will try that today. I asked him about weight limits on lifting with the wrist and he said as much as I can comfortably without it hurting! He released me from care but kept me "open" in case in a couple of months I still felt like I was not where I should be then I could set up another appointment. He did tell me that there was a slight tilt to the bones towards the back of my hand and that I would probably never gain the downward bend frontwards like the other wrist. So, basically, good news! I just have to keep repeating to myself, "Patience, Vicky! Patience!" ;)

It is back to temps not getting out of the 40's here after the warmer days with rain. It was not supposed to rain today, but it sure is cloudy and gloomy out! Mark is in the woods taking every advantage of the dry weather. He is trying to finish up some projects on the cabin before the kids come in a couple of weeks. He has been building the last 2 doors and stuffing pipe insulation in some of the cracks and crevices. He bought fuel for one of those round heaters that sits in the floor. I forget what they are called. And I need to start getting my menus ready for the gathering! I think I am going to fix soups and appetizers like the smoked sausages and meatballs and a new cream cheese mixture that has a great veggie dipping flavor! The link to the recipe is Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery by A Southern Soul. Ilene's daughter shared the recipe with me. Try it! It's easy and you will like it! I even substituted fresh with dried but used slightly less since the dried versions tend to be stronger. I even spread it on COSTCO Everything Bagel Bites and it was yummy!

Well, before I get too settled in here, I need to get off my butt and do my PT so I can say it's done!

I, too, @taxed4ever , need to do a new avi and sign for the New Year!

Have a wonderful weekend and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Morning, all. Debating if I want this to be a PJ day or not. I don't have to go anywhere but I do need to do a few 'end of the year' LOs and back-up some of my files. Sounds like PJs would be great as they are nice and warm. I did get my errands done yesterday. I bought a new wired keyboard and mouse at BestBuy. Now I need to crawl under the desk to unplug the old wired keyboard/mouse and plug the new ones in. The tower is sitting on a shelf underneath the desktop and the wires have to go across the desktop to a hole in side panel, drop down to another hole at the back near the shelf and then to the tower. I have several wireless keyboard/mouse combos but I am on the computer so much that the batteries have to be changed too frequently... and I never seem to have the number I need and the right sizes. :spinningchair: My other stop was at WM and YES!!! I was able to get my coffee there! :coffeescreen: And the good news is the road construction is finished on one of the main roads between the Mall/main shopping area and my house.

I talked to DD#3 yesterday... she has been sick since she was here to visit with DD#1!!! She had the stomach virus then came down with chest congestion, coughing and laryngitis. She is getting better and should be over it by next Wednesday. She will come down and spend the night and then we will see my attorney the next day to sign legal paperwork. I needed to re-do the POA, health POA, and other legal papers. I should have done these right after Bill died but had let them slide. This year with all my health issues made me realize it needed to be done. And wouldn't you know... the forecast for Thursday is SNOW!! Hope it holds off until late afternoon so we can get it done and DD#3 can get home before it starts.

@faerywings You are so right to hold off cleaning for your friend. Glad your Mom can take Mucinex... hope that helps. Yes, so many are down with some type of illness. Oh, I had to LOL over the gift of Highland Grog coffee beans for Scott. Are you going to talk him to wearing a kilt now that he is "Lord"??? :floorlaugh:
I KWYM when there are still decorations to pack away and you don't know where the boxes for them are!! Good luck on finding the boxes and get it all stored away. Glad to hear that J is starting to put her paw down... just hope she doesn't over do.

@vickyday Yes, 6 months to a year sounds about right for the wrist injury to heal. The back may take even longer. :hug3: Yes, as we get older it seems to take us much longer to heal. Will have to check out those recipes.. they sound delicious.

May be back later... after I crawl around and disconnect and connect the keyboards. HAGWE


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Debating if I want this to be a PJ day or not. I don't have to go anywhere but I do need to do a few 'end of the year' LOs and back-up some of my files. Sounds like PJs would be great as they are nice and warm. I did get my errands done yesterday. I bought a new wired keyboard and mouse at BestBuy. Now I need to crawl under the desk to unplug the old wired keyboard/mouse and plug the new ones in. The tower is sitting on a shelf underneath the desktop and the wires have to go across the desktop to a hole in side panel, drop down to another hole at the back near the shelf and then to the tower. I have several wireless keyboard/mouse combos but I am on the computer so much that the batteries have to be changed too frequently... and I never seem to have the number I need and the right sizes. :spinningchair: My other stop was at WM and YES!!! I was able to get my coffee there! :coffeescreen: And the good news is the road construction is finished on one of the main roads between the Mall/main shopping area and my house.

