
Daily Ooo's: December 13-14: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning!
How are all of you? Happy for the weekend? Hopefully you are all not too busy.
I really got a lot done yesterday. Still a lot more to do, but I am feeling a little better under control. I think. LOL
I made up some bath teas, some more bath (f) bombs, and I think I have enough to make the little snowmen out of them, little Scents of the Season samplers (Fragrance oils in 15 ml bottle that will be all wrapped together with festive ribbons).
Then I cleaned up the dining room, threw a few more decorations up, made some bread machine bread and went to my friend's for dinner. We were celebrating her "all good" report from the second set of mammos. I was really anxious for her, and it brought up a lot for me, as it was exactly this time last year that I was dealing with the same, with not as good results.
We had some wine and a really yummy chicken and wild rice soup. Eggnog and a butterscotch and eggnog pound cake, both with some rum;)

The wreaths we made come out so cute. Mine was the funkiest but it does look better in person. Maybe, if you squint. I am so NOT crafty anymore.

I am going to do a quick personal or two, and then I have to get more stuff done!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- that Hoh Rainforest is stunning! I might have to go with her and lose myself there.
Fingers are crossed that your package makes it to its final destination soon!

Trudy- I told Cait about your map and I have officially decided that I am going with her and Andee, and will make that ferry ride to you!
Hope that DH is feeling better so you can sleep!

Love and hugs and coffee!!!!


Well-Known Member
i can NOT stick to my paper pile clean-up job!!! i keep getting distracted. i was in the process of picking up and filing piles in the library and i picked up the pile that is my printout of my DNA study done by the Genographic Project. i still had some maps to print out, so i sat down at the computer and went to my account. an hour ago. and doing that added to the pile of papers. so, i give up! :yield:

Chris, your baskets must be lovely. makes me want to soak in a bathtub for a while! great that you got some stuff done yesterday, but even better that you got over to a friends for all that good stuff! i saw a photo of your wreath on Facebook. i love the center of it!! what IS all that? (i am SOOO not crafty anymore either. as crafty as i get is making my Christmas cards.)

Trudy, yeah. my husband thinks i'm very strange having online friends. but i attribute that to his Luddite mindset. if it weren't for me, he wouldn't own a computer. he uses it minimally anyway. oh, and also, he's not a fan of having friends in general, so that makes it even more understandable. looking at your map just makes me want to hop that ferry, too, and visit you!!

today. hmmm. well, i wasted a lot of time already online, looking at my DNA. i did a load of laundry, and now i'm going to have some lunch. i've been up since 4:23 a.m., but i went to bed early, so not too bad. Hubby and i have to do a mattress flip. (the place i bought our mattress from emails us "mattress flip reminders!) i guess it's a good way to prolong the life of your mattress. my end isn't seeing much sleeping activity, since i'm still in the recliner. it's times like the mattress flip when i'm glad i have a husband who lifts weights three times a week.
flipping a King-sized mattress is like trying to turn a car over.

have a great Saturday! i think we all should look up the recipe for the boozey poundcake Chris ate yesterday! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Can I hop the ferry to Vancouver Island too? Sounds so inviting.

Phylis, glad you had fun with your DNA results. I've not gotten much out of mine yet.

Chris, not doing FB I haven't seen the wreath, but can take Phylis's word that it looks good. Last night sounds like a good time and just what you both needed. I'd say these days the closest I come to personal friends other than DH and his brother are you guys. The close friends I've had IRL have all done one of two things - move or die. I have lots of friends but not ones to tell personal things anymore.

I'm off to read microfilm again this afternoon. Will be doing that up until the films have to go back.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good late morning O-zies!! I am late here as I was up at 4am and finally got the last page done for my calendar for DD it is at Staples right now and hopefully I can pick it up this afternoon and get it out in the mail! I am doing a happy dance to have this done!! I will have to show you some of the toppers I did for it I kinda get crazy with some of them and put the grandkids into some wild scenes ok here is my fav!! LOL I couldn't help myself I love it!! (Hope Disney doesn't come after me LOL)

Chris - I would love to have one of your baskets!! Lucky people who are getting them for gift this year!! I bet your house smells heavenly!! And I would be ecstatic if you could make the trip out West and come for a visit!! Oh what fun we could all have if Phylis and Jean join us too!! Hope you manage to get the rest of your clean up done! I will go check out your wreaths, I bet they are great!

