
Daily Ooo's: April 30- May 1: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend my lOves!!!
i am so happy that I was able to sleep a decent amount of time. Over 8 hours according to my FitBit and I had no idea that you get a message when you meet your sleep goal. First time since I got the darn thing LOL

of course I am still exhausted but that it nothing new at all. *wink*

yesterday was such a weird day. I mean, it was good- my mom and I had a successful shopping trip. My godson loves trucks, especially firetrucks and has lots of them. But I found a Tonka Recycling truck. It is blue, his favorite color, and comes from his tree hugging Aunt so it is perfect. he'll get that and his 5th year photo album of LO's I have done since he turned 4. Pretty soon, I am going to start to work on the 5th year album so I don't get caught shorthanded next year.

I spoke to my mom a bit more about my dad and we think that he is leaning toward doing his radiation Tx after the holidays. The drs said that he could wait, if he needed to, and he has annual steelhead fishing trips in Oct and Nov that god-forbid he misses. i think that as long at the drs agree to waiting that long, it makes the most sense for him.

Cait went to a rescinds house for a party last night and apparently she is having similar issues as Stan- most of her friends are LGBTQ, and they call her Straight Cait cuz she is on of the only straight people in the group. I guess last night all they talked about was being gay, and while she is 110% supportive, she is def. on the outside of that convo. it is leaving her very sad that she feels this way and is losing connections and friends and all that.

I emailed my BFF this morning, it is the day that she lost her first baby who died in utero at 7 months. My godson, Jake. same freaking blue sky every year as it was in 1997-the only year it didn't have the same weather was last year when it was cloudy and that felt so off. I guess with our girls graduating in June, driving, and then Scott turning 20- Jake would have been 19-- it makes me wonder what kind of man he would have been. He has been "Baby Jake To Be" in my head forever... but he wouldn't have been a baby had he lived. Does that make sense? I think I am rambling...

Life sure is not easy, for anyone is it?

But the sun is shining today and hopefully it won't be too cold. Yesterday was frigid! If I can un kink my back and neck and knees, and shoulders... (my toes are ok today, so there is *that* :p) I might head out in the yard. I want to pull some of the lilies of the valley that are over taking part of the garden and move then to the side of the yard. Some of the snap peas need to be planted outside too ad soon as Gary strings up the "lattice" for them to climb. I have chopsticks in the planters ATM. but one of them is way too tall already.

other than that, it should be a quiet day.

Hugs love and all good things to you~~~~~~


The Loopy-O
Rae- hope you have having a great time at the trailer!

Trudy- what plans does your Gary have for you in the yard this weekend? :D

Ahhhh! Jealous that you were at Epcot Cindy!!!!

Trace- Everyone that I know who has had their gallbladder out always says how much better that they feel afterward. Whatever the decision you make, I hope that you feel better soon!

BIG hugs to everyone who stops in!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... Checking in on my phone and the road is bumpy!! On our way to help the inlaws fix their wharf/boat ramp hope to be back home after lunch. Gorgeous day here!
Chris - yes we all have some baggage we carry around in our lives! Hope you have a great day and hooray for the great sleep!!

I will catch up with you all later have a Great morning!! :wave:


The O is my hOme.
Today was not nearly so exciting as yesterday. I had so much fun yesterday. I did start my day with a trip to Waffle House and i think that may be the highlight of the day. lol

Chris, yesterday I would have taken just a little bit of your cold weather. It was so hot yesterday. I'm surprised I didn't melt. lol

Trudy, I hope the repair job went quickly.


Well-Known Member
We're online at the trailer now. We made it to the cable store last night 2 minutes before closing only to discover that the store had moved location LOL. So we had to wait and go into town this morning to get the equipment. Then of course nothing went smoothly so we had problems getting everything working. Eventually we did though and now everything is working. I brought my tablet pen and computer to scrap tonight as we watch a few movies but I brought the wrong tablet pen and I refuse to try to scrap with the laptop touch pad. So it looks like a scrap-free weekend for me.

Hope you are all having a great weekend I'm going to watch "Spy" now.

I'll check in tomorrow when we get home.