I talked to DD#3 yesterday... she has been sick since she was here to visit with DD#1!!! She had the stomach virus then came down with chest congestion, coughing and laryngitis. She is getting better and should be over it by next Wednesday. She will come down and spend the night and then we will see my attorney the next day to sign legal paperwork. I needed to re-do the POA, health POA, and other legal papers. I should have done these right after Bill died but had let them slide. This year with all my health issues made me realize it needed to be done. And wouldn't you know... the forecast for Thursday is SNOW!! Hope it holds off until late afternoon so we can get it done and DD#3 can get home before it starts.

@faerywings You are so right to hold off cleaning for your friend. Glad your Mom can take Mucinex... hope that helps. Yes, so many are down with some type of illness. Oh, I had to LOL over the gift of Highland Grog coffee beans for Scott. Are you going to talk him to wearing a kilt now that he is "Lord"??? :floorlaugh:
I KWYM when there are still decorations to pack away and you don't know where the boxes for them are!! Good luck on finding the boxes and get it all stored away. Glad to hear that J is starting to put her paw down... just hope she doesn't over do.

@vickyday Yes, 6 months to a year sounds about right for the wrist injury to heal. The back may take even longer. :hug3: Yes, as we get older it seems to take us much longer to heal. Will have to check out those recipes.. they sound delicious.

May be back later... after I crawl around and disconnect and connect the keyboards. HAGWE
I think that is why I am sticking with a laptop.....I don't have to do any crawling around underneath stuff to plug it in.....plug it in, LOL! Sorry, that air freshener commercial just came to mind (if you know the one I'm talking about and if not, forget I said anything!) :giggle4:
I rarely ever have to change the batteries in my wireless "mice" and I basically leave them on 24/7. The brand I have is LogiTech. But you are correct.....you never have the size battery you need when you need them! I think that is one of Murphy's laws or something!
Yes, the spine doc told me it would be at least a year before the back was completely healed! Now, I just have to stay upright instead of falling as I'm more prone to do over the last year or so! :thud:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am heading out for groceries soon. I was looking at movie/series recommendations this morning, getting a list together of things to watch over the next week or two. We are really enjoying Jack Reacher right now, saw the first 3 episodes last night. I bought some frosted film for cabinet glass in my office. We'll apply that this afternoon (it'll hide the mishmash of items stored in the cabinet).

It's breakfast for dinner today.

I signed up this morning for a 12 week birding course in Calgary, starting Jan 10th, every Wed morning for 3 hrs each time, where we'll meet up at different parks and learn where to go for winter birding and get info from an instructor. Should be a lot of fun (but cold as the temps will be dropping in Jan/Feb but I'll dress super warm, I am prepared with long johns, hat, scarf, gloves, etc). It'll be fun to meet other bird enthusiasts too. They also offer a spring course so might enroll in that one too. They sell out quickly so it was a fluke that I came across it this morning (as registration just opened up). Meant to be :) I also ordered a Birds of Alberta book from amazon. I have one for BC but there are a few different birds out here.

@faerywings Glad you signed up for the hike, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I usually do a new years day photo walk and this year I might go back to the park I visited last week to explore further.

I need to get a few things done and get out for groceries soon. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening my lovelies

I've been out and about with Adrienne today and got home awhile ago, put all the groceries away and made Chuck his smoothie and thought I'd jump on here for a minute.

We have to sandwich our time out around Chuck now, which worked perfectly today. We left about 12:30, went to the dry cleaners, one of our favorite boutiques, the coffee house, Walgreens, then Walmart. That last place is growing on me - I don't hate to go there because I'm learning where all the groceries are - which aisle - and we whipped that out in about 45 minutes. We always "divide and conquer".

We stopped at the new cabin Roger is building for a rental and praised him on his progress. It's VERY cool - it's a log cabin and he left the logs on the inside, too. I don't know how he does half the things he does, that man can do anything. He was "stoning" one wall when we got there and has to cut each piece of stone by hand. He also stoned under the island. He's going to figure out how to put a Murphy Bed in to save space. it's just SO awesome and he build a deck around the whole back of it. It's in the woods at the top of the property. Then we saw Braden and had to stop and talk to that cutie for about half an hour. He and his BFF, Jaxson, were doing some work in the barn for Roger.

Chris @faerywings I've thought all day about what my word for 2023 would be. I have trouble coming up with one word for any year. It was such a strange year, but I've had stranger. The first year of the shutdowns was the worse, in my memory. Now it's the year of people not being able to afford things, high prices, ridiculous ideologies, I could go on. My favorite word of the year is "acceptance" - I think I fall back on that every year. I remember the first year I used that word - Asher had just been born, 2011, and aside from the thrill of meeting my new grandson, the dynamics were so strange. I was the outsider from Michigan and everybody else knew each other and I literally got shoved to the back burner. I remember driving back to Steph's house that night and there was the most glorious sunset and I said to myself "I have to ACCEPT things the way they are". In another year, we had moved back to Florida, and I worked through all of the negative dynamics - and so it goes. I don't get philosophical very often.


Can you believe I still have this photo? It was that impressive. I was just pulling up to their house to spend the night and this is what I saw when I got out of the car. It was a "sign"/

Kay @BrightEyes I remember the days of crawling around with all the cords. Sometimes I wish I still had a desktop computer. Those are the work horses of the world. Knock on wood, my laptop has lasted for several years - I bought a good one with lots of memory and we have a great IT guy if I have major problems. The only time I had to have him come out was when I got the big monitor, and I didn't understand how to use my laptop to "beam" to my big new monitor. (He's one of those guys who will talk me through problems w/o coming out, most times. He accepts Pay Pal.)

Eva @tanteva good to see you in here. Love your word for 23. One of my husband's favorite things to say it "s**t happens" and he also says "It is what it is". I used to hate that last one, but I'm mellowing and starting to think he's on to something.

Hugs and love to Vicky @vickyday Trudy @taxed4ever and Rae @bcgal00 and anybody else who pops in. XOXO
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Love my O Family!
Good evening my lovelies

I've been out and about with Adrienne today and got home awhile ago, put all the groceries away and made Chuck his smoothie and thought I'd jump on here for a minute.

We have to sandwich our time out around Chuck now, which worked perfectly today. We left about 12:30, went to the dry cleaners, one of our favorite boutiques, the coffee house, Walgreens, then Walmart. That last place is growing on me - I don't hate to go there because I'm learning where all the groceries are - which aisle - and we whipped that out in about 45 minutes. We always "divide and conquer".

We stopped at the new cabin Roger is building for a rental and praised him on his progress. It's VERY cool - it's a log cabin and he left the logs on the inside, too. I don't know how he does half the things he does, that man can do anything. He was "stoning" one wall when we got there and has to cut each piece of stone by hand. He also stoned under the island. He's going to figure out how to put a Murphy Bed in to save space. it's just SO awesome and he build a deck around the whole back of it. It's in the woods at the top of the property. Then we saw Braden and had to stop and talk to that cutie for about half an hour. He and his BFF, Jaxson, were doing some work in the barn for Roger.

Chris @faerywings I've thought all day about what my word for 2023 would be. I have trouble coming up with one word for any year. It was such a strange year, but I've had stranger. The first year of the shutdowns was the worse, in my memory. Now it's the year of people not being able to afford things, high prices, ridiculous ideologies, I could go on. My favorite word of the year is "acceptance" - I think I fall back on that every year. I remember the first year I used that word - Asher had just been born, 2011, and aside from the thrill of meeting my new grandson, the dynamics were so strange. I was the outsider from Michigan and everybody else knew each other and I literally got shoved to the back burner. I remember driving back to Steph's house that night and there was the most glorious sunset and I said to myself "I have to ACCEPT things the way they are". In another year, we had moved back to Florida, and I worked through all of the negative dynamics - and so it goes. I don't get philosophical very often.

View attachment 409859

Can you believe I still have this photo? It was that impressive. I was just pulling up to their house to spend the night and this is what I saw when I got out of the car. It was a "sign"/

Kay @BrightEyes I remember the days of crawling around with all the cords. Sometimes I wish I still had a desktop computer. Those are the work horses of the world. Knock on wood, my laptop has lasted for several years - I bought a good one with lots of memory and we have a great IT guy if I have major problems. The only time I had to have him come out was when I got the big monitor, and I didn't understand how to use my laptop to "beam" to my big new monitor. (He's one of those guys who will talk me through problems w/o coming out, most times. He accepts Pay Pal.)

Eva @tanteva good to see you in here. Love your word for 23. One of my husband's favorite things to say it "s**t happens" and he also says "It is what it is". I used to hate that last one, but I'm mellowing and starting to think he's on to something.

Hugs and love to Vicky @vickyday Trudy @taxed4ever and Rae @bcgal00 and anybody else who pops in. XOXO
And just about the time you learn where everything is in Walmart they will rearrange everything! HA!


The Loopy-O
Happy New Year's Eve! I messaged a friend in AU, asking how 2024 is going so far or if I should start digging my bunker. No reply from her yet so I can't tell if it's a "no news is good news" situation or if we are all doomed. Bwuhahahah!!!

