
Brushes and PSE


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone.
I bought PSE last April 2023. This was all new to me then. Well okay still is mostly new to me. I have been branching out to brushes and what they can do :love: I watched some videos and I see that in PS you can have your brushes in the program but for PSE I have to load the brush one at a time. This is time consuming and annoying. Is there a better way to store/load brushes I dont know about? What am I missing? Is this how PSE does things? One brush at a time? If that's the case how do you organize your brushes? Right now they are just in the kit they came with and searching a brush is a pain in the butt. I know I have brushes that I haven't used because I cant find them or I don't know what they are, its just a brush icon LOL. Hope this makes sense. I need to know
1. Does PSE allow more then one brush? (Beside the pre set ones)
2. How do you organize the brushes?
3. Can you add an image to brush icon like you do folders?
Thanks so much for the help!

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Hi there! I’m out the office for a couple of days and I’ll try to answer your questions when I return - are you on a Mac or PC?

in the meantime, I have a blog post on how to install brushes - there’s a video there too. Let me know if you have any questions about it.



Well-Known Member
Hi there! I’m out the office for a couple of days and I’ll try to answer your questions when I return - are you on a Mac or PC?

in the meantime, I have a blog post on how to install brushes - there’s a video there too. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

Thank you! I am a Mac. Will go check out the blog. thank you.


ONA - Administrator
Thank you Vicki!!!!! @Vicki Robinson
This is wonderful!!!! Worked like a charm and I cant wait to add the brushes I use. This was just what I needed. Thank you!!!!!
yay!!! Vicki is our PSE guru so I thrilled that you worked out how to add your brushes Miss Kitty!! :kitty::kitty: Looking forward to seeing all your layouts with you using those brushes....................... adn there are ton of them for free on the internet too!! not that I am a brush addict, just sayin' :angelwhistle:


Queen of the Universe
When I download brushes as part of a kit I move the abr files into a special folder on my hard drive. That way when I go to load a set of brushes, I can go right to that folder. I do the same thing with actions and styles-they all live in their own folders and I load them as I need them.

A long time ago I downloaded a free program called abrMate that you could use to organize your brushes. The main thing I use it for is to create a preview of all the brushes in a set- I keep those previews in a subfolder of the folder that holds the brushes, so I can browse for a brush that I might want to use. It's not ideal but I didn't always save the brush preview that might have been in the download:

Screenshot 2024-07-25 090857.jpg