
Art Journaling - What is it?

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Just the words themselves confuse people. What is art journaling? I think it’s fair to say that if you asked 15 people you’d get 15 different responses. For what it’s worth, here’s my take on it – you may have a different take and that’s perfectly fine.

Vicki’s Definition of Art Journaling — sort of ...

We all know what “art” is and we know what a “journal” is, so it follows that a literal definition of an art journal is the visual representation of thoughts and ideas.

So, then an art journal should contain text or words of some sort?
If you’ve got something you want to say, do it – that’s up to you; if you chose to include text it can be plainly visible, or it can be hidden. Sometimes writing down words and covering them up completely has a very powerful and positive effect on your emotions. On the other hand, many times you’ll find your art meaningful without words.​

Ok then … you’ve got to know how to paint or draw?
Goodness knows I personally had never painted or drawn when I started art journaling. Those are things that I am now interested in, but they are definitely not skills I was born with – or even realized I could do. And honestly, I'm not good at either of those now.​

Does that mean you need to have an idea you want to convey on your art journal page?
I know I’m starting to sound repetitive, but no – you don’t need to know where you want to end up to start an art journaling page. In fact, some of my favorite pages began with just paint blotches.​

So what am I trying to say?

The truth is, art journaling is different for everyone. It can be any combination of imagery, words, and art; it can be made of mixed media materials or it can be digital. A journal can take book form or a collection of loose pages. It can be a FB photo album. An art journal can be meaningful – or not. Think of keeping an art journal as a form of caring for yourself – it’s simply one method to have some time with yourself and explore your creative side.

Why Art Journaling?

Again, there are as many answers to this question as there are people in the world. I used to hate it when I asked my parents why I needed to do something they wanted me to do and the answer was "just because". But honestly, that's why most people art journal ... just because it's fun and it provides a creative outlet and it can be whatever you want it to be.
  • Art journal as you might a diary to record events, incorporating bits and pieces of your day – think movie tickets, receipts, or random thoughts. You might want to keep mementos or quick sketches of places you’ve visited. This form of art journaling parallels scrapbooking in one sense – except that this is just for you and isn’t meant for future generations (unless, of course, that’s what you intend).
  • Art journal to express whatever emotions you might be experiencing. Maybe your journal is where you practice a form of art that appeals to you, or perhaps you just want to play with mixing various media. Perhaps your journal is a collection of quotes that you find meaningful set on top of some paint swatches Your art journal can be a collage of magazine images and word phrases that catch your attention.
  • Some people, like me, have multiple physical journals and lots of digital art journal pages. I’ve started a nature journal where I keep leaves and flowers and assorted other bits that I find myself drawn to. I have a color swatch journal in which I keep brush stroke samples of my various paints. And I’ve got one with my amateurish attempts at sketching faces. I sometimes make digital art journaling pages based on prompts, or which are just digital playgrounds where I randomly place kit elements and paint for the pure joy of the act itself, with no intended outcome.
For me, it’s the process of creating something that I enjoy.

In Summary

Art journaling does not have to be expensive or complicated. It can be done in mixed media form using paint and gesso and “stuff” or it can be accomplished digitally using purchased supplies.

It is a forgiving and safe way to make art because the art is whatever you want it to be and you neither need to share it or explain it to anyone.

Art journaling allows you to PLAY. Be a kid again. Stop worrying you’re not doing it right – because it’s really true. There are no rules in art journaling. Your art doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you.

That last part is very important to me because as I have written many times, this “art thing” is a very unexpected journey for me. I have no formal art training and didn't realize I had any creativity until after my 50th birthday. After a full career (spanning more than 40 years) using the other side of my brain, I’m learning that when it comes to art the only person I need to please is myself.

Now, at age 66, I can confidently state I have found a creative outlet more satisfying than I ever could have imagined. I think that’s what I bring to the table – I’m not an expert. I don’t have all the answers. I’ve made some pretty ugly art (but as one of my favorite instructors, Dina Wakley always says “they’ll make more paper) and on the digital side, you can always "undo" or press "delete". I have drawn some … shall we say “unusual” looking faces and some really odd looking flowers. But I’ve made some pretty cool-looking pages too. Along the way, I’ve discovered lots of things about myself, and – more importantly – I’m having a blast.

So, tell me, what do you think of my take on art journaling? What does it mean to you? If you've never tried it, are you willing to give digital art journaling a go?

Let's start the conversation.
I admit to being intimidated by art journaling, though I've seen some wonderful examples of it. Your products seem to lend themselves to art journaling, for sure! The art journal pages I've been most drawn to are some travel journals I've seen, where the scrapper mixed journaling or just ideas about a place with artistic elements on the page. When I see them I'll say to myself "Oh, that's easy enough to do; I could do a page like that." Then I make a page. (Picture me rolling on the floor laughing at this point.) Nope; not one I'd post here. I am curious, however, to see what other responses you get, Vicki. And I'm always willing to try. Maybe the next one will be more to my liking. (There's always hope. :))

Art journaling allows you to PLAY. Be a kid again. Stop worrying you’re not doing it right – because it’s really true. There are no rules in art journaling. Your art doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you.
This is the part that speaks to me the most.
Just playing with the elements/papers that I like, creating something I like to look at.
I love digital art journaling. For me, it's about expressing emotion or sometimes creating an uplifting message. It's fun for me because I can play more with blending and brushes than I can when doing more traditional pages.
I absolutely love Art Journaling and it seems like most of pages "morph" into this. LOL I can really get my feelings out on a page, though.
I am so intimidated by the thought of this...but it's on my list to try in the New Year because I think I would love it if I didn't worry about whether or not it was good enough! And PLAY sounds like a very good idea---a part of my life that is missing.
I am so intimidated by the thought of this...but it's on my list to try in the New Year because I think I would love it if I didn't worry about whether or not it was good enough! And PLAY sounds like a very good idea---a part of my life that is missing.
This is me, too! Right now almost all of my creative work is CT related, so I am more mindful of the responsibility that entails, and haven't taken the time to just play around and see what happens. I hope to change that soon!
I love aj kits with art dolls or a cute animal. It seems that they want to tell me a story! Like the one (from @madigirl ) in my avatar. I use her over and over again..
I love art journaling. I have been doing it for years. My current art journal is in a composition notebook which I covered. I also like to do art journaling in a travelers notebook. I haven't done digital art journaling but it's worth a shot. I actually just picked up some of your kits which to me looked like art journaling. I love to draw and paint and also write. My most recent find was that I like to write poetry too. Collages are fun to make too using magazines.
I am trash at all things 'handy' and doodling has NEVER appealed to me. These past new months, however, since I started doing CT work and to my absolute delight - and surprise - I have discovered that I LOVE the digital form of AJ - and I find it a lot easier than the traditional schrapping.
When I first noticed AJ, I was quite confused by it. Even though I liked the concept of sketching, drawing, using different media on a page, it just didn't make sense to me. The text would include words like happiness or joy, but the graphics were all dark and gloomy, and the pages didn't seem to have a point. Also, I'm not talented in physically drawing or sketching, and I have arthritis in my hands, so there's that, too. But then different designers offered some freebies here and there, and I decided to play around, digitally. Since then, I've made a few pages and I LOVE them! They're totally different from my scrapping and artsy pages, so they fill a need I didn't know I had. I see them more as a stream of consciousness, instead of documenting a particular event, although AJ works for that, too. Now I have a folder full of AJ kits and pieces!
Love reading everyone's thoughts on what they feel about art journaling and how they approach it. I love AJ as well and I guess what I love most is the freedom to do anything I feel like doing at that point in time............ one day it might be a nature page where I document what birds came to visit, another day my page might be an abstract collection of paints and gesso etc depicting how I am feeling (nothing I can put into words though) and at other times I will just 'chuck' some paint on my digital screen and see where my muse will take me or blend photo together (like you can only do in digital form).

2021 was a year of exploration for me in getting back to getting my hands dirty........... I have had a ball! While I am still learning what medium can be used with one another etc. I am still discovering what my 'style' is....... and have decided that I love doing different things depending on how I am feeling, so one day I will start off with watercolours and then out come the napkins and matte gel to stick everything down.......... other days I am using paper pieces to create a collage over which I create a pattern using a stencil and texture paste.......... the list goes on.

So whether I am doing digital or hands on art journaling, I am just loving the sheer joy of creating something that I enjoy, it really adds so much happiness to my life. :) And I guess that is what it is in the end, do what makes you happy!! :)