
Daily Ooo's: December 20-21: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Oh my freaking goodness, can life get any more stressful????????????

Yesterday, I go to work, feeling like utter crap. Cait was not feeling well either, but she knew she had to go in, b/c you know, attendance hearings and loss of credit and all that BS if she misses more days.
I am moving very slowly at work, and am not surprised when I get a text from her saying that she was throwing up and had to be picked up. I text back to have her call Gary since I was at work. He calls me and says that his stomach was a mess and couldn't leave the house. So I drop everything, drive to the school, bring Cait back home and then back to work.
I finish up downstairs, grab my bag and the can of furniture polish falls out and digs out a huge chunk of their hardwood floor. I am beside myself. (is it besides myself, or beside? Anyone know the proper term?) Trying not to cry. I go upstairs to speak to my client- he works from home, and he was trying to reassure me, but I am so much at the end of my emotional capabilities (I never say that I am at the "end of my rope" b/c whenever I say that, life throws me something else. Although, now that I think of it, this happens no matter *what* I say!! LOL), that I literally cannot stop apologizing. I am so tired, and shaky and upset with myself, that I can't seem to let it go.

I get home and I can't even function. I was able to get my appt for my PICC Insertion. She originally gave me the date of the 23rd, then I said to myself- Whoa-- wait a minute, one more week isn't going to kill me, wait until *after* Christmas. *pats self of back for realizing this*
Then she calls back because it is in my file from the last insertion, that I don't have anyone to care for the line (damn insurance!), so I told her the standard line, that Gary cares for it. That he is on an insulin pump, has had two picc's himself, had done mine previously for 7 months. We obviously know the routine, but now I worry that the hospital won't do it. Liability and all that crap.

But I got a bit more done yesterday even as I was brain-dead. I wrapped 2 more baskets, and wrapped a few more gifts. I have to wrap the one last basket for my neighbor, then work a bit on my parents' things.
Then I *still* have to scrap those pages for my BFF and niece and now I have to figure out where to find a 12x12 frame in town or nearby at least. My brother and SIL's gift came in the mail yesterday and I had kind of forgotten about it. I ordered a canvas print of a LO of them from Artscow and OMG it is gorgeous! But in need of a frame... I don't want to have to go shopping anymore! GAH!!!!!!:fear:

I hope that I can finish up loose ends today, ('frayed knot....... bwuahahah!!!) and maybe do a bit of baking tomorrow.

What good plans do you have? Hope they are fun and relaxing!

Puns: Funny or annoying? Gary is "The PUN-isher" he has the worst puns ever, which is why the kids' made him the mug with some of his more "famous" *cough choke cough* puns on it. I am bad at puns, so typically I don't even try except for up there^^.
Every once in a while, he comes up with a good one. But usually we all groan.



The Loopy-O
Phyllis Yeah, it's a vaginal hysterectomy. Everything is done from the inside but it is freaky. *shuddering* It is supposed to be less healing time and all. I cannot imagine having an abdominal scar.
I thought of you while I was on the phone with the hospital yesterday. I had said something about having surgery in January and the woman asked what I was having done, so I said hysterectomy. She said I am so sorry. I replied I'm NOT!!! LOL I can't wait for this to be over.
IV- my health has declined so much this past month or so. Gary even said that I was more disabled than him, at this point. I feel like some days! Any stress on the body causes a chain reaction of immune suppression, inflammation and the Lyme bacteria can then literally come out of the woodwork (aka cell tissue). Unfortunately, I seem to be a magnet for stress, from both external and internal sources. I have to find a way to reverse my polarity!! heh!

QOTD? if i'm dreaming of a White Christmas, it's a nightmare!
But at least you are sleeping:p
I feel the same, as you know my fellow Weather Bitch!

nancy- I had to laugh, I saw a FB friend post a picture of the Devils form the game, saying that they we actually leading, and better post a pic while they still were. Hope that they stayed leading. That is funny about your sister forgetting the day. I do that too.

Shar- It is sooooo nice having you join us here, we have a sweet little coffee klatch group, no pressure to post anything but we all seem to get along great! Glad that you are here!
I totally know what you mean, my dog Harley that passed away a few years ago, she was like that. She was so in tune with me, and I still miss her so much. Our Cat Merlin that just passed last month was the same way-- they were both old souls, you could tell.
You are a wrapping machine!!! That is a great set up. I have boxes and bags and scraps everywhere and can never find the scissors or pens when I need them.

Trudy- I am with Phyllis- I love your teddy bears and paintings! I am with you on being behind in the Gallery. There is no way I am going to be able to make my goal for that.:(
Gary told me the other day that he ran out of his short breads that I make him for Christmas and his b-day. That is usually his main Christmas gift from me, But darn it, he never leaves the house so how can I make them with him here?? Lat year he was out for 15 minutes or so, got them in the oven, when they were out of the oven, I had them cooling in my supply closet.eesh!
Yes, you are right, 110%-- it always does come together and whatever doesn't, no one notices but me.
How are Heather and Mason doing?

Jean-Good to hear that you are getting a lot of stuff done. Sending warm thoughts to you too while you are on your Bird Count today. How many birds do you typically see?
So sweet of your hubby to buy you flowers!

Love and hugs and so many thanks to all of you who listen and support me in all of my craziness. I know that I have said it before, but if I didn't know that I was "real" I would read my posts and think I was some sort of crazy lady behind the screen just making crap up for a reaction. But nope *pinches self* I am real! I might be a crazy lady behind the screen but I am not making stuff up, even if I many times wish I were.


Well-Known Member
good morning - my Devils won last night against the Tampa Bay Lightning 3-2 in and yes it is true in a shoot out! The Devils back-up is this young kid Kinkaid. He was awesome! Patrick Elias my favorite Devil scored in regulation and scored in the Shoot Out. So there were not boos! My DIL could not go so I got to sit in her seat and my son brought another friend so it was a good fun. And we all went home happy! Tonight I have another game against the Capitals. Today not sure what I will do other than walk. I know what I should do but that is no fun LOL!

Chris I am so sorry your day was so crazy. It is not fun to have every one sick! Hoping they all feel better soon.

Phylis we are to have just rain on Christmas Eve and clear by Christmas Day. Not sure how that translates in your area.

Trudy congrats on seeing the sun. We are cloudy here in NJ. Not to get to even 40 today.

Jean have fun on the Bird Count. My husband and I go on ours next Sat. Hope you see lots of birds!

Shar love your wrapped presents photo. You are way more organized than I will ever be.

QOTD - I love puns but have no ability to do them.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, you Actual Real-Life Crazy Lady!! as i've often said, your life reads like a movie some days. :scared: i am really sorry that all this stuff is happening. it seems like things like these appear in a new-and-improved CONDENSED form around holidays. i feel like i'm ducking out of the way of stuff getting thrown around, but i am succeeding. so far. is Cait OK? why do you try to hide the shortbread from DH? bake them in his face! he KNOWS he's gonna GET them, so why stress yourself out by trying to hide them? but that's just another I Love Lucy Chris Moment for me to imagine. :pound:

I gave up trying to hoard the little pieces of wrapping paper that were left over...out they go...no clutter in the room, no clutter in my mind
Shar, great idea. i don't save paper, but i do have too many blasted rolls of the stuff and gift bags and bows in my closet, shoved way in the back, hard to access. i will have to look for an enormous roll of paper someplace. sounds like an excellent system! oh, to live in the Great Northwest and have the opportunity to be "indifferent" to snow!! lucky you!!

Jean, did you freeze on the bird count? well, at least it wasn't raining/snowing or both!! oh, how i love to hear of a Dh buying flowers for their wife!! my DH claims not to "believe" in buying flowers. i once told him: who cares what YOU believe? I BELIEVE!!

Nancy, YAY on the shootout win! i heard that our Crosby was back in the lineup after mumps. boy, that was fast. mumps must not have a very long recoop period.

Trudy, NUtS! another cold?? hope you're feeling better today, not worse! take care.

well, SUPPOSEDLY the missing Christmas Box has arrived at its overseas destination, after a solid MONTH of wandering around the country. i asked to get emails from the post office about it, and it was reported delivered yesterday. i'm waiting to hear a confirmation from my son, and i'm waiting to hear whether anything was stolen from inside the box during its travels. you know, the postal service is like the law. you expect that it will work, it will be fair, and that people who are charged with the job are honest, competent and honorable people. when that falls apart, everything falls apart. anyway. now i'm making bread for Christmas dinner. waiting for the initial rise, which takes forever. then i'm going to make a pumpkin roll. i made come chocolate-covered Oreos with Double Stuff yesterday with a little gingerbread sugar man on top of each. that is cheating, as far as i'm concerned. (OREOS??) but it's easy, and Hubby's family are chocolate freaks, so they should be happy. gotta make a few things for the ethnic Christmas Eve dinner here. Just for my little family. easy. and i'm waiting for a SKYPE call from DS. and doing laundry. thrilling, as usual.