I am looking forward to the new year, not so much for new beginnings and all that. I desperately need to have some sense of stability and normalcy. I know that I am always a little off on the days and dates but this past week has been out of control. Same with eating. I feel like we have been eating nothing but junk/cheese/cookies. Not that that is a bad thing, it is a delicious thing! But I made a salad last night and it was soooo good. Instead of having the leftover quiche, I ended up making a second salad. I was in heaven :cloud9: It wasn't even all that exciting of a salad-- romaine, avocado, a little cheddar, crotons, and spicy honey mustard dressing.

I found that last box for the ornament in the attic. The tree is down, lying on the floor in pieces.- Gary needs to get it back in the attic but he's still feeling pretty awful. It drizzled on and off yesterday so I didn't treat my hiking boots. I'll do that today. I also charged up my hand warmers so that's ready for tomorrow too. I wish I had someone to go with on the hike, but it's fine. Leashed dogs are welcome so worst-case scenario, I'll talk to the dogs and the squirrels. I thought about bringing W but with so many people and dogs, I don't know how calm she'd be.

Do you have any plans tonight? We'll be here but no idea what any of the kids are doing. Scott told Caitlyn that he and Sam *might* be coming for dinner..... I know that he is working today and tomorrow, so who knows? I can't tell you the last time I stayed up to watch the ball drop. I have woken up, went to the LR to wish the family HNY, and went right back to bed. It's a darn good plan for tonight :D

Wishing all of you much love, peace, and joy in the new year. :grouphugyay:


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Hahahaha!!! If you know me, I am 100% fine with bending the "rules" so your 7 hyphenated words count as one in my book LOL!
I'll bring my phone on the hike, Cait got me gloves with touch screen sensitivity or whatever that is called so I hope that I can use it.
I love your new siggie!
That really stinks about your wrist taking so long to fully heal. It took my ankle over a year to get better after the surgery and 2 rounds of PT. It's difficult to be patient, isn't it? I believe that I broke my wrist decades ago and I never regained my range of motion and is very noticeable when I am doing certain yoga poses. I have to hold positions on the knuckles of that hand. The positive thing is that the longer I was doing yoga, it got more flexible. Considering I haven't done yoga in a month, I have no idea where I am now. I am glad that your Dr is keeping your care open, just in case.
Mark's cabin is going to be so much nicer than some of the houses Caitlyn has looked at. Incredible work for him!

@BrightEyes I hope that you were careful climbing under your desk to get to those wires. Sometimes it is hard to get back up!
Sounds like all of your errands were successful. Did you end up having a PJ day?
Poor DD#3, she must feel awful, one illness after the other like that. I hope that she is better and the weather cooperates for her visit.
Scott (Lord Scott I mean!) in a kilt! hahahah! I would love to see that. My town's marching band is the Highlanders and they wear kilts. There are bagpipers and drums and so very impressive to watch. Maybe he can borrow one of their uniforms :giggle4:

@tanteva Happy Monkey Butts back to you! :monkebootie:
Wishing an easier 2024 for you. Hugs!

@bcgal00 Can you share your streaming list with me? We're running out of stuff so quickly and it doesn't seem like much is coming up in January. We like Reacher, I think we are 3 episodes in too. We are almost done with Murder at the End of the World and started Harlen Cobin's Shelter.
I am so excited for you-- the 12-week birding course sounds amazing. It will be fascinating to see what birds are common to the last three regions you lived in and what new ones you see. I wish I lived close, that is something I would love to do with you.
Enjoy your photo walk tomorrow, I know you are going to come back with some incredible photos.

@Cherylndesigns *shudders* I am proud of you for not hating Walmart shopping. For me, it's not so much the store it's the crowds. If/when I need to go, I should really do the roll out of bed and get there before the rest of the world wakes up. They do have good prices.
Between Mark and Roger, there are some very impressive building projects going on. How long does Roger expect it to take to finish?
Acceptance is such a good word. It's one I struggle with for myself which is ironic because I'm not that way with other people.
That photo is simply breathtaking. I'm glad that you still have it so you can look at it and reflect on how strong and accepting you are. ♥

Sending love and best wishes to everyone for a very happy-- and creative-- new year!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Hahahaha!!! If you know me, I am 100% fine with bending the "rules" so your 7 hyphenated words count as one in my book LOL!
I'll bring my phone on the hike, Cait got me gloves with touch screen sensitivity or whatever that is called so I hope that I can use it.
I love your new siggie!
That really stinks about your wrist taking so long to fully heal. It took my ankle over a year to get better after the surgery and 2 rounds of PT. It's difficult to be patient, isn't it? I believe that I broke my wrist decades ago and I never regained my range of motion and is very noticeable when I am doing certain yoga poses. I have to hold positions on the knuckles of that hand. The positive thing is that the longer I was doing yoga, it got more flexible. Considering I haven't done yoga in a month, I have no idea where I am now. I am glad that your Dr is keeping your care open, just in case.
Mark's cabin is going to be so much nicer than some of the houses Caitlyn has looked at. Incredible work for him!

