
Calling all Grandmas...........................


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I know there are all ages represented here at The O and that's what makes us such a wonderful and diverse group. However, I'd like to hear from you "Grandmas" or whatever your grands call you.

My grands call me Cici and I have 7 of these amazing Gifts from God (counting a Great Granddaughter). My oldest, Cameron, is 28, next is Jordan, 26, then Ava 24, then Braden, 20, then Alyssa 19 and little Asher, 13. (I also have a great-granddaughter, Kinleigh, who is Jordan's little girl. They live in Michigan, so we only get to see once a year.

How about you other "Grandma's"?????


Well-Known Member
I am plain old Grandma. I've always been traditional and generationally behind. My kids are old traditional names, so I went with Grandma. I'm blessed with three Grands and its amazing. My hubs was Grandpa until the first could talk a bit and he (Oldest Grand) changed his name to Poppa. We had a hard time at first as both Grandpas have the same first name.

I like a lot of the newer names for "grandparents" but I'm not trendy and never have been. I earned all my grey hair and I earned the title Grandma. I survived my daughters teen years :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: And in a room full of others, when my grands call out "Grandma" I know its me, I dont have to guess who's being summoned.

Betty Jo

♥ Lovin' the O ♥
My Grands call me Gran. I have two granddaughters that live in my town, my youngest son's daughters, one is 24 and the other 21. I have a granddaughter that I've yet to meet, my oldest son's daughter, that lives a long distance from me, and she has three children, so three great-grands.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy You do not look old enough to be a Grandma.
We have a 22 year old and a 19 year old from our daughter and son in law. We have a 8 year old from our son and is wonderful wife.
Such a wonderful thing to have grandchildren...if I knew how wonderful grands are I would have had them first !!! We are Grammy and Grampy to all of them.

Rested my injured shoulder today but not much better so my have to call my surgeon ..ugh it's just been a year since my other shoulder was replaced I'm not really ready for more surgery.

We talked to our oldest grandchild today. She met her online friend from Wales because he came over to the US for a week...they really loved their time together and he plans to come back. Yikes a long distance love relationship????


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I have four grands and my oldest call my husband and myself Grandma and Grandpa T while the youngest two call us Papa and GG I questioned the GG for myself as I am not a Great Grandma, but our daughter said its because I am the greatest Grandma so I am pretty happy with that !! :lovey3:


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy You do not look old enough to be a Grandma.
Awwww that's the nicest thing ever. :heartpumppink: I started having kids early (20) and so yeah by late 40's I was a grandma. :heartpumppink: I was 45 when I became a grandma. I agree too, had I know, they would have been first. But I truly believe they are the reward to surviving your own. :floorlaugh:


I love the O!
I have two grandchildren ... Ada-Noor turned 10 in September and Onno will be 7 in December.
Until June, they were with us almost every Wednesday afternoon ... but from this school year they will stay home ... Onno has joined a basketball team since September and has training then.
Ada-Noor is in the third year of music school: on Wednesday afternoons she now has music theory and music history; her flute lesson is on Thursdays.
I do miss them on Wednesday afternoons ... I went to pick them up from school ... in the meantime grandpa cooked something delicious ... we did crafts together, went to eat a pancake or a waffle, went to the playground ... there was always one of the two who said: 'oma', are we going ... 'oma', can I ... 'opa' do you know what car this is ....


The O is awesOme
I have two lovely granddaughters. Lena and Nine. They are my treasures. We see them very often as I take care of them once a week and they like to sleep over so now and then! Lena has my creativity and she is painting and drawing a lot and now learning a bit about creating on the computer too! They give us so much joy and laughter.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy I was married in HS at 18 and have been married to the same man all these years.-I was 46 when my granddaughter was born-DD waited to have children.

@taxed4ever I've heard others called GG and wondered where it came from but your daughters idea greatest Grandma is perfect.

@marijke Oma was our land lady when we lived in Germany so I guess it is what is used in Belgium too.

@Betty Jo I like that Gran and you are a great grandmother...wow

Have a great day