
Am I stealing?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I need some guidelines.
Searching through the word art for sale at the Oscraps store I found the perfect words for a LO I'm working on. The style however, was not what I was looking for. So, I made my own word art using the same words but changed the style and font.

Is this an OK thing to do? If it is, and I decide to post the LO in the gallery, should I give credit for the words to the original artist?

Kim DS

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think so. I have a couple of quotes in the store that I doodled, and I found most of them online so they're not mine either. I do think it's important you mention the name of the original author of the quote (in my products it is always mentioned underneath the quotes in small letters, unless I really couldn't find whose quote it was).
But I can only speak for myself here... If you want to be absolutely certain, you could always pm the designer in question.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's cheating, but I think it's nice to give credits to the original wordart as "your inspiration source".