@BrightEyes I hope that you were careful climbing under your desk to get to those wires. Sometimes it is hard to get back up!
Sounds like all of your errands were successful. Did you end up having a PJ day?
Poor DD#3, she must feel awful, one illness after the other like that. I hope that she is better and the weather cooperates for her visit.
Scott (Lord Scott I mean!) in a kilt! hahahah! I would love to see that. My town's marching band is the Highlanders and they wear kilts. There are bagpipers and drums and so very impressive to watch. Maybe he can borrow one of their uniforms :giggle4:

@tanteva Happy Monkey Butts back to you! :monkebootie:
Wishing an easier 2024 for you. Hugs!

@bcgal00 Can you share your streaming list with me? We're running out of stuff so quickly and it doesn't seem like much is coming up in January. We like Reacher, I think we are 3 episodes in too. We are almost done with Murder at the End of the World and started Harlen Cobin's Shelter.
I am so excited for you-- the 12-week birding course sounds amazing. It will be fascinating to see what birds are common to the last three regions you lived in and what new ones you see. I wish I lived close, that is something I would love to do with you.
Enjoy your photo walk tomorrow, I know you are going to come back with some incredible photos.

@Cherylndesigns *shudders* I am proud of you for not hating Walmart shopping. For me, it's not so much the store it's the crowds. If/when I need to go, I should really do the roll out of bed and get there before the rest of the world wakes up. They do have good prices.
Between Mark and Roger, there are some very impressive building projects going on. How long does Roger expect it to take to finish?
Acceptance is such a good word. It's one I struggle with for myself which is ironic because I'm not that way with other people.
That photo is simply breathtaking. I'm glad that you still have it so you can look at it and reflect on how strong and accepting you are. ♥

Sending love and best wishes to everyone for a very happy-- and creative-- new year!
Thanks! I love the colors in that kit and the watercolor feel!
Yeah, Mark keeps thinking of things he wants to do to the cabin!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Quick in and out as we are on our way to church.
Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!
Sunshine on my shoulder makes me smile!



Wow... woke up at 6AM - rolled over and went back to sleep until 8AM. I do understand why. I did several LOs last evening. I had turned out the light at 10PM but one of the LOs was bugging me. I didn't like the title I put on it. Turned the light back on and came into the office and pulled it up. Thought long and hard and finally came up with a title that I liked. Then I decided to make a new siggy while I was up. Long story short... it was midnight before I got back to bed. I don't plan on being up at midnight tonight - I may watch the ball drop in NYC but hope to be in bed and asleep by midnight.
@BrightEyes I hope that you were careful climbing under your desk to get to those wires. Sometimes it is hard to get back up!
Sounds like all of your errands were successful. Did you end up having a PJ day?
Poor DD#3, she must feel awful, one illness after the other like that. I hope that she is better and the weather cooperates for her visit.
Scott (Lord Scott I mean!) in a kilt! hahahah! I would love to see that. My town's marching band is the Highlanders and they wear kilts. There are bagpipers and drums and so very impressive to watch. Maybe he can borrow one of their uniforms :giggle4:
No, Chris... I haven't crawled under the desk yet. Think I will wait until DD#3 is here on Wednesday evening and let her help me install the new keyboard and mouse. I have to move the printer that is sitting on the desktop to get to the hole that wires have to go through. As for getting back up... the couch is right by the desk so can use it to help me get back up!!! :couchhide: Yes, I did have a PJ day yesterday and enjoyed it so much. Decided to get up and dressed before getting on the computer - otherwise it would be noon or later before I got dressed. Some how time slips away when I am on the computer. :floorlaugh:

@vickyday Ooooh... love the photo, the new avatar and new siggy!!! You are getting the New Year off to a great start with them. I wanted to start the New Year with my new siggy and avatar, too. Yes, a year sounds about right on back healing up. Hope the wrist heals up quicker. But... understand that it might take longer. My hands are still giving me fits at times. Mark sure is busy with the cabin. It sounds like such a great project. Would love to see more photos of it... once you are up to going out there.

@Cherylndesigns I hear you about not liking the crowds at WM...I feel the same. Didn't want to go there but I do like their brand of coffee. My girlfriends all raved about the coffee I made and were sure it some expensive coffee. Boy, were they surprised when I showed them WM can! I shouldn't have to go there again for a month or so. :lol23:

@bcgal00 So glad to see your streaming list... I finished watching "The Crown" and have "Shadow" on My List. I love the Jack Reacher books so will check them out, too. Decided it was much easier to find them on my computer - then add them to My List there. Then I can get to them on the large TV in the family room. So glad I went for 2 screens account for Netflix. Oh, wow... that course sounds right up your alley... and let's you get acquainted with others in the area. I am sure you will have lots of fun learning all about where to go. Hope you are feeling better by the time it starts.



