...loves her some "O"
Happy weekend, everyone!!!
I have been MIA since Thursday night...wildness here!!! Friday morning, we got up early and I picked up a couple more kids along with my two middles and we went to Quentin's choir Ministry Day. We started off at a State School for disabled adults and then went to get their pics made, then went for lunch and then to a nursing home in the afternoon. Quentin sings bass and loves it. Emma plays with the handbell choir and said after Ministry day that she wanted to join the choir, too! We left at 8am and got back home around 5pm. We went to take one of Q's friends home to get his stuff and then ran to Target to get two boys (one being Q) white dress shirts for the next day's activites, and then back to get the friend. Then I took one boy home and two more spent the night.
(confusing, i know...but wait...it gets better!!!)
So we all went to bed around 10pmish...Mr Gorgeous woke up around 1:30 puking his guts out!! I dont' think I remember him ever having the stomach flu...ever... I spent the rest of the night worrying about the fact that I had to take 6 boys up to North Houston ALL DAY Saturday, and I did not want to be puking on any part of the trip...oh, and I was worried about Mr Gorgeous, too!! LOL!!
So Saturday, we got up at 6am and picked up three boys on the way up north. Q spent the whole trip trying to figure out how to tie the cool bow tie I made him. Oh, I forgot to say we were going to their Youth and Government District meeting. It was sooooo cool!! One of their club friends knew how to tie Q's tie, so he was super spiffy! Which was good, because he is running for Speaker of the Hyde House (it's the Freshman House of Representatives) and he had to say his speech in front of everyone first, before any other candidates. He was amazing! I'm hoping to put the video of his speech up on FB. I have to get his permission first...sigh!
Anyway, he ran unopposed, so he won, but he'll run at State and hopefully win and get to be the Speaker...He's super excited about it! and amidst all that, he won Distinguished Delegate, which means he performed above the call and duty of a delegate. It's his second year to win that, too (they pick a few of the outstanding delegates - I think they had 5 this year! It was exciting that Q was picked! He wasn't expecting it, so that made it even better!
Btw, Youth and Government is an awesome program put together at the YMCA. There is a judicial branch at each club (they do mock trials...lots of acting!) and a legislative branch. Q is in the Legislative, so he had to write a bill and present it locally and then again at district, and he'll present it at State, too. They they have to debate the bill and vote on each bill all while following correct legislative procedure. I think it would have been fun to have my kids debate Chris's kids (Y&G would be perfect for Scott!!!)!! The kids get to speak pro and con and ask questions and all that...it's amazing to see their brains work at this age!! (and laugh at their ridiculous conclusions, sometimes!! LOL!!)
Anyway, we didn't get home until 8pm last night, and poor, poor Mr G was really missing me and pampering!! He had a fever on and off all day...as he has had all day today, but it's not been as bad today!! eeek...I hate it when he is sick. He actually just got his computer out, so I know he's doing a LOT better!! praise God!!
So, today after I got home from church, watched the Texans win, and took a nap, I cleaned the kitchen completely and picked up the family room (ie...made the girls pick up the family room!), so now we are back to normal ready for MONDAY!! yipeeee!!! And this week we are getting ready for our Christmas concert this next weekend! yay!!! I love singing jazz!!
Now that I've written a book, I'm going to go and create a flyer for the concert and then hopefully finish a tutorial for these ornaments I created for this gorgeous emag...
Ohhhh you have to see it... I made my first PJ pants and made cute ornaments, too! Check it out here (free!!) http://issuu.com/thequiltedfish/docs/flutter_christmas_emag?mode=window&backgroundColor=#222222
Enjoy!! And I'll check in tomorrow morning!!! love you all!!!!
I have been MIA since Thursday night...wildness here!!! Friday morning, we got up early and I picked up a couple more kids along with my two middles and we went to Quentin's choir Ministry Day. We started off at a State School for disabled adults and then went to get their pics made, then went for lunch and then to a nursing home in the afternoon. Quentin sings bass and loves it. Emma plays with the handbell choir and said after Ministry day that she wanted to join the choir, too! We left at 8am and got back home around 5pm. We went to take one of Q's friends home to get his stuff and then ran to Target to get two boys (one being Q) white dress shirts for the next day's activites, and then back to get the friend. Then I took one boy home and two more spent the night.
(confusing, i know...but wait...it gets better!!!)
So we all went to bed around 10pmish...Mr Gorgeous woke up around 1:30 puking his guts out!! I dont' think I remember him ever having the stomach flu...ever... I spent the rest of the night worrying about the fact that I had to take 6 boys up to North Houston ALL DAY Saturday, and I did not want to be puking on any part of the trip...oh, and I was worried about Mr Gorgeous, too!! LOL!!
So Saturday, we got up at 6am and picked up three boys on the way up north. Q spent the whole trip trying to figure out how to tie the cool bow tie I made him. Oh, I forgot to say we were going to their Youth and Government District meeting. It was sooooo cool!! One of their club friends knew how to tie Q's tie, so he was super spiffy! Which was good, because he is running for Speaker of the Hyde House (it's the Freshman House of Representatives) and he had to say his speech in front of everyone first, before any other candidates. He was amazing! I'm hoping to put the video of his speech up on FB. I have to get his permission first...sigh!

Btw, Youth and Government is an awesome program put together at the YMCA. There is a judicial branch at each club (they do mock trials...lots of acting!) and a legislative branch. Q is in the Legislative, so he had to write a bill and present it locally and then again at district, and he'll present it at State, too. They they have to debate the bill and vote on each bill all while following correct legislative procedure. I think it would have been fun to have my kids debate Chris's kids (Y&G would be perfect for Scott!!!)!! The kids get to speak pro and con and ask questions and all that...it's amazing to see their brains work at this age!! (and laugh at their ridiculous conclusions, sometimes!! LOL!!)
Anyway, we didn't get home until 8pm last night, and poor, poor Mr G was really missing me and pampering!! He had a fever on and off all day...as he has had all day today, but it's not been as bad today!! eeek...I hate it when he is sick. He actually just got his computer out, so I know he's doing a LOT better!! praise God!!

So, today after I got home from church, watched the Texans win, and took a nap, I cleaned the kitchen completely and picked up the family room (ie...made the girls pick up the family room!), so now we are back to normal ready for MONDAY!! yipeeee!!! And this week we are getting ready for our Christmas concert this next weekend! yay!!! I love singing jazz!!
Now that I've written a book, I'm going to go and create a flyer for the concert and then hopefully finish a tutorial for these ornaments I created for this gorgeous emag...
Ohhhh you have to see it... I made my first PJ pants and made cute ornaments, too! Check it out here (free!!) http://issuu.com/thequiltedfish/docs/flutter_christmas_emag?mode=window&backgroundColor=#222222
Enjoy!! And I'll check in tomorrow morning!!! love you all!!!!