Phylis - LOL at your hubby, mine is not a big fan of having lots of friends either!! It would just mess with his schedule to have to include more people in his life, :mmph: It would be awesome if you could get over here for a visit, but come in the summer when we can go to the beach and hike the woods without the rain!!

Jean - Have fun reading all that microfilm!! Hop on that ferry anytime I am always here (I don't have a life )LOL


I don't pop in here very often, but I want to be included in the Vancouver Island/Olympic Penninsula Party. Easy trip for me from the Seattle area!


The Loopy-O
A Yacht with lots of (cheap!LOL) Champagne!

I like the way you all think!
Super quick good morning post from me. We are off in a bit to go see the Grinch on Broadway. Mt SIL got tickets for me, my mom and the 3 grandkids to see it.
I am sure that once I get there I will have a great time, but right now, I am just tired, worn out, and feeling very much behind in life.
I have to place an online grocery shopping order but am fighting with the stupid $10 off coupon. I don't like food shopping online, but I literally do not have a free day this week and I have next to no food in my house, unless you count 25 bottles of Scott's hot sauce and some stale bread. *eye roll*

If I have time, I will check in later, but if not I am hoping that you all have a wonderful and relaxing day!



Well-Known Member
Trudy!!, WOW!! that calendar page is extraordinary!! it must be so much fun for them to get your calendars. you can't stop!! i never got into calendar-making when i was still actually MAKING pages. maybe i should think about it. you are just SO artistic! so. are you ready for a yacht full of tipsy women pulling into harbor and showing up at your door!??:pound:

Chris, have some fun at The Grinch! a trip into NYC never did much for MY mood, but maybe the time away and some good company and a few laughs will make you feel a lot better!

Jean, i know what you mean about friends. Most of mine have moved someplace or gone back to work or started spending all their time with their kids and grandkids! did you have your DNA analyzed? with what company.? i can't say enough about the info you get if you get a kit from The Genographic Project, sponsored by National Geographic, IBM and some other companies. They offer them in conjunction with their work on figuring out population dispersions out of Africa. It's fascinating to learn your deep generic history. It turns out that, at least on a DNA level, i'm quite interesting!! :rofl:

Hey, Shar. you can be our tour guide in The Great Northwest!

i finally slept past 4 a.m., for a change. although i did wake up at 4 a.m., but said NO WAY!! and eventually fell back asleep. today, not much going on beyond the ordinary. i do have a leg of lamb to roast and some spanakopita and baba ganouj to put together. other than that, just going to do a bit of this and a bit of that. hope you all have a beautiful Sunday. i'm not going to even hope that you see some sun, considering where we all live!!

cheers! :becky:
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Phylis I would love to.be the Tour Guide! I tried to send you a PM a couple of times about my recent sleep breakthrough, but it is not showing up as "sent." Did you ever get it?


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I might have to get hubby to make a few extra batches of his wine, if you are all going to show up together!! But if you all come on a yacht, then I will miss out on the boat party :pout: So we will have to do a cruise around Vancouver Island so I get some sailing time in too!!

Chris - Hope you get your grocery shopping done! Dam coupons I swear they make them hard to use so that you get frustrated and give up on using them!! You will have fun at the show! Especially when you look around at all the sweet little faces of those kids, precious!!!

Phylis - Thanks for the compliment on my calendar page, I really do love the way they turn out, even if they take me a long time it is worth the end result. I guess I should just start doing them earlier in the year LOL. The girl at Staples has worked there for many years and said to me yesterday that she waits for my calendars every year. What a nice thing to say!! I would be so happy to see a boat full of my "O" friends show up all giggly in Victoria Harbour!!! Oh what fun we could have!!!

Shar - Don't forget to come and get me first before you start your tour of the Great Northwest!! I don't want to miss all the fun!!

Ok everyone I am being bothered to get some breakfast started, hubby is cooking bacon on the BBQ so I don't get my house all bacon smelly. :becky: Hope you have a great Sunday everyone!! :wave: