
Courtney's Artsy Template Challenge March 2017


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to the Artsy Template challenge from Courtney's Designs. As a reminder, we will run 2 challenges a month. We will run this template challenge and another challenge to get those create juices flowing!!!

Here is your template:





Above, on Courtney's take on the template, she used Welcome to Manhood

Here is my layout:

I used Art for the Soul

And from the team:


She used Out of the Ordinary


1. A random winner will be chosen to recieve a $4 coupon to Courtney's store (no CU)
2. Layouts must be uploaded to Courtney's gallery and also posted in this thread.
3. Layouts must be uploaded by 11:59 pm on March 31, 2017
4. Layouts should contain at least 50% of Courtney's products
5. Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
I am sorry for the problem with the download. I checked it yesterday when I posted it, but somehow the link got messed up with dropbox, so I added it to mediafire. It should be good now.
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The Loopy-O
Just a heads up since it took me a bit to figure it out. I wasn't able to unzip it through ACDSee but was able to with 7 Zip


The Loopy-O
So, I am really done with Winter but can't seem to think about Spring with 2 feet of snow on the ground. I decided to go toward a spooky, moody, mad sort of LO instead- and who better to quote than Poe?


I have still not been able to open it. I went to the app store (Mac) and downloaded 7 Zip Browser, but don't have a clue how to use it to open the file. ???


Well-Known Member
I was beginning to think I had totally lost all of my mind, when I saw the Thread for the first challenge totally closed, so I could not even ask questions... I knew it had said there would be 2 challenges this month... So the first half of the month, someplace in the thead there was a post with a $2 coupon that could be used after the Party began, from Courtney... I have been so busy, and am now so far behind, I thought I should go get that coupon and use it... BUT.. I can't find it... It was NOT PM 'd to us.. just a mention in a thread, I had assumed the first half of March challenge... Can you point me to where it is at... I do hope it is still good because I was waiting for the 2nd challenge to make sure I didn't need to purchase anything for it...thanks a bunch... have not tried the download that everyone is having a problem with... Wish me luck! Come to think of it.. I think I know where that code is... it was in the I want thread before the party.. I'll go look there...


Well-Known Member
Arghhh the template I just downloaded is the one we just used.. I made a page of flooding with bronze kids playing in the floodwaters... I see other shave the right one,... Did I make a mistake or you????

Tried again and it is still the previous template....


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry you all are having a hard time with this download. I'm not sure what happened to the download link. Let's try this one.


It worked for me, but I think DropBox changed their services recently...let me know for sure. It may require an account. It didn't used to.

If this doesn't work I will try to think of something else. I'm currently out of town, but will be back by Sunday.

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WHEW! Finally got it! Thanks Courtney...the DigiGremlins have been slain! I appreciate your extra effort. I've had a layout in mind ever since I saw your template, and plan to take time off from moving my office from one room to another, to play with it today.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry you all are having a hard time with this download. I'm not sure what happened to the download link. Let's try this one.


It worked for me, but I think DropBox changed their services recently...let me know for sure. It may require an account. It didn't used to.

If this doesn't work I will try to think of something else. I'm currently out of town, but will be back by Sunday.


Thanks... it was the right one this time... Drop box and Media player have so much on their pages, that you think you have to click on.. I have always hated, them, but have finally learned that if I am careful and read what I am clicking on, I do not download all sorts of things I don't want... there is no need to join Dropbox, and the first pop up indicates... just close it and the download is there... Thanks so much... looks pretty cool... Still gotta spend more money on your site... my cart is full of your things at the moment.....


The Loopy-O
I have still not been able to open it. I went to the app store (Mac) and downloaded 7 Zip Browser, but don't have a clue how to use it to open the file. ???

I see that you were able to get it all figured out, yay!

For anyone who is still trying to use 7 Zip- I am running Win 10 (y'all can go ahead and groan, you Mac people LOL) and it is in the Right Click menu. HTH!