
Daily Ooos: December 23-24: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
It's the weekend! yay!
I'm way far behind and moving slowly. Probably not the best of ideas to stay out late last night and enjoy the extra glass(es) of wine. I was more than a little tipsy when I got home. Such a fun night. Dani is like my second DD and it will never stop amazing me how grown up she is. She is a Career Advisor at a college in Orlando and she and Cait compared notes, they talked wedding plans, and Debbie and I said that we are going to need to bring bags and boxes of tissues.
But that said, I am paying for it today. I have to clean this crazy house and whoa, I am not feeling it.:mopping:
I got a lot done yesterday, thank goodness. The food gifts are done too, I only have to add labels to the pickled peppers and the marinated olives and cheese. I can't wrap the baskets up until the last minute but they are as close to done as can be.

Wish me luck! And energy. And no more headache. And *definitely* no more wine today! :giggle4:



The Loopy-O
@vickyday I have been telling my mom the same thing for *years* No one will even notice if something isn't done. I never take my own advice :p Thanks for the Mom Talk and hug.
The PT-ist sounds like she was very helpful and supportive, that's fab!
Have a nice week with Mark. 10 days sounds long but I bet it will fly by. Cait must have the same amount of time off too. She doesn't go back until Jan 2.

@BrightEyes sending you gentle hugs, hope that you aren't as achy as you had been. Good idea to take it easy.
I hope that Linda is enjoying the cruise, but I miss seeing her here.

@taxed4ever No jinxing yourself allowed! How was your day, were you able to stay in and putter about? That's frustrating when you have non-stop wild dreams every night. Sending you good luck/strength/patience and all that for the next busy few weeks with the holidays and your Gary's surgery and recovery.

@pachimac ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) I wish you lived near me, I would love top have you come over to hang with us.
It's such a weird year, most people I know are not feeling festive at all. And that is OK.

@Cherylndesigns Did Daisy come home from the groomers with a little Christmas ribbon on her?
Yeah, the Lyme meds cause the borrelia bacteria to release toxins when they die off. It's called a Herxheimer reaction, herx for short. Its suuuuuucks. :(

Love and hugs!!!


Woke up to rain.... not snow. We need the rain so not complaining that it is happening. Temps are hovering just above freezing some roads are icy this morning. Glad I don't have to be out and about. I did take a PJ day yesterday... and lazed around all day. Read 2 books and started another one before turning off the light last night. Waiting for the house to warm up before taking my shower.

@taxed4ever I think crazy (nightmare) dreams are going around.... I have been having them the past several nights. Hope yours stops and you can get some descent sleep. Wow, you have a lot going on over the holiday weekend.

@faerywings I can just see you as a tipsy fairy :fairy2: giggling as you and Cait stumble back across the street from your friend's. So glad you took the time to relax and enjoy being with them. Hope the headache, etc from the evening goes away quickly. It is not the gifts that are important... it is sharing the time with your loved ones that is most important.

@vickyday I disagree with Mark... PT should not 'hurt'... you should feel the stretches, etc but it shouldn't be painful. Gradual stretching and working on the core is the way to go. <<< hugs >>>

@pachimac... sending you lots of hugs - know you are loved and not alone in not celebrating Christmas like in the past. The most important part is that you have family and are together.

@Cherylndesigns So good to hear that hubby is improving. Nice that the nurse thought he was doing well, too. His wanting and enjoying his coffee is a big step forward. So glad you have family close by and the girls are getting you out and about some.

Off to get my shower and another cup of coffee. HAGWE


Well-Known Member
Good morning. Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We are leaving soon for our cruise. Things seem to have finally slowed down and I’m feeling better. I will be back on the 30th of the month and be back here at the O on 12/31. I am hoping that some of my vacation photos will inspire me and my mojo will reappear!
Love you all!❤️❤️


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I have been telling my mom the same thing for *years* No one will even notice if something isn't done. I never take my own advice :p Thanks for the Mom Talk and hug.
The PT-ist sounds like she was very helpful and supportive, that's fab!
Have a nice week with Mark. 10 days sounds long but I bet it will fly by. Cait must have the same amount of time off too. She doesn't go back until Jan 2.

