
2014 Week 32 Project 365/Life/52


Well-Known Member
My 2013 book is finally done, so that's where my scrapping time was spent this week. I almost didn't take any pictures! So week 32 should not be too hard to do.

I think I mentioned I went back through all the pages and made updates, then I supplemented with 374 additional photos that needed to be in the book to tell stories. These are in addition to 4 big trips which got their own books and pages. I might be out of control :-)

In the process I learned that Shutterfly is limited to 111 pages in their books, which I have already exceeded for 2014, so I guess I will be making a Volume 1 and a Volume 2.

Hello, my name is Diane and I am addicted to scrapbooking :-)

If you care to take a look, here is 2013...
As predicted, week 32 was not at all hard, and only one page, and done :-) I simply used the same template as last week, deleted photos, added, changed out the color, added elements.

Really enjoyed looking at your 2013 book! Makes me want to get mine done too.

Week 32 looks beautiful. I love the colors and those orchids. You make good use of that handsome template.
Oh I thought you had already done your 2013 book Jean? Maybe that was 2012??

Interesting to see how our processes and pages change a little. As I look back at my 2013 book, I prefer the story pages to the photo-a-day templates. Yet I prefer the lesser work of the photo-a-day approach ;-)
My Week 32 :)

Beautiful Lindy! love the softness, the pinkness, wonderful new artplay and elements, perfectly used!
Lindy, your pages look like a beautiful dream. Love 'em.

Diane, I did books for 2008 when I did a full page every day and one for 2010 that ran into 2011 that was a two-page spread for each month. 2013 is ready to go, just haven't done it yet. After the daily page, I couldn't face it again. Doing the weekly page now isn't so hard.

And here is week 32 - hard to believe summer is winding down.

Diane you rocked those shapes!!!!!
Jean I love the accent on green, so calming.
Lindy I love the softness of your layouts and look at that hairy face on your hubby-whoo hoo, lol
wow, Jean, a page a day!! That's amazing! Although, now that I think about it, not too many days go by that I don't make a page, speaking of which, I must get back to my roadtrip, and finish the Santa Barbara trip from last April...yikes!

Thanks, Heather, I found pics that worked better in the triangles this week :-)
Oh I just noticed those pinecones, how cute and fun! I think I may have to try that :-)

And yes, love the green, Jean :-) Summers are not really green here, especially as dry as it is. The state is starting to offer credits for removal of lawns, which I think is a good idea. Of course, this is making me feel guilty as I head off to the golf course this morning.

Great job keeping up everyone!