
**CLOSED** Looking to lose weight? Get healthy? Look no further...

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Well-Known Member
Gotcha changed, Steph! :)

I have everyone added to this point! One of my CT members, Bobbi, wants to join as well but is out of town right now. I'm adding her to the list as well! ;)


Well-Known Member
I'd like to join in! This is my 2nd home anyway :). One of my resolutions is to lose 20 pounds this yr (would be nice to lose more LOL).


Well-Known Member
Got everyone added! :D

People have through tomorrow to sign up, so if you want to pass along the info to any of your friends, feel free! :D

41 of us now!


Well-Known Member
Ohhh this is going to be fab....so much support here :) Watch out Wii Fit you are going to get a work out :)


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
How much is the Wii Fit??? I'm thinking of getting one for Peter for his birthday on the 15th of January .... heheheheh ... for both him and I :)


Well-Known Member
Can I play?

I got discouraged in the middle of the first Biggest Loser Digi Style (Sept '06) and bailed out. Boo!

Between Feb 08 - Sept 08 I went to a 5 am workout six days a week, stuck to 1200 calories a day and lost 65 pounds. Yay!

Since then I think I've put 10 - 15 pounds back on. Boo!

I sooooo need to get back on track!

:) Michele


...loves her some "O"
welcome, michele!!! wow!!! you are an encouragement!!! as is everyone on this thread!! yay!! thanks again, mel!!!


Well-Known Member
Stephanie...I just read your blog...and it touched me deeply! What an inspiration! I believe that this is going to be quite a ride! Can't wait to here more!


New Member
I just read it too Stephanie....you can do it!

Here is my blog...I started it last year and it just got forgotten, but I am getting back to it now!

Well never mind...apparently I can't post a link...

Race Girl

Well-Known Member

My sister Debbie (Willow885) told me about the "Healthy O" 12 week challenge. I would like to join. My user name is: Race Girl, my name is Kristin.



I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Up to this point .... everyone has been added to the private forum ;) If anyone can't get in just fire me a PM and I will add you right away .... ;) I will be online most of the night .... :)


Well-Known Member
Everyone who has been signed up to this point has access to the Healthy O's forum :) Please go on over meet our fabulous Team Leaders and sign up letting us know what your goals are so we can assign you to an appropriate team :)
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