
Daily Ooooo's, Wednesday, June 30th


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! I haven't been by in a bit, but I see things have been pretty slow! Everybody must be enjoying their summers. Linda W., I see that you are feeling happy, and I have to say YAY!!! Chris, I hope you get over herxing soon and are back to your happy self. What a crummy thing to happen right after your birthday. And Clara, here's calm and soothing thoughts for you.

Okay that was kind of a weird way to do personals, but.. whatever. I'm weird.

Things are going pretty well here. Poor Vince is feeling the drrraaaggg of his last couple of months away. He says it feels like time is not passing at all. The girls are getting excited to see their daddy as well. Should be here before school starts.
As for the little bump, he or she is going strong! So scary with that bleeding I was having, but I have my home doppler machine now to soothe my nerves when I feel worried. I'm 15 weeks now, and can hear that fast little heartbeat pretty easily whenever I use the machine. I've heard that the sound waves or whatever are irritating to the baby, so I only check every couple of days, but it just makes me so happy to hear!

Now check back with me around January and I may be singing a different tune about how wise it was to try to have another baby at 41 with two little ones around. Speaking of the little ones, Atha is enjoying playing on the computer, and is really learning a lot that way. Genny, on the other hand, really misses school, I think. She didn't qualify for the special ed summer program, because she was functioning too well. That's good, but I'm a bit worried that she is receiving NO services over the summer. She's had some behavior problems that I would love to have some input on. This is the first time since her developmental delay was noticed at 18 months that she has received zero services. Before school, she was seen several times a month. I may call the Developmental pediatrician's office to ask for advice.

Okie dokie. I'm going to go and get my butt in the shower. Take care everybody, and xxxxoooo!


Well-Known Member
Hi! Well, I'll just jump in--hope you all don't mind. I'm new to the O, so bear with! Just got here thanks to Merkee (Merkeley Designs).
Today I'm using up the last of my overtime to take the day off instead of getting paid for it because I truly think the state of Illinois is THAT BROKE! Later this afternoon, I will be joining the DS and DH at Family Night at their Boy Scout camp. I will be so glad when they return this weekend--the house is dreadfully quiet, even with Sheldon the kitten meowing all over looking for his best buddy (DS). I am using this week to do some cleaning and of course, SCRAP while watching Twilight (because I'm too lazy to go out to the car and get the soundtrack cd, lol!)without hearing DS whine about how many time I'm gonna watch "that movie." Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!
Carol (JDsMom)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Welcome Carol...hope you are enjoying your time here at the "O" It's just the best!! It has been quiet around here lately, so I am sure that everyone is busy with summer activities. I am an empty nester, and presently without employment, so I spend a lot of my day on the computer. Much to my husbands dismay. But he does love the scrapbooking that I do for my daughter and grandbabies! Hope that you have a fun time at Family Nite! Keep making your great Lo's for Merkee, I must go and leave some more love for everyone:kiss:.
Andrea, you must be getting so anxious for your DH to get home!! Glad to hear that you are hearing the heartbeat whenever you like, that is so cool, they didn't have things like that when I was pregnant:sad:. Hope you are enjoying your summer, we are still waiting for our to officially arrive, with cool winds and not very much sunshine, this spring has really dragged on :mmph:. Perhaps others will pop in later? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Andrea....It's so awesome to hear about the baby!! I am so happy things are going soooo well!!! I would not worry too much about Genny...she seems to be doing so well...sometimes when there are other issues going on, we tend to look that direction when they are not behaving too well...I always did with Traci.....It's tough to make those calls.....The Dr might be your best choice if you think it's more than young ones being YOUNG!!

Carol....YIPEEE...welcome to the Daily Ooo's...it's not always this quiet...and you go ahead and watch that movie as many times as you want!! I have a few that I will watch over and over myself!! That stinks about the overtime....forcing you to take off!! But good to have some time off...even if it is forced!!

Trudy....I used to be an empty nester...but my birdies sent all their babies to me!! HAHAHA!!! Guess they think I have a lot of worms!! Not really...I love keeping them!! I can't imagine them being in daycare!!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi!! I have been crazy busy today!!! Oh I just love the new little guy!! He is adorable!! and he is really good too!! He cried when his mom dropped him off today, but when his mom picked him up he cried because he did not want to leave!!

Cameran and Savannah are spending the night...Sharon's poor DH has a virus and can't stop throwing up and they admitted him to the hospital!! That is a BAD VIRUS!!! They said most likely he would only be there for 24 hrs.

I am going to get off here..need to clean up dinner dishes...and it's 9:30...YIKES!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Okay, tomorrow is potential renter number 1. eeeek!! We need someone to rent our house ASAP!!! We have 2 potentials right now and have been busting our butts to get it ready and I have to say it is about ready. So close just not done. Calm!! Breathe Clara Breathe!!!