
AnnaColor Challenge 02.27.2015-03.12.2015


Well-Known Member
Enjoyed the challenge, Adryane. I'm still finding my feet after some months away so not sure if I can add the link properly.

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Well-Known Member
I knew what photos I was going to use, just wanted to get caught up on my week 9 vacation before diving into week 10 photos. These are pics of my manzanitas in my new native landscape. Because of the severe drought in Northern CA, we had our lawn removed and replanted natively, and I love it! Helps that the water district is giving rebates :)

Oh and I almost forgot...thanks to Marnie https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/s...e=annacolor-challenge-2-27-3-12-2015&cat=1351 for the additional inspiration to use chevron crazy life...I love the 'life' these chevrons give to pages
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Well-Known Member
Took me awhile to get this one figured out... Was working on a "pink" page with my yard, when we went to this fire station... and well it just kind of changed after that!!!!



aA Creative Team Member
Thank you to everyone who participated in this pink challenge! There were a lot "non-pink" people who played along, which was fun to see!

All of your pages were awesome!

The random winner of the $5 GiftKard to Anna's store is musicmom3. I will pm your GiftKard Code.


Check back tomorrow for a new color challenge! Maybe something with pastels, for spring :)


aA Creative Team
Yay well done musicmom3!!

haha I see your comment Adryane about being fun to see us non-pink people make pages - it was torture I can tell you! LOL! Hahahaha! But we did it eh! I think we should all have an Anna Giftkard for doing it personally *WHISTLE*!!! Just kidding hun :) Thank goodness pink is out of the way for a few months at least!


Well-Known Member
Great news to wake up to! Thank you for doing the color challenge, Adryane, which is always fun and never fails to...challenge!