QOTD: puns? annoying. mostly because they're not very good.

take a deep breath. everybody, now......breathe IN....hold for 5 seconds.......breathe out. repeat. ad infinitum. :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... :rain: :rain: and more :rain: we are having another big system move in today and it is packing a lot of the wet stuff. Good day to stay home, but I have to get a few groceries and get ready for the party with my sisters and their hubbies tonight. I don't imagine it will be much of wild time, but it will be nice to see them again!

Chris - My goodness girl, sit down and take a few deep breaths!! Remember if you put the good vibes out there, they will come back to you! I hope that you and your family all feel much better very soon. My one sister used to get so worked up over Christmas that she was sick for it almost every year :puke: She has since changed her whole outlook on life and is very into Feng Shui and holistic healing etc. She is a much happier person now!! I hope that you get your loose ends all tied up today, but remember to take some time to just relax would you??

Nancy - So happy for you that your Devils actually won the game last night!! Glad that you had such a good time watching it too! Enjoy your walk today, hope the weather cooperates and it doesn't pour rain on you!

QOTD - "I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it" :doh:

:wave: to all those that pass through here today, enjoy the weekend!! It should prove to be a very busy next few days before the Big Guy in the Red Suit arrives to your house! :becky: :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Phylis - How wonderful that the parcel finally arrived!!! Can you come to my house and do some baking?? I have no desire to do any this year!! :becky:


lOve the O!
Good morning my O fam- life is soooo busy-I was going to go to the barn with hubby to paint, however woke up and headed straight to the kitchen for my netti pot, cough, cough. I feel like crap- even trying a hot toddy. Hubby said- stay home- get well for when we travel and visit family. Love that guy. I just hope to nip this issue in the bud so I can enjoy the holidays. Okay off to tackle the laundry while watching the hallmark channel- sure sign I am sick- near tears during the sappy parts!


I awakened to the monsoon Trudy mentioned. Perfect for what I'm doing today...making scalloped potatoes and a dessert to take to a potluck dinner tomorrow. Tuesday I will be doing both again for the family get-together Christmas Eve. The potatoes because they are the best ever (& between the cheese and heavy cream, probably have enough cholesterol to refloat the Titanic), and the dessert because it is fun.

Our family tradition is to put an almond in the dessert. The person who finds it keeps it concealed until all the dessert has been consumed, and then finally shows it in return for The Prize. It is so much fun to watch several members of our family pretend they have the almond...using their tongues to form a bulge in their cheek, or start talking funny. Everyone accuses everyone else of having it. It gets pretty loud! I'm making the dessert smaller each year, as in the past, people were almost getting sick eating so much. Of course, I have never won, because I "plant" the almond and know where not to take my scoop from. This works for many desserts. The Danish tradition (from my stepfather) was rice pudding or an apple thing with bread crumbs. No one in the family liked either, so I started making English trifle, or tiramisu, or some such. I use a peeled almond so it is camoflaged. And yes. One year one of my DGSs ate the almond. But I had watched him take his portion, so I knew he'd found it. The prize has evolved in our sugar-conscious world. It used to be a big tub of Red Vines. This year it is a $10 Amazon gift card! LOL

I used to be The Cookie Diva, but stopped all that years ago. Come to think of it, I used to be a pretty good cook, but not so much any more. Thank goodness for Rachael Ray. And nearby restaurants.

Yes, Phylis, as damp as the PNW can be, it is generally pretty mild. When DD lived in Pittsburgh, I got to experience your weather extremes. Don't know which was worse...ice storms in the spring, or jungle humidity in the summer.

QOTD: DH evokes groans with his puns, but like Gary, occasionally comes up with a good one. Usually, though, my response is, "keep your day job...oh that's right. You don't HAVE a day job any more...."

Think I'll snuggle back with one more cup of coffee, and then start peeling potatoes.


Well-Known Member
Evening, all! Just want to say I made it today. It was a little below or just above freezing, cloudy but NO precipitation and almost no wind. So it really wasn't even cold. Some areas were without birds but others lively. We had some nice finds. In Lake View we couldn't find the turkey though we saw its tracks in the snow. We have another spot where we did find one. Our little part of the count came to 29 species and 403 individual birds. More or less average for what we cover. I managed to walk more that I expected and the knee is still OK. Oh, also had a new mammal (for me) in Lake View - a coyote! We knew they were around, but now I've seen one. One year a red fox seemed to follow us on the count.