@BrightEyes sending you gentle hugs, hope that you aren't as achy as you had been. Good idea to take it easy.
I hope that Linda is enjoying the cruise, but I miss seeing her here.

@taxed4ever No jinxing yourself allowed! How was your day, were you able to stay in and putter about? That's frustrating when you have non-stop wild dreams every night. Sending you good luck/strength/patience and all that for the next busy few weeks with the holidays and your Gary's surgery and recovery.

@pachimac ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) I wish you lived near me, I would love top have you come over to hang with us.
It's such a weird year, most people I know are not feeling festive at all. And that is OK.

@Cherylndesigns Did Daisy come home from the groomers with a little Christmas ribbon on her?
Yeah, the Lyme meds cause the borrelia bacteria to release toxins when they die off. It's called a Herxheimer reaction, herx for short. Its suuuuuucks. :(

Love and hugs!!!
Same for Mark.....Jan. 2nd return to work day!


Love my O Family!
Good morning. Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We are leaving soon for our cruise. Things seem to have finally slowed down and I’m feeling better. I will be back on the 30th of the month and be back here at the O on 12/31. I am hoping that some of my vacation photos will inspire me and my mojo will reappear!
Love you all!❤️❤️
Have a WONDERFUL time cruising! So glad you are feeling better! :hug4: :heartpumpred:


Love my O Family!
Good Morning to All!
Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
I've been going non-stop since I got up at 7:45 this morning! First thing on our to-do list was to go and let my daughter's dogs out and feed them. That takes about 45 minutes plus another 40 minutes travel.

When we got home I threw Mark's last load of laundry into the dryer.:laundry: Then headed to the kitchen :spam: to start on the weekend food for Mark.....meat balls in cream of mushroom soup with onion in the crockpot and a batch of collard greens cooking on top of the stove. I've never fixed them so I had to look up a recipe. Saute onions in oil (I used bacon grease) and add garlic. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil (seasoning is pepper, salt, and smoked paprika). Add the pre-cut, bagged collards and let them cook. Then I fixed Mark a batch of tea. Then went back to the laundry to hang up his clothes. Then washed mine :laundry: and dried them (currently) and now the towels, etc are washing.

My back is telling me it is done! My wrist is telling me no more elastic bands today! I'm in my pjs and sitting on the heating pad! That's it for me today! I've got a Stouffers meal in the toaster oven and that will be my brunch. The onions and garlic are really smelling the house up! Smells good, but I'm probably NOT going to try the collards!

Besides finishing the laundry as it needs, I'm on the recliner for the rest of the day and am vowing to get some scrapping done!:busy1:

Have a great weekend!
Hugs to all and Merry Christmas! :waving1:xmas9::xmas3::xmas7::xmas-sheep:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. We got a few inches of powdery snow last night. Remi was so excited to get up this morning and go play in the yard. I'll take her to the dog park later before going to pick up our Xmas Day dinner and getting some groceries.

I have to call the order in this morning when the restaurant opens. I had fun yesterday, exploring a Calgary park. Met another photographer and enjoyed chatting for awhile. I joined a Calgary seniors group that goes out on birding walks every Thurs. Not sure when that starts up in the new year but I'm guessing it'll be in the spring. I joined a local club and they meet every Thurs for drinks/dinner so D and I will go to that in the new year. Then on Tues, the local seniors club play euchre (card game) so D and I can go to that too. It'll be nice to get involved in some groups again.

Tomorrow Jen and I are going to see a movie in the early evening, driving around to see the Xmas lights along the way. D doesn't feel ready to get out yet, still recovering from his surgery.

@faerywings Glad you had fun last night. Hope you get everything done today you need to.

@LSlycord Enjoy the cruise!

@vickyday The meatballs sound good. Enjoy your quiet day.

