Thank you! I worked really hard on these and just love them! Many of these images were available in the wonderful Lands End visitor center, and I looked for postcards but couldn't find any, but then, being digital, how fortunate to be able to find them online...even tickets and programs and such!
Makes me wish I was a kid in school...imagine the options for creating reports these days
More gorgeous layouts, everyone! I'm dying, Diane - you're a fellow Game of Thrones addict? We just started watching them all about a week ago on HBO Go. I ordered the Fire & Ice series on Amazon so we'll be reading them all on the Kindle once we get caught up with the episodes on HBO. I'm so beyond addicted (don't tell me what happens)!!! Here is my Week 22 (I'm working on PL while two of my daughters catch up on GoT since my son & I kept watching until after 1:30 this morning!) Gasp!
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