Chris, I can't imagine how you get from one day to the next, our dear Crazy Lady! I'm for baking Gary's short breads whether he's there or not! Hope he, Cait and you are all feeling better.

Nancy, yea Devils. Hope you had a nice walk. Look forward to hearing about your count next week.

Phylis, hope by now you've heard from DS that the package really did arrive and intact! Baking bread and pumpkin roll must smell heavenly.

Laurie, sure hope you beat the bug quick so you can enjoy!

Trudy, sorry it's so wet. Don't know for sure that's better than our snow. At least it isn't icy. I'm sure you're having a good time tonight with the sisters.

Shar, same on the wet weather! Your potatoes sound great. Like the almond story.

QOTD: I guess I don't hear many puns these days, but it all depends, some are great, but I thought they were all meant to be groaners.


lOve the O!
Early morning to you all. Today is the throat coat tee and honey kind of day. I managed to get some holiday stuff done yesterday and hope to continue to move slowly today and get even more done!


The Loopy-O
GooOd Morning Lovely Ladies!
How is everyone's weekend going so far?

I feel like I am finally starting to be able to breathe. All of the baskets I did for my neighbor are out of my house. I need to do one for each of my parents still, but that doesn't stress me out too much. I scrapped the photos of my niece with her The Walking Dead heroes and my printer cooperated! That is about ready to be framed and wrapped. I am almost done with the page for my BFF too, just need to work a bit with the title/fonts. Most of my gifts are wrapped-- about 75% I'd guess, and I am starting to pull together the "menu" for Christmas Day. Whew!!!!!
And I am really proud of myself for this-- I am going to give the canvas print to my brother and SIL with a note saying that the frame will be coming at a later date. I started looking online to see of any of the local stores (Jo-Ann's, Walmart, Walgreens) had them in stock or with an In-Store Pick up, and there was nothing within a half hour of me. I realized that it is silly of me to run myself ragged, they would be so mad at me if I did. So a little note/picture of the frame I will get them *after* Christmas will be included with their gift.

It takes me a while, but occasionally I get things through my thick head.

Today Caitlyn and I are going to try some baking. Hopefully we will have more success than the last time we tried! We are going to try and give the Walnut Cups another shot if we have the time and ingredients.

I am still not feeling well, but at least the stress level is going down. I have a short week coming up, cleaning just on Monday, food shopping Tuesday (*that* is gonna be a nightmare!) and am going with Scott to a dentist appt he has. It's kind of far and the road splits off and changes a bit so I offered to go with him this first time. Not to mention I really enjoy one on one time with him.:)

Hope that your Saturday was great and that your Sunday is even better!


The Loopy-O
Nancy:cheer2: Goooooo Devils! Awesome win on a shoot out! So nice that you always have such a good time at the games. How did they do last night?
They are saying Rain for Christmas Eve, but that doesn't mean very much up here. The last 2 or maybe 2 out of the last 3 years, we have gotten burned trying to get home on Christmas Eve b/c of snow and un-plowed roads here.

Phyllis- if my real life reads like a movie, how come I am not rich and famous and being stalked by TMZ???? :Cry:
Cait is fine now, sheis also running on empty, not sleeping since everything happened with Merlin and Bunny and a bunch of other stress. When her Lyme acts up, she seems to get it in her stomach. It is seriously so weird how each one of us reacts so differently. Scott gets bad fatigue, Gary it's joints and stomach, Cait is stomach and heartburn, and me-- well you already hear enough about that hahaha!!!
I am going to do that with the shortbreads, you are right, he knows he is getting them and if I am baking already, he will be totally oblivious. LOL
Sooooo.... did the missing Box arrive? In one piece? I hope that it did for the Post Office's sake if nothing else. I feel ike it should have had one of those "Where is George" stamps like you see on the dollar bills.
How did all of your baking come out? If anyone complains about cheating with Oreos, you can ship 'em to me!!! ha!!!!

Trudy- how was your dinner party? Did you have a lot of fun? It is so funny that you say that about the good vibes. my BFF across the street and I remind each other of that all the time and this past month, between the 2 of us, we are walking nightmares of bad luck.

Your pun-- *snicker, snort*

Laurie- feeling better! Get that cold gone!!!

Ooooh Shar, the potatoes sound so good! I love your almond tradition, sounds similar to a King Cake. And that is awesome that the whole family really gets into the trickery :D
have a great time at the potluck tonight!

jean- sounds like you had a really lovely day, glad that the precip held off and it wasn't toooo cold. How is your knee feeling today? I hope that you didn't overdo it (not that I would know *anything about that Bwuahahah!!!)
Red foxes are so cute, we have one that runs through our backyard occasionally. Gary saw a fox last week that was lighter in color and had a black mask more like a raccoon. (Those of you with little ones will be thinking "Swiper, no swiping" from Dora the Explorer!! LOL). I have been looking for it again but no luck.

laurie- hope the tea and honey works ts magic for you!


Well-Known Member
good morning - well as good as my Devils looked Friday they looked completely out of sink on Sat and lost 4-0. It was so bad that my son and two friends that came did not even want to stay to the bitter end. LOL. Last night was the annual coat drive and I brought four coats well 3 of them are still in my car. I drove last night so all 5 of us could fit comfortably in a car and I left 3 coats with them as they stayed to drink a little before game. Well then they left them in the car. Really! The Devils gave away free tickets for each coat and while that is nice it is really about someone getting some use of my old coats. I have one more game on Tuesday and then hockey shuts down for 3 days for Christmas. Got a lot of cleaning done and my Christmas cards displayed. Asked my son not to put anything on the table and all he has done is put things on the table. Annoying! Not sure what I am doing today. I shall walk and then watch either football or hockey.

Chris so glad that you are feeling less stress. Hope the baking goes better this time! And I hope the rain in my area stays rain in your part of the state!

Phylis so glad the package made it to its final destination. I hope all the gifts arrived too!

Trudy your pun was too funny! Hope you are getting over your cold.

Jean your bird count sounds good. How fun to see a fox. I have not seen the weather report for ours but I can deal with cold but I hate rain. What bird is going to be out in rain in winter? Hope your knee did well!

Shar your potato dish sounds yummy!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Sunday ladies... It is mild and a bit cloudy, but the rain has stopped at least. I am still stuffed up but my throat feels better and I think I am over the worst of this darn cold! I hope to be able to get back to swimming laps again tomorrow, before the pool closes for the Christmas break. I might only get one more swim in before they close by the looks of the schedule.

Chris - So happy for you that you are feeling a bit better today! Hooray for finishing off those baskets and hope that your baking goes well today! Good for you for not stressing out about your brothers gift, who know maybe they would prefer to pick out their own frame? If not then what about Michael's they sell those kinds of frames and very often have a good discount coupon for them. You can check them out online just a thought! BTW love your doom and gloom pic!! :becky:

Laurie - Ughh you got that horrible sore throat too!! Hope the honey works on it, hopefully you get over this in the next day or so, it really sucks!!! You will want to be healthy for your family Christmas!!

Nancy - Oh darn those Devils... just when you think they are going to get their act together! I think hubby has given up on his Bruins this year, they will have to pull off a miracle to come back.

Shar - Love your almond tradition what a fun thing to do! Your potatoes sound scrumptious! The more cheese the better I always say :becky: Hope your potluck turns out to be a fun time!

Jean - Glad to hear that your knee did not give out on you! That is a lot of birds you counted, too bad no turkey, perhaps he is on someones dinner menu?? Just kidding :nono:
I would love to see a fox up close, they are so beautiful, coyotes not so much, they just remind me of a scraggly dog.

Well our get together with the sisters and hubbies went as expected, everyone enjoyed the Chinese food and all of the appetizers I made to have before and after dinner. All were gone by 9pm, what a wild bunch :pound: Not like the old days when we would all be together with Mom and Dad and having a loud game of Rumoli that would last most of the night. All arguing and laughing over who's hand was better than the others. Oh I miss those fun times!! The family has drifted apart since Mom and Dad's passing, but I guess that is just the way things are. Hoping all of you have a peaceful Sunday! :wave:


Jenn :)
Chris, have you thought about ordering a frame off of Amazon and use Prime if you have it, or activate the free trial? Just an idea for ya ;)

I have not wrapped a single gift yet, and am not even sure if I am done shopping yet :( I volunteer up at my daughter's elementary school a lot, and am co-room mom, and the last two months have been super hectic..these last two weeks were the worst, plus I have been sick for almost two weeks...just so much happening at once...I am SO glad it is vacation time through Jan. 5th for us!! ;)