I'd better get dressed and get on with my day. I need to get my order ready to call in. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. We got a few inches of powdery snow last night. Remi was so excited to get up this morning and go play in the yard. I'll take her to the dog park later before going to pick up our Xmas Day dinner and getting some groceries.

I have to call the order in this morning when the restaurant opens. I had fun yesterday, exploring a Calgary park. Met another photographer and enjoyed chatting for awhile. I joined a Calgary seniors group that goes out on birding walks every Thurs. Not sure when that starts up in the new year but I'm guessing it'll be in the spring. I joined a local club and they meet every Thurs for drinks/dinner so D and I will go to that in the new year. Then on Tues, the local seniors club play euchre (card game) so D and I can go to that too. It'll be nice to get involved in some groups again.

Tomorrow Jen and I are going to see a movie in the early evening, driving around to see the Xmas lights along the way. D doesn't feel ready to get out yet, still recovering from his surgery.

@faerywings Glad you had fun last night. Hope you get everything done today you need to.

@LSlycord Enjoy the cruise!

@vickyday The meatballs sound good. Enjoy your quiet day.

I'd better get dressed and get on with my day. I need to get my order ready to call in. HAGD everyone.
I'm glad you are feeling well enough to be out and about! The seniors group and birding sounds wonderful! I haven't been able to find anything like that around here. My departed DH and I used to love playing Euchre with our son and DIL! Mark doesn't know how to play.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all.

Happy Christmas Eve Eve. LOL I'm glad it's not just me that has zero (well, maybe a little more than zero) Christas Spirit this year. It's just a weird year all round. So many people are struggling and well, I can't go there - it will jst get me further down in the dumps. Adrienne and I are going to the grocery store in about an hour. Call us crazy. At least she doesn't want to go to Walmart. I actually need a few things, though and can pick them up while I'm there. I gought some frozen mango pieces at Wally's the other day and boy are they delicious. I just hope Reasor's (the grocery store) has them too. I've been looking for them, but they have never been in the freezer until I found them at Walmart the other day.

Chris @faerywings you know what they say................."hair of the dog". Could help - just sayin'. :wine4: I figured there were some bad side effects from that medication.

Kay @BrightEyes I do think Chuck is feeling a little better if he wanted coffee. He's had it every day this week now. Coffee was the first thing I lost my taste for whenever I was sick. It is a good sign I think.

Linda @LSlycord good to see you pop in and bon voyage. Merry Christmas to you and your family. See you when you get back with us.

I'm going to cut this short because I have to get cleaned up to go to the craziness that is the grocery store on Christmas Eve Eve. :banghead::banghead:

Love and hugs to ALL. XOXO


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Chris @faerywings I was standing in the kitchen and realized I didn't answer your question about Daisy. No, this is the first groomer we've ever used that doesn't put any kind of bow or anything on the dogs. It's SO weird. I thought, at least, she would yesterday, but no. I reminded Daisy that we haven't put her Christmas outfit on yet and that she wasn't going to get away with it this year. She gave me the evil eye. :rotfl:


The Loopy-O
Merry Christmas Eve! :christmastree:

I worked my butt off yesterday. Turned out I wasn't as drunk as I thought. Took an Advil and was good to go. Caitlyn didn't think I was drunk either. So, all was well. :drinkglance:

The house is mostly cleaned, everything is wrapped, and the cookie trays (10 of them!) are ready to be shared. This morning is going to be cleaning the kitchen and making whatever food I can prep for tomorrow. We will be heading to my mom's this afternoon and then it's non-stop until tomorrow night.

@BrightEyes Soundslike your cozy PPJ was perfect. Do you ever worry that you are going to run out of books to read? :D
I had some very odd dreams last night too. I am chalking it up to overstimulation.
I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the ladies were chatting about their favorite gifts. They agreed that the best gifts were the ones that were handmade. Made me think of your words and I feel a lot better.

@LSlycord Not sure when you will see this but Merry Christmas and Bon Voyage! Can't wait to catch up with everything you have been up to and it sounds like a lot of good things! :)

@vickyday Please take care of your back today, you have been super busy and no point in making it feel worse.
I've never made collards, but I like spinach (loooove spinach), kale, and broccoli rabe. Is it a bitter green? Will blanching it get rid of bitterness? I am sure Mark with love them.

