


The Loopy-O
Who else gets a million mailings from AARP? I had been mildly insulted for years since I never thought of myself as "old." I got another mailing yesterday -- "Welcome to the 50s Club!" Although they are a little late for that, I am 55 LOL. I guess I *am* old (ish).
My mom has offered to pay for my subscription for a while now, which only added to my sense of scorn. But maybe it's worth the $16? PLUS I will get a free cooler too!!!

If you have AARP, do you find it worthwhile? What kinds of things do you use it for? And how nice is that free cooler? :giggle4:


Well-Known Member
I do have AARP...I signed up when I registered for Med Supp. The best Med Supp policy had an arrangement with AARP so I did get a better rate. Now I don't have a Med Supp policy since I'm back to fulltime work with group health insurance. I think my AARP automatically renews annually so I'm sure that I still have it. Obviously, I'm not using the benefits. I should be more responsible.


The Loopy-O
I wonder if they have any dental coverage. I don't have dental or vision, can;t afford it, and really should have it.
My Rx plan seems decent but AARP might be helpful for any non-generic meds I might possibly need in the future.

automatically renews annually
That's what I am worried about. If I sign up at the promo rate and then forget about it and it keeps renewing, will it be a waste of money over time?


Queen of the Universe
I've had a membership in the past but never used it. My now-ex husband bought a membership for me when he got his own. I have no idea if it's still active. I turn 65 this year so I'll have to look at all sorts of options for programs to enroll in and might take a look then.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
We had to join it when we got United Health Care. Never had before and we don't use anything else as far as I'm concerned. United Health is one of the best, and we had no choice about joining AARP. You get a magazine every month - :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I only thumb through it is if has somebody I like on the cover. They usually have people who are barely 50 on the cover, giving advice on "aging". Put somebody on the cover who's at least 65, people. I don't know if AARP offers dental, but United Health doesn't. Dental is separate now - we had to buy a separate plan for that.