The Loopy-O
Rainy gloomy Sunday morning here, but in a way that is good- my incentive to rest a bit today.
Fine! Go ahead and laugh at me. Rest, shmest... :blah:


The sun was out, yesterday but it was really chilly. I did spend another couple of hours outside, the side of our yard is all trees and weeds, and the leaves get dumped there too. Over the last couple of years, I have been trying to clear out some of the weeds in a 2 foot border and add in the lilies of the valley. They take over so well, and it looks and smells much nicer. I did a bit more of that, ripped out mint that had spread into the little 3x3 veggie garden, put down some more wildflower seeds in a small garden area out back.

It still feels "off" working outside when the weather is so cold though- a high of 47*F today. May 1. That is insane!

But being that it is May 1- that also means lots of Oscraps work to be done, challenges to post :typing:

I think I am going to put away some of the craft boxes that I had out when I was making the pine cone zinnias, and tidy my office a bit.Then it will be all scrap, all the time. well, maybe. You all know how my life tends to spiral a bit hahahha!!!!!

Little tidbit from yesterday:
Prelude: I asked Gary if he would run to the liquor store and grab me a box of wine, that after all of that yard work and weed pulling, I was going to like a glass after dinner.
Act 1: My brother calls me to, I dunno, update me on a convo (argument??) that he had with my parents that morning. The focus was mostly on my dad's drs appts and decisions he might be making re: Tx's. My fam is not a "calm" family on any level, and I am sure there was a lot of arm waving and interrupting and raised voices throughout.
Intermission: While my brother was going on, I scribbled on a piece of paper, thanking Gary for grabbing the wine, that I was def. going to need a glass after this conversation.
Act 2:Convo turns to my brother's job- he is in Legal Dept at Verizon and b/c of the strike there is a lot of s*** going down and it is really stressful. My family also does not handle stress very well, and he is having a rough time. I don't blame him one bit for that, it sounds like an absolute mess.
Act 3: he tells me that SIl is bringing their son, and their BF's to Disney and he is not going. He hates Disney (went once with us when my guys were tiny) and she didn't want to wait any longer so is going w/o him. I guess from what he is saying, there has been a a lot of fallout with my parents b/c of it. Part of his decision not to go was the difficulties with work, and part of it seems to be stubbornness on his part. Being the outspoken brat of a sister that I am, I told him that he should see if he can get a flight down and meet them for the weekend, call in sick if he has too. he should do this for my godson's sake, how can he miss his first trip to Disney?I think he will regret that in the long run and it think it will be really hard on his son, not having his dad there.
Epilogue: I try to explain this to my hubs and Cait, and Gary agrees with my brother and Cait agrees with me and now I am jealous again of someone going on a vacation and I feel awful for being jealous all of the time, and I have two glasses of wine after dinner.
The End.


The Loopy-O
After reading what i posted --Please don't think I am alcoholic- The stress I deal with on a daily basis-- it is a good thing I don't start drinking at 5am! :pound:

Trudy- Hope that your day at the IL's was a good one and that you got home in time to relax.

Cindy- Waffle House sounds like a *really* good way to start the day. I would gladly send you my cold weather, I am a summer girl through and through and my fav temps have to be in the 80's. If it could always be 75-85* I would be so happy!

Yuck to all of the problems Rae! At least it will be all set up for the next time you go down. Catch you when you get back home :)

Hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. Will be heading home in a few hours or so I'll be heading out for a swim with the dogs. Once we get home I'll get some produce and make a big salad for dinner with grilled chicken. I had Taco Bell yesterday and was so bloated and sluggish afterwards. My body just doesn't handle that may carbs and white flour. I had a headache later in the afternoon and was so tired. It's kind of weird how that happens now when I eat too much white flour/carbs now as I ate tons of it all my life and it's only been the last couple of years that it started to bother me so much. I am happy though that I seem to be able to handle a bit of whole grain bread or pasta, as long as I don't overdo it. I'm 3/4 of the way through my book "Night Film" which I am enjoying and can't wait to find out how it ends.

Chris - wine is a good thing, especially after along or stressful day. I'm with you....a glass or two to unwind is perfect.

I'm getting offline to have my coffee and read a few pages of my book before getting ready to head home soon. Hope you all have a wonderful day.