@bcgal00 It didn't take you long at all to find a park, another photographer, *and* a birding group. So happy for you!
Enjoy the day and movie with Jen. Hope that D is feeling much better soon.

@pachimac I am really glad that you are feeling better. Have a wonderful and joyous time at Mass tonight.

@Cherylndesigns Eeep. You were brave heading to the store yesterday. I hope that you found the frozen mangos.
I reminded Daisy that we haven't put her Christmas outfit on yet and that she wasn't going to get away with it this year. She gave me the evil eye. :rotfl:
Pictures. I must have pictures. :camera:

Sending you all big hugs today!



Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas to my O_Family.jpg

Journaling reads

My Dears,
I don't want to miss out on sending you my warmest wishes and a big hug for a peaceful, beautiful and, above all, healthy Christmas.
I'm looking forward to your reports after the holidays.
I will think of you.
See you soon



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

Wow, it's Christmas Eve. How did that happen? Well, Chris @faerywings the store wasn't horrible. They were out of some of things we wanted, though. The price we pay for not going to Wally's. We just didn't have it in us to go there. I DID get my mangos! They had larger bags, even - score on the mangos. Speaking of price, they were higher at this store, too. Again, the price you pay - I saw a big box of Eggo Waffles and they were almost $12! Granted it was a larger box than normal, but $12 for waffles? I can live w/o them. I got two more large tubs of Greek Yogurt for Chuck's smoothies (not as big as at Wally's) and they were $6 apiece. I wanted some Brie, and they were out of that. Had every other kind of cheese except Brie. There were several of circling the cheese case and I'm sure the others were looking for Brie too. Oh well, guess I won't make my baked brie this year. I picked up my last gift for our little friend Ally. Got her some cozy leopard skin slippers. They were also out of Starbuck's Gift Cards. Ugh. I tried to get a flu shot and missed them closing the pharmacy by five minutes. I thought it was too good to be true that the pharmacy was deserted. Oh well, I'll go back after Christmas. I'm getting nervous because I haven't gotten it yet. Chuck got his when he was in rehab, so he's got his at least.

Susanne, @Su_Sanne thank you so much for the beautiful Christmas card. I wish the same for you and yours. Merry Christmas!

Chris @faerywings I made a tartan plaid bow for Daisy's collar a few minutes ago. We'll do the Christmas pictures later. Adrienne's coming over, so she can help me. It's a two-person operation and Chuck doesn't feel like helping me this year. I'll be sure to post a picture or two for you.

Hugs and love to ALL and Merry Christmas!! :xmas4::xmas3::xmas2:hug4:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's such a surreal feeling to not have all the traditional Xmas stuff going on...no gifts, decorations (except for a few things) and no big meal prep. I picked up our BBQ order yesterday. It smelled heavenly. D and I ordered a sandwich for dinner last night and I could only eat half of it. I had smoked pulled chicken and he had smoked pulled pork. The bread is thick sliced, homemade by them. So good. Their caesar salad was really good with smoked bacon in it. The Xmas order is oven ready in tinfoil containers for reheating, will be a really easy dinner tomorrow. Tonight Jen and I will see Xmas lights on the way to the movie (Hunger Games) and then back to the house to watch a movie with D before bed.

Hope you all have a wonderful Xmas, whether it's quiet (like us) or busy with family and friends. I need to shower and dress, then get out with the dogs for a bit. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Merry Christmas Eve! :christmastree:

I worked my butt off yesterday. Turned out I wasn't as drunk as I thought. Took an Advil and was good to go. Caitlyn didn't think I was drunk either. So, all was well. :drinkglance:

The house is mostly cleaned, everything is wrapped, and the cookie trays (10 of them!) are ready to be shared. This morning is going to be cleaning the kitchen and making whatever food I can prep for tomorrow. We will be heading to my mom's this afternoon and then it's non-stop until tomorrow night.

