
Daily Ooo's: December 22-23: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Crunch Time!! And I do not mean Granola LOL

Last weekend to get ready (and all of you *Eva-- cough cough*) who were waiting to see if we made it through the Apocalypse, looks like we made it.

I am off to finish cleaning here *fingers crossed for success* then drinks with my friend across the street later. We live literally feet from each other, but we haven't sat down and talked since the summer. I babysit er son every morning before school, so I can catch up on news through him, but face to face talking seems to get scarcer and scarcer.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Good morning. Sydney's soccer game was changed from 8 to 10 so I had time to make a sausage cheese pie for breakfast. Now, the running begins! I will stop in later today. Good luck to all!
morning O fam= well afternoon I guess, I am enjoying having my youngest son home and having a bed for him to sleep in, instead of on the couch!
Read today that since the fall of Rome in 476 AD the end of the world has been predicted 183 times. :)
Morning ladies... Wow I slept until 8am!!! What a great feeling to wake up and not feel like I did not sleep at all. My back is a bit sore from being in bed for too long though LOL!! Guess I just needed that extra sleep time and now that there is no Christmas pressure I suppose I just totally shut down.

Chris - How nice that you are getting a chance to catch up with your neighbour! Enjoy! My hubby has to go out and fight the shopping crowds today, but not me :becky:

LindaS - Sounds like one yummy breakfast!! Can I come over for some? I hate making breakfast! Enjoy the later soccer game!

Laurie - I am jealous!! Wishing my family were here with me this Christmas!! Nice that you can put your son in his own bed and not the couch!! Will your other son be joining you as well? Have a wonderful visit with him!

Well I don't have much to do today, so I will try to get some scrapping done and spend time leaving love in the gallery. Perhaps a Christmas movie should be watched today on Netflix? I am going to love my relaxing day today! :wave:
Hi Eva! :wave: Wow 183 times and still no one has gotten right? Thank goodness!!
good morning - afternoon really - grey skies and a few snow flurries LOL but all my cool birds have been at my feeders this am so that is making me happy! My red and white breasted nuthatches and my Carolina Wren. We have a holiday party to attend tonight at one of my DH graduate students. It will be fun as they are from all over the world so will all the food.

Chris hope you have a nice chat!

Eva - I guess I would have thought that there were many more than 183 times that the end of the world has been predicted.

Laurie glad the bed is there and not a couch for your son.

Have a great day!
Trudy, only one son will be home and he will take the gifts back with him so I don't have to mail them!! I am doing a lousy job of making cookies- sure they will get eaten anyways. I am enjoying listening to son and my husband yell at tv during Syracuse basketball game.
Laurie, saw that veal parmesan on your facebook page. Yum!

Trudy, glad that you didn't have to brave the crowds today. And yay for the sleeping in!

Oh Nancy, it sounds like you have a lot of fun ahead of you tonight. Hope that it isn't a potluck party and that DH didn't cook and then leave your kitchen a mess!

Eva, I am a believer that the world will end someday. But I am also a firm believer in that we won't know when. In the meantime...back to your regularly scheduled programs...
I am cleaning my office tonight. HP just provided an app for Windows 8 that makes the desktop act like Windows 7 so I may make it after all.

And, Brian's laptop has been fixed and is on its way back home. Which causes me to want one more desk in here. Then each child would have a desk...as well as me. That may be an after Christmas expense.

Since I'm cleaning my office, expect me to be back in multiple times. I can't stick with it for long...
hi, there! is everyone ready for The Big Day?? just popping in to say i'm still alive and kicking. got some cooking and shopping to do today in prep for the 2 dinners on the 24th and 25th. and this morning i made a PAGE!!! (snort...with sunglasses on!! :cool: )

enjoy the next few days. lots!


Phyllis, I really think that you need to scrap a page about that-- working with your sunglasses on!!

Scrapping is on my list for today. I have to work on a Jan. challenge but I also have only scrapped 2 pages this month. Very sad.

Linda S- that pie sounds yummy! Wish my kids ate sausage. They won't even eat chicken sausage (can't blame them on that, we tried it, and didn't like it). The will eat bacon on account that it really isn't meat by the time you are done cooking it. :pound:

Anyway-- great that you had a slower morning and could enjoy the kids! How is the snow situation, melting away yet?

Laurie- how long is your DS staying? Hope you get lots of time to hang with him. I can't remember if I commented or not (I don't think I did) about the Amish wedding.
Sounds really neat! I I enjoyed seeing some of the similarities and differences in customs.

Eva- only 183? Those whom are counting do *not*live with my son, who predicts that on a regular basis. :p

Trudy- your day yesterday sounded like it was to be heavenly!!

Does anyone know if you have two monitors, can you run a DVD on one and be on the computer on the other? I kind of doubt it. I love Its a Wonderful Life but the rest of my family won't watch with me. If I could scrap and watch at the same time it would be nice.

Nancy, I woke up to snow too! And I hear they are predicting 2-3" in the City for Christmas Eve? That really must change b/c we get so much more than them in the mountains here and my town is bad about plowing (not really their fault, just lots and lots of back roads to cover) and I do NOT drive in snow. Not after having 3 accidents in one winter when I was pg with Scott, trying to get to work. :smow: :car: :sick:

What a nice view to watch all of those birds in the morning.

Linda S- were you able to figure out how to get Win 8 into Win 7? Hope so. Why do they have to keep changing everything around????

Laurie have fun scanning! I am still working on my mom's photos and neg's to make into a slideshow for her b-day gift with is in 2 weeks. A labor of love for sure!

good morning we had such a good time at our gala dinner party. However isnt there always a down side - there was an accident on the Goethals Bridge and what should have taken 40 min took us 90 min. The Goethals is such an old bridge and only two very narrow lanes so getting the tow trucks in and cars removed meant a long wait. Now for the really great side. There was a huge variety of food. Yummy and spicy and eat too much. I realize when I see these kids (college students so kids to me) how easy I had it. Our hosts the cutest married couple with a 3 month old baby both parents work and the mom goes to school. Her sister is studying to be a pharmacist while working at two jobs. I am so impressed. Yes my DH did cook - a peach pie and a coconut cream pie. Yummy and a messy kitchen. He cleaned before he cooked but not after LOL. I am going to be scrapping while watching Miracle on 34th Street. I love the original! Then football.

Phylis glad to see you pop in and are still kicking!

Laurie have fun with the scanning - when I do it it always brings back such awesome memories

Have a great day!
Good morning ladies! I'm not at all sure what I'm doing today. Have made some amount of progress on cleaning my office but not enough. Seriously, sorting papers takes me forever...I sit and read each one. I am a packrat...no doubt about it.

Phylis, completely agree with Chris...you must scrap a page for us in your sunglasses!

Saw a few of those old photos on your FB page Laurie...how much fun!
Nancy, the party sounds fabulous. What does your DH teach?

Chris, did you get to the doctor last week? Did I miss a day of the Daily's? I remember reading about Gary's appt. but not yours.

Snow is still here and so are wickedly cold temps so don't see much chance of melting in sight. Need to do some grocery shopping and get started on cooking for tomorrow night and Tuesday.

You know that I'll be back when I need a break from the craziness!
Morning my friends... Up earlier today 6:15am tossed and turned a lot last night! I guess I am paying for my great sleep the other night! Really lazy day yesterday and yet I only managed to get one page done, just was not inspired to do more than that. Today is grocery shopping day Ughhh, the crowds are going to be horrendous!! Work tomorrow until 4:30 and then I have my sisters and their hubby's coming over for drinks and appy's around 6 ish . This will be a quiet Christmas for us, wish the kids could be home, but its nice that we can facetime and at least watch the grandkids open their gifts.

LindaS - If you don't stop reading all of those papers you will never get your office cleaned out!! LOL Sounds like you will have a white Christmas this year!! We are still very mild and green and :rain: I did the white Christmas thing for 28 years on the prairie and I don't miss it not one bit :nono:

Phylis - :wave: would love to see you in your sunglasses!! Did you find that it helped you at all? I know that you are not doing the big supper this year for Christmas, will it be just you and your MG or will your DD be joining you also?

Chris - Hope the snowplows make it to your area! I hate driving in the white stuff too! Enjoy your day to scrap my friend!

Nancy - how nice that you had such a good time at your gala dinner! That's too bad about the accident on the bridge! Hope no one was hurt! Sometimes when there is an accident on the Malaht, you can be stuck there for hours on end!! We always have to check the web cams to make sure that traffic is flowing smoothly before we head over it. MG got stuck there once for over 6hrs!! NOT FUN!!

Hope everyone enjoys their sunday and that you are all ready for the big day! :wave:
Eva, I am a believer that the world will end someday. But I am also a firm believer in that we won't know when. In the meantime...back to your regularly scheduled programs...

I'm not sure I'll think it end. Not like the planet will disappear. I'm thinking more in the line of Planet of the Apes - the world will change into something different. If humans continue like we do ... we will make ourselves an extinct (sp?) animal soon enough.

oh and as far as when ... only The Father knows!

And when they say 183 times, I guess they mean like big events like this Mayan thing were. Jehovah's Witnesses, Heaven's Gate and things like that, that set a specific date and reach large masses and/or ended in a bad way. Not every little crazy pastor who gets an idea for his 20 followers. ;) Also, I guess it's only from a Western perspective. I don't know how much we know about what happened in every end of the world as far back as 476 AD.

And something totally different. Dad went back to the hospital today. Really high fever and totally exhausted. Probably dehydrated too. As we celebrate Christmas on the 24th here in Sweden, it's safe to say he will spend his Christmas at the hospital. But honestly, the way he looked today, I'm not sure he'll survive this time. He has some kind of chronic inflammation, and they put him on intravenous antibiotics.

I'm trying to fix the last things for tomorrow, no Christmas spirit at all. Tried to get into it yesterday - watched Bad Santa ... nothing can get you more into Christmas spirit :tongue:

If I don't see you until after:
Merry f-ing Christmas folks!
(Grinchen is my middle name!)
Eva, i hope your dad isn't suffering. it's a heck of a way to spend Christmas.

Trudy, wish you lived nearby. you and your hubby could join us for Christmas dinner. i AM actually doing the big dinner. except only for three people: me, Hubby, and daughter. the only difference between last year and this is that i won't have to iron the giant tablecloth (we have a dining room table that has six extensions...) since there will only be three of us at the normal-sized table. everything else will be the same. hubby wanted a lot of LEFTOVERS, so we bought the usual size rib roast--which is enormous.

wow, is it COLD outside! but the sun is shining, which makes all the difference. i was getting SO sick of GRAY.
i'm not ready!!! kinda freaking out here!!! Just sayin'...
I've got three gifts to finish...and a bunch to go out and buy! eeeeeek!! Anyone want to go to Macy's for me?????