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning and Happy New Year's Eve.

I've been up for about 2 hours, waiting on Chuck to wake up. I finished a lo for Erin that reveals tomorrow. So many choices in that collection that I'd like to make another page. I'm going up to Adrienne's at some point this evening. They're having a few friends over and of course, our little family. I doubt if Chuck will go, so I'll have to gauge it around him. Don't know where I'll ring in the new year - maybe up there, because he'll probably be in bed.

Chris @faerywings good for you for moving along with the taking down of the Christmas decorations. I decided to leave all of mine up until after tomorrow. I just love all of my little twinkle lights that I bought this year. I can always use them any time of the year, but each strand is operated by 3 AA batteries, and I can tell they're on the ragged edge of dying. I got a little remote control with each strand so they're easy to turn on and off. I think they might be fun for summer, w/o the Christmas decor.

Honestly, Wally's wasn't terribly crowded yesterday. We were shocked but I'm sure the last-minute NYE shoppers will be crazy in there today. They also had "human" checkouts yesterday more - than usual. I hate those self checkouts and refurse to do them. They have a person standing at the beginning of the checkout area and they direct you to the open and shortest lines. They've really stepped up their customer service, I think.

Vicky @vickyday love that backlit picture of you and that's one of my favorite songs by John Denver.

I'm going to pop off here now and try to make a new winter siggy.

Hugs and love to ALL and Happy New Year if I don't make it back in. Kay @BrightEyes Trudy @taxed4ever Rae @bcgal00 and anybody else who stops in. XOXO


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Wow... woke up at 6AM - rolled over and went back to sleep until 8AM. I do understand why. I did several LOs last evening. I had turned out the light at 10PM but one of the LOs was bugging me. I didn't like the title I put on it. Turned the light back on and came into the office and pulled it up. Thought long and hard and finally came up with a title that I liked. Then I decided to make a new siggy while I was up. Long story short... it was midnight before I got back to bed. I don't plan on being up at midnight tonight - I may watch the ball drop in NYC but hope to be in bed and asleep by midnight.

No, Chris... I haven't crawled under the desk yet. Think I will wait until DD#3 is here on Wednesday evening and let her help me install the new keyboard and mouse. I have to move the printer that is sitting on the desktop to get to the hole that wires have to go through. As for getting back up... the couch is right by the desk so can use it to help me get back up!!! :couchhide: Yes, I did have a PJ day yesterday and enjoyed it so much. Decided to get up and dressed before getting on the computer - otherwise it would be noon or later before I got dressed. Some how time slips away when I am on the computer. :floorlaugh:

@vickyday Ooooh... love the photo, the new avatar and new siggy!!! You are getting the New Year off to a great start with them. I wanted to start the New Year with my new siggy and avatar, too. Yes, a year sounds about right on back healing up. Hope the wrist heals up quicker. But... understand that it might take longer. My hands are still giving me fits at times. Mark sure is busy with the cabin. It sounds like such a great project. Would love to see more photos of it... once you are up to going out there.

@Cherylndesigns I hear you about not liking the crowds at WM...I feel the same. Didn't want to go there but I do like their brand of coffee. My girlfriends all raved about the coffee I made and were sure it some expensive coffee. Boy, were they surprised when I showed them WM can! I shouldn't have to go there again for a month or so. :lol23:

@bcgal00 So glad to see your streaming list... I finished watching "The Crown" and have "Shadow" on My List. I love the Jack Reacher books so will check them out, too. Decided it was much easier to find them on my computer - then add them to My List there. Then I can get to them on the large TV in the family room. So glad I went for 2 screens account for Netflix. Oh, wow... that course sounds right up your alley... and let's you get acquainted with others in the area. I am sure you will have lots of fun learning all about where to go. Hope you are feeling better by the time it starts.

LOVE your avi and siggy, Kay. I have to change mine today sometime. I saw some of your new lo's and I do that quite frequently - someting is just "off" on a layout. I like to leave it up and then tweak it the next morning. I did that to the one I started last night. I was finally happy with it.

Glad you haven't been crawling around under your desk by yourself - good call to wait til somebody is there to help, or at least help you up. Getting down isn't the hard part - it's getting back up. My dad used to say that while he was down there, he always looked around to see what else he could do before he had to get up. :lol23: Now, I get it. I have a really thick "kneeling pad" for outdoor work, but I keep it in here and use it a lot. It helps.