@BrightEyes Soundslike your cozy PPJ was perfect. Do you ever worry that you are going to run out of books to read? :D
I had some very odd dreams last night too. I am chalking it up to overstimulation.
I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the ladies were chatting about their favorite gifts. They agreed that the best gifts were the ones that were handmade. Made me think of your words and I feel a lot better.

@LSlycord Not sure when you will see this but Merry Christmas and Bon Voyage! Can't wait to catch up with everything you have been up to and it sounds like a lot of good things! :)

@vickyday Please take care of your back today, you have been super busy and no point in making it feel worse.
I've never made collards, but I like spinach (loooove spinach), kale, and broccoli rabe. Is it a bitter green? Will blanching it get rid of bitterness? I am sure Mark with love them.

@bcgal00 It didn't take you long at all to find a park, another photographer, *and* a birding group. So happy for you!
Enjoy the day and movie with Jen. Hope that D is feeling much better soon.

@pachimac I am really glad that you are feeling better. Have a wonderful and joyous time at Mass tonight.

@Cherylndesigns Eeep. You were brave heading to the store yesterday. I hope that you found the frozen mangos.

Pictures. I must have pictures. :camera:

Sending you all big hugs today!

I'm probably not the person to ask the collard questions. Mark said they are kinda bitter. I don't eat them. When reading the prep for the collards (fresh from the garden) she added vinegar to the water rinse. Not sure what the purpose of that would be. Maybe for the bitterness??? The ones I fixed were bagged (like bagged salad). Ilene's daughter gave them to her but since she was going out of town for the weekend she gave them to me. I did rinse them before cooking them, just because. Here's the recipe I used: Meatless Southern Collard Greens
I did not add the red pepper flakes at Mark's request. I used bacon grease to sauté the onions and garlic and chicken stock to cook them in, adding water as necessary. I probably cooked them 2 hours before Mark dove into them. He said they were very good. I'm glad! I did not taste them, but they sure smelled good cooking! I fixed a skillet of Jiffy cornbread, too. AND we loved the meatballs fixed in cream of mushroom soup. Mark requested onions be added to the soup. I was really good and I'm not a meatball person!


Love my O Family!
Wishing you all a happy whatever you celebrate! Here's our digital card with a photo of a Tennessee Warbler DH took in September.

View attachment 409654
Merry Christmas, Jean! That looks a lot like the pine warbler I've seen around our house here in NC, but the coloring is a bit different! Beautiful card! Your DH takes wonderful bird photos!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. It's such a surreal feeling to not have all the traditional Xmas stuff going on...no gifts, decorations (except for a few things) and no big meal prep. I picked up our BBQ order yesterday. It smelled heavenly. D and I ordered a sandwich for dinner last night and I could only eat half of it. I had smoked pulled chicken and he had smoked pulled pork. The bread is thick sliced, homemade by them. So good. Their caesar salad was really good with smoked bacon in it. The Xmas order is oven ready in tinfoil containers for reheating, will be a really easy dinner tomorrow. Tonight Jen and I will see Xmas lights on the way to the movie (Hunger Games) and then back to the house to watch a movie with D before bed.

Hope you all have a wonderful Xmas, whether it's quiet (like us) or busy with family and friends. I need to shower and dress, then get out with the dogs for a bit. HAGD
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Ours is going to be quiet, too! We will probably deliver gifts to Mark's grands, but my family is not gathering until January.


Love my O Family!
Good Merry Christmas Eve Afternoon to All!
Just popping in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
I'm taking a break (mostly) from my hope PT today! And working on my December Monthly Review! I'm just about finished with it but saved a couple of spots for end-of-the-month photos, including a Christmas selfie with Mark. The other photo will be taken on 12/31 of the amaryllis my SIL gave to me Thanksgiving so I can show her how much it has grown this month!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Sorry I have been so absent everyone but wanted to pop in and say a Very Merry Christmas to you all and I hope that your celebration is happy and filled with love and family gatherings!! Merry Christmas everyone!!:xmas6::elf3::xmas2:elf4: