
***Closed***SoMa Design 1, 2, 3 Challenge - March

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Well-Known Member
We have new challenge with new rules and hope you will love this more than the Minikit challenge.

The rules are simple.

Always we suggest you what will be on your page. You need to put 1, 2 and 3 of something.
We give you a minikit, but you needn't use it, but the layout needs to contain 90% of SoMa Design product.

Here is the list for March: Use 1 ribbon, twine or string, 2 birds and 3 leaves.

You can put more other elements to the page, but I want to see clearly all the elements of the list and just enough, no more or less.
Simple, isn't it?

Ok, here is the free minikit for the challenge:

link to download

Upload your page to the "SoMa Designs" gallery and linked back to this thread

And here is an inspiration page from me:

We will have 2 winners at the end of the month. They will get a 5$ coupons for our store.

Our winners of the March challenge is here. They won 5$ coupon to our store. Congrats! Look for the new challenge at the Designer Challenges topic soon!
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Well-Known Member
With this layout I want to wish happy St. Patrick's Day, to those who celebrate it or just a shine Friday to others!

Oh, and thanks for the mini!
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