I agree about WM's brands and prices. I stocked up yesterday and am set for a couple of weeks, I think. I've been buying their brand of Half and Half and can't tell the difference.

Happy New Year's Eve to you, too.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Chris @faerywings I didn't answer your question about the cabin Roger's building. I don't think it's too far from being done. He's putting the finishing touches on it now and he wants to put in a Murphy bed, which he's never done, but he's going to try to figure it out. I'm not sure how long he's been working on it, but he's had some help, he has a guy he's hired to do some of it. Roger's super picky and won't let anyone do any of the rocking. We were going to take pictures yesterday but the lighting wasn't very good. He's building it for a long-term rental, not an Air BNB. All of the appliances are in and the bathroom is done, except for hook up. He's planning on the putting a barn door on the bathroom. That will be so cool. I love mine - I have one on the MBR bathroom door. The space is small, but he measured it yesterday and thinks he can build a custom sized barn door.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wavinghello:Morning everyone! I am late getting in here, but DH is in the shower and I am taking a much needed coffee break! We have been busy taking down Christmas Decorations etc. Yesterday was spent going out, doing errands and purchasing a new drip coffee pot. Ours conveniently kicked the bucket on Christmas Day. We had one in the suite downstairs, but it only makes a couple of cups, so we needed a much larger one. This one should hold my DH for the mornings, its a 14 cupper LOL. I just wanted to quickly pop in and say
to you all and I hope that 2024 brings you unending joy, happiness, health and wealth!! Oh and BTW @faerywings I will start a thread with all of my fav instapot recipes for you, sorry I have been lax for doing that! We are sticking close to home this New Years Eve, it will be a quiet one for us, with perhaps a facetime from Heather and family. Jason and his family are at this moment flying to Cuba for some rest and relaxation on the beach. So we won't be hearing from them much for a week. Too all of you @faerywings, @Cherylndesigns,@BrightEyes ,@vickyday, @bcgal00, @tanteva and anyone else that should pop in here today! I send you my utmost best wishes for the New Year and look forward to our continued friendship here in the Daily Chatter Thread:pillowtalk: at the O!! Oh and I am wondering @bcgal00, now that you are no longer a B.C. gal will you change your digi name?? Enjoy the last day of 2023 everyone!! :hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I keep thinking of things I forgot to say. I guess my mind is on "Reflections" today.

Chris @faerywings I knew you'd love that picture and how I came to the word "acceptance". It was so obvious that night and had been a happy but very stressful day - it ran the gamut of highs and lows. My poor daughter had just come back from having a rough C-section, so she was pretty out of it. At one time, there were thirty people in her room, of which I knew 6 and they weren't positive influences in my life. She began to get stressed out and I told her then FIL to get everybody out of the room except her immediate family. I must have been Mother Bear, because he did so, immediately.

Anyway, I have kept that photo and I made a layout from it (of course I did). I'm still looking for it, but that was when i
started documenting the word of the year and it always ended up being "acceptance". That seems to be a best word for me. I love the Serenity Prayer.



Well-Known Member
Good afternoon. Look who is back :rolleyes: And ready to tackle 2024. I really do feel better. It has been so good to have Sydney home and to be able to spend a week with my family around me. And, it is really good to have the TAVR within sight...I am anxious to get on with my life. I don't think that I had been aware of how much I was worried about that. I was constantly thinking about what if something went wrong while we were on the ship or out of the country. And, of course, all of my worries were for nothing. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my contract at work was renewed through the end of 2024 and they didn't care about me taking the time off for the TAVR. They only want me to make sure that I get well. They are very nice people and I'm glad that the contract was extended.

We had a great time on the cruise. The first couple of days were a little bit choppy. But then it settled down and it was pretty nice. My word for 2024 is TIME. I feel like there are so many layers to this word and how I feel about TIME now...looking forward to peeling back those layers.

Shaun is working 30 hours a week and has figured out how to go to school full time through the end of 2024 and graduate next December. He is ready to be done. I suggested that he might not want to work so many hours but he thinks that he wants to do both and most of the classes are online...so we'll see! But he seems to have a revived enthusiasm and determination so that is good.

Sydney and I are taking a 7 day cruise to Alaska as soon as she gets out of school in May. I'm really looking forward to the memories made there!

I don't know how much MOJO I have but I'm going to push through. I so appreciate the O and how supportive @wombat146 and @faerywings have been. Now let me see if I can get some reading done to catch up about what has been going on around here.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon. Look who is back :rolleyes: And ready to tackle 2024. I really do feel better. It has been so good to have Sydney home and to be able to spend a week with my family around me. And, it is really good to have the TAVR within sight...I am anxious to get on with my life. I don't think that I had been aware of how much I was worried about that. I was constantly thinking about what if something went wrong while we were on the ship or out of the country. And, of course, all of my worries were for nothing. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my contract at work was renewed through the end of 2024 and they didn't care about me taking the time off for the TAVR. They only want me to make sure that I get well. They are very nice people and I'm glad that the contract was extended.

We had a great time on the cruise. The first couple of days were a little bit choppy. But then it settled down and it was pretty nice. My word for 2024 is TIME. I feel like there are so many layers to this word and how I feel about TIME now...looking forward to peeling back those layers.

Shaun is working 30 hours a week and has figured out how to go to school full time through the end of 2024 and graduate next December. He is ready to be done. I suggested that he might not want to work so many hours but he thinks that he wants to do both and most of the classes are online...so we'll see! But he seems to have a revived enthusiasm and determination so that is good.

Sydney and I are taking a 7 day cruise to Alaska as soon as she gets out of school in May. I'm really looking forward to the memories made there!

I don't know how much MOJO I have but I'm going to push through. I so appreciate the O and how supportive @wombat146 and @faerywings have been. Now let me see if I can get some reading done to catch up about what has been going on around here.
YAY! We have missed you!
Newest Charles Martin book to listen to.......The Last Exchange.....it is great! Included on the end is an interview with him.
Here's to 2024 being healthier for you! :heartpumpred: :hug4:


Love my O Family!
:wavinghello:Morning everyone! I am late getting in here, but DH is in the shower and I am taking a much needed coffee break! We have been busy taking down Christmas Decorations etc. Yesterday was spent going out, doing errands and purchasing a new drip coffee pot. Ours conveniently kicked the bucket on Christmas Day. We had one in the suite downstairs, but it only makes a couple of cups, so we needed a much larger one. This one should hold my DH for the mornings, its a 14 cupper LOL. I just wanted to quickly pop in and say
to you all and I hope that 2024 brings you unending joy, happiness, health and wealth!! Oh and BTW @faerywings I will start a thread with all of my fav instapot recipes for you, sorry I have been lax for doing that! We are sticking close to home this New Years Eve, it will be a quiet one for us, with perhaps a facetime from Heather and family. Jason and his family are at this moment flying to Cuba for some rest and relaxation on the beach. So we won't be hearing from them much for a week. Too all of you @faerywings, @Cherylndesigns,@BrightEyes ,@vickyday, @bcgal00, @tanteva and anyone else that should pop in here today! I send you my utmost best wishes for the New Year and look forward to our continued friendship here in the Daily Chatter Thread:pillowtalk: at the O!! Oh and I am wondering @bcgal00, now that you are no longer a B.C. gal will you change your digi name?? Enjoy the last day of 2023 everyone!! :hug4:
Same to you, Trudy! Wishing you the best in 2024! :heartpumpred::hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Welcome back, Linda! @LSlycord We've missed you and glad you had a good cruise. Congrats on having your job extended, too. You'll get your mojo back - we're so happy to see you.


Love my O Family!
Good morning and Happy New Year's Eve.

I've been up for about 2 hours, waiting on Chuck to wake up. I finished a lo for Erin that reveals tomorrow. So many choices in that collection that I'd like to make another page. I'm going up to Adrienne's at some point this evening. They're having a few friends over and of course, our little family. I doubt if Chuck will go, so I'll have to gauge it around him. Don't know where I'll ring in the new year - maybe up there, because he'll probably be in bed.

Chris @faerywings good for you for moving along with the taking down of the Christmas decorations. I decided to leave all of mine up until after tomorrow. I just love all of my little twinkle lights that I bought this year. I can always use them any time of the year, but each strand is operated by 3 AA batteries, and I can tell they're on the ragged edge of dying. I got a little remote control with each strand so they're easy to turn on and off. I think they might be fun for summer, w/o the Christmas decor.

Honestly, Wally's wasn't terribly crowded yesterday. We were shocked but I'm sure the last-minute NYE shoppers will be crazy in there today. They also had "human" checkouts yesterday more - than usual. I hate those self checkouts and refurse to do them. They have a person standing at the beginning of the checkout area and they direct you to the open and shortest lines. They've really stepped up their customer service, I think.

Vicky @vickyday love that backlit picture of you and that's one of my favorite songs by John Denver.

I'm going to pop off here now and try to make a new winter siggy.

Hugs and love to ALL and Happy New Year if I don't make it back in. Kay @BrightEyes Trudy @taxed4ever Rae @bcgal00 and anybody else who stops in. XOXO
I enjoyed a lot of his songs!