
Bridal Shower Games?


The Loopy-O
My daughter is getting married! :dancingbfly: I am very excited and happy for her. She got engaged almost 2 years ago and I thought I would have soooo much time to get ready. Time. hahaha. Time is so weird. I don't have nearly enough time that I thought I'd have two years ago. How in the world does that happen??
The wedding is small and she and her fiance decided they didn't want a wedding party. Caitlyn asked her brother to be the Man of Honor. *cue the tears, I'm gonna be a blubbering mess* Tom will have a Best Man, that's it. The only problem *I* have with it, is that she doesn't have a bridal party to plan a shower, so I am doing it for her. And I don't know what I am doing! The last bridal shower I planned was--- *counts fingers/toes/gives up* Let's say it was a while ago. :D
Time, man... Time is weird.

I need to have a couple of games planned and I am at a loss. I have one that is filling out a questionnaire type but I think I need something more interactive.

What other advice do you have for planning a shower?


Mistress of Mayhem
In advance, interview Tom & ask him like 10-20 questions, like favorite color/film/whatever, what he likes best about his future wife, where he would like to go in the world ... whatever. Then at the party: ask Caitlyn the questions & see how much she knows about her future husband. You could put the questions inside balloons that she'd have to pop if you want it to be more of a game.


The O is my hOme.
The one game I've done is where you buy a cookie sheet, put enough items on it that it's not way easy to remember, cover with a kitchen tile. When the game starts, take the towel off for 60 seconds and then have everyone write down what they remember. Your daughter gets everything on the cookie sheet after the game.


Well-Known Member
Oh how fun!!!! The questionnaire is fun. I like Eva's idea of the answers in a balloon. You can put the question on the string and answer in the balloon. My poor niece had a virtual shower and it was horrible. I cant remember the games. She did a preview of the gown though. Oh a fun one at another shower was wedding photos. All the guests brought their wedding photo of the bride and groom. Then everyone had to match the photo to the guest. Some of the couples were on their 30-40 anniversary so It was fun trying to figure out who was who. Might be fun if you have a big enough crowd.


Well-Known Member
A fun game at my daughter’s shower was everyone was divided into teams. Each team was given a roll of toilet paper. They picked one person in each group to be the bride. They would design a gown out of toilet paper and dress their team’s bride. The real bride to be would pick the winning gown. It’s lots of fun!


Well-Known Member
A fun game at my daughter’s shower was everyone was divided into teams. Each team was given a roll of toilet paper. They picked one person in each group to be the bride. They would design a gown out of toilet paper and dress their team’s bride. The real bride to be would pick the winning gown. It’s lots of fun!
That sounds so fun!!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I've only hosted one bridal shower. When everybody got there, I gave them a number. When I announced that there would be no games, I was met with cheers. I had a "lottery" if you will, and I drew numbers during the shower and people got "prizes". I'm probably in the minority. Not a fan of party games. As they always said on Seinfeld, "not that there's anything wrong with that". I know some of you get tired of me quoting Seinfeld. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

EDITED: I remember that the "old married women" gave the bride-to-be advice. I still remember that advise about folding fitted sheets.


The Loopy-O
Everyone's ideas are wonderful and I thank you all for sharing ideas :cloud9:
I spent most of my afternoon debating with myself. I am (more than) a little socially awkward and never enjoyed crazy games at parties. I decided to go with some quieter games but with a l touch of Caitlyn spin. The questionnaire has skulls and hearts on it, and the symbols to circle are a long beard and dark purple lips. I found a printable Wedding Advice card but used the flowers from her invitation on it. And then I found a "Guess the Kisses" game--- Hershey kisses in a wine/martini glass.

My next question:
What are some decent prizes that won't break the bank? My mom is helping with the catering but most of the rest is on me, so it's a *tight* budget.

By the way, I saw the Toilet Paper wedding dress game and though that looked hysterical!


Mistress of Mayhem
I heard about another game that sounds fun. Every guest brings a gift for the bride - just something cheap like a chocolate bar or something like that. The thing is that the gift is supposed to be about a common memory the person has with the bride. Then it's up to the bride to guess which gift is from which person & tell the story behind it.

I'm sure there could be misunderstandings, and secrets revealed in this game. LOL


Well-Known Member
Ross and TJ Maxx have scented soap bars and liquid soaps that make nice gifts. You could pair these with those mesh body scrubbers that the Dollar Tree carries. Lotions and scented lip balms are nice gifts as well.


The Loopy-O
I will have plenty of lavender organza bags left over from the favors we are making-- I can definitely make some gift bags with the soaps and scrubbies!

Thank you thank you!!


The O is my hOme.
Everyone's ideas are wonderful and I thank you all for sharing ideas :cloud9:
I spent most of my afternoon debating with myself. I am (more than) a little socially awkward and never enjoyed crazy games at parties. I decided to go with some quieter games but with a l touch of Caitlyn spin. The questionnaire has skulls and hearts on it, and the symbols to circle are a long beard and dark purple lips. I found a printable Wedding Advice card but used the flowers from her invitation on it. And then I found a "Guess the Kisses" game--- Hershey kisses in a wine/martini glass.

My next question:
What are some decent prizes that won't break the bank? My mom is helping with the catering but most of the rest is on me, so it's a *tight* budget.

By the way, I saw the Toilet Paper wedding dress game and though that looked hysterical!
Chocolate bars maybe with some non chocolate candy like Skittles. If they win, let them choose one.