I had one a while back - with a catchy name of Dairy of a wife, stepmother and mom... our household had four kids aged 0-17, a husband who tried hard pretending he was not a workaholic, we lived in Shanghai where people stared at us as if we were a curiosity and stealthy selfies were common... there were stories to tell and so I tried to take it all in one stride and started journaling... it was fun in the beginning and I had about 200 followers but then it all became too much - more of an obligation than a creative outlet, even though I enjoyed the writing itself. Some people commented and asked questions, I replied and suddenly I was in conversations with people I didn't know and didn't care about, but whose comments and opinions somehow mattered to me... there were positive ones, praising my sense of humor and encouraging me to write more, there were those who felt strongly about the fact that my husband's kids from previous marriage lived in our household and were rather toxic about it. At first, I continued writing in my diary and edited the parts that I was willing to put out there for public consumption... which took a lot of time and eventually, I just stopped posting because it stopped being rewarding... the whole thing lasted for about 18 months or so...
I think in this day and time there is so much content out there on so many different social media platforms, that anyone starting a blog needs to REALLY like blogging and offer something others can't - be that a product, sense of humor, or experience. Sounds like a full-time job to me...