
CT Call for Merkeley Designs ~ I'm looking for you!


Well-Known Member

Would you like to CT for me? I design a variety of items. I create kits, paper packs, elements, brushes, templates, printables, designer resources and whatever strikes my fancy. I am not specifically a kit designer. Hybrid artists welcome to apply too. Please only apply if you TRULY like my designs, if you like a variety and if you think we would be a good fit.

You can see all of my designs HERE.

  • Commit to at least 3 months
  • Use new product within 30 days
  • Create 1 or more layouts with each new product
  • Post layouts 4 places (2 my choice - 2 yours)
  • Wear my blinkie
  • Enjoy scrapping!
Submit the following information to me via email at merkee @ merkeleydesigns dot com or pm me here at OScraps.
Please put CT Application in the subject line.
  • Real name
  • Active forum usernames
  • Link to your blog or website if you have one
  • Where you hang out.
  • Links to most complete galleries
  • List of other teams or obligations
  • Why you think you'd like to be on the team and a little about you
That’s it! Good luck to all that apply! I can't wait to hear from everyone and see your galleries! I will acknowledge all applications and will notify everyone via email or pm whether they make the team or not. If you don't hear from me, I did not get your email or pm. Please try again.

Deadline to apply: August 20th.


Merkee is really fun to work with!!
Can't wait to see who joins us!!
Good luck with your call!!!


Well-Known Member
Aw, you all are so sweet! :) Thank you! Jen, I got your email. I will reply after I finish my coffee. lol