
*challenge closed* Tweet + a challenge to you with a great PRIZE!!!

:D This kit is so beautiful as I did not resist to make a second page. Here is


we had an impromptu visit to the park today & I took oodles of pics... I could probably do a bunch of pages lol. but for now, here is the one my son and I did. he helped choose photos, paper, ellies & where everything went. he has an AWESOME eye!

Just gonna get in under the deadline!

Conversation with my daughter in law before her trip. She borrowed my favorite lens, a 50mm 1.4, and I borrowed her Canon 50D.

i think im too late but I got my coupon last night and i couldnt resist making a page today! ( i should be getin a shower and gettiun organised to go out rofl but i cannot close ps ! ! )

mine :D

linked to my gallery

OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh these LOs are sooooooo wonderful!!!

Because I was having such a great time in Twitter-land (yep, I am officially twitterpated!!), I gave you guys just a little extra time!! teeheeee!!!

This challenge is officially closed now and I will be back this evening with our official WINNER!!! yay!!!
You're right there Brenda, I think everyone has had lots of fun in tweeterville!!! good luck to everyone that entered!!

oops, did I interupt your drum roll Helen?? sorrry! I will move out of the way now :)
okay...I've got the list of participants...heading on over to Mr. Random!! yipeee......

(helen, keep that drum roll going!!)
and our winner is.....

Andrea!! (LaughingSun) wooohooooo!!


Congrats!! I'll get that coupon to you soon, babe!!! yay!!!

And to everyone who participated, congrats on such awesome LOs!! Keep watching your twitter to see what new and fun challenges and giveaways Oscraps does!!! wooooot!!