Happy Easter Weekend to those of you who celebrate! Happy Tax Day (???) to us in the USA. Happy We Didn't Wake up to an Escalation with N Korea Day too! :high5:
Lookin' on the bright side.
Gary walked into my office this a few minutes ago and said that he hasn't even seen my haircut since I got it done yesterday (props to him for remembering). It has been in a bun/ponytail since I walked out of the place. *I* don't even know what it looks like, bwahaha! It's the same cut as always so there is no big need to know. It feels a lot healthier which is always a plus.
That was my big event of the day. I was able to get some of my seedling planted into larger pots. They won't be ready to go outside for another month but they have more room and soil to grow in. So far, the salad mix, spinach, and thyme are doing well. The leeks were a bust. Pole beans too. The pole beans I will try to put right into the ground which is what we did last year.
My library has a seed program where a company donates packets of organic seeds and we can check out up to 10 packets. I don't usually do very well with seeds but it can't hurt to try them for free.
And it is Officially Spring based on two separate conditions!! 1. I had a tick on me yesterday and 2. I have poison ivy. :doh:
The tick was just crawling on my shirt but dammit. The poison ivy is simply a fact of gardening life. It is so hard to see the vines when it is this early in the spring and my yard is surrounded by trees and vines.I have to get more of the poison ivy oil removing soap.
My mom is popping up this morning to bring us Easter pies. Then I am off to work outside some more, ticks and poison ivy be damned.
Hoping you all have a great day too!
Lookin' on the bright side.
Gary walked into my office this a few minutes ago and said that he hasn't even seen my haircut since I got it done yesterday (props to him for remembering). It has been in a bun/ponytail since I walked out of the place. *I* don't even know what it looks like, bwahaha! It's the same cut as always so there is no big need to know. It feels a lot healthier which is always a plus.
That was my big event of the day. I was able to get some of my seedling planted into larger pots. They won't be ready to go outside for another month but they have more room and soil to grow in. So far, the salad mix, spinach, and thyme are doing well. The leeks were a bust. Pole beans too. The pole beans I will try to put right into the ground which is what we did last year.
My library has a seed program where a company donates packets of organic seeds and we can check out up to 10 packets. I don't usually do very well with seeds but it can't hurt to try them for free.
And it is Officially Spring based on two separate conditions!! 1. I had a tick on me yesterday and 2. I have poison ivy. :doh:
The tick was just crawling on my shirt but dammit. The poison ivy is simply a fact of gardening life. It is so hard to see the vines when it is this early in the spring and my yard is surrounded by trees and vines.I have to get more of the poison ivy oil removing soap.
My mom is popping up this morning to bring us Easter pies. Then I am off to work outside some more, ticks and poison ivy be damned.
Hoping you all have a great day too!