
Big strom over here


ONA - Administrator
Hope everything was fine after the storm Ana and that it wasn't too destructive! xx We had a couple of big thunderstorms roll through around 1.30 - 2.30am, down here in Tassie. We have been here for 5 years now and have only had a couple of smaller thunderstorms and were totally amazed as we used to get really big ones with huge hail up on the mainland. However, in the last 3 weeks we have had these really unusual storms, loud, with lots of rain. People that have been born and raised here have commented that they had not seen the like of them before. One of our little dogs Tinky (13) hates thunder and had to come in and sit on Dad's lap while it was all happening, the other three are not worried by them and were all out asleep in their (heated! lol!) kennels in the carport. :)


Well-Known Member
Ana, I hope everything is okay now and that the storms are passed. I hope you do not have any damage due to the storms.


The O is Awesome
I truly appreciate your comments ladies, we are all fine here and have no damage at home, thank God. Our fur/hairless babies are all ok but we have a lot o damage in our streets, fallen trees, floods, etc. We have rain and more rain until the weekend so let see how it goes!! Love you all!! :heartpumpred:


Jenn :)
Ah man, glad your house and babies are okay, sorry about all of the other affects from the storm! Hopefully the weather will change and you won't get as much rain as is forecasted! :hug2: