
02/25 QOTD: Garden


Well-Known Member
Do you have a garden, wish you had one or have no interest in gardening at all?

We have a two tiered garden in the backyard but no longer put an annuals in as they get trampled by the dog. We have sturdier blooming bushes. Taz loves to run along the edge of the bricks and nibbles on the greenery. I used to grown tomatoes but we're away too much in the summer so can't water them enough. But when we did have them it was wonderful to have have fresh tomatoes every day.


aA Creative Team Member
I have never been good at growing things but I have learned that things left alone in pots in one particular spot in my yard grow very well-especially succulents. So, I crowd as much as possible into this spot. If I could, I would grow all sorts of things!!


The Loopy-O
I cannot *wait* to get my hands in the dirt again!!!!!
I don't really have gardens, but small areas around our yard that I have perennials, ground cover etc. We usually do tomatoes in a large planter that Gary built with cords that run up so that will "climb." Herbs and a variety of peppers in pots on the patio. We also end up getting some lettuce/kale in a small garden in front of the patio.

Last year I was so sick that I wasn't able to keep up with it all, so I have my work cut out for me this spring. Yay! Love it!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Like Chris I can hardly wait to start to dig in the dirt again! I have quite a few flowers and love my roses, but wish I was a better rose gardener! Still trying to convince my DH that we should start some raised vegetable beds, I would love to grow my own veggies again. We used to have a huge garden in Saskatchewan the soil there was so rich we used to have more veggies than we knew what to do with.


Well-Known Member
I've got 16 acres I have to share with the sheep-deer-chickens-grand kids and hubby.Not always in that order.
I've tried to start a real flowery garden here in between the deer fences but as it's mostly peat soil or rocks it's an ongoing process.
We did manage to get fruit bushes and some apple trees and a plum tree that produce fruit some years and not others. There are also 2 polytunnels in which we grow our own veg. and a potato patch.
I really ought to spend more time titivating the garden but health problems get in the way.Cannot bend as I get too dizzy so all has to be done sitting on my bum. Pulling weeds is not my favourite past time anyway.


The Loopy-O
Ellen- our soil here is cruddy too which is why we do a lot of the herbs and veggies in planters so we can use bags of soil and mulch/compost. I do all of my gardening on my bum (tee-hee, feels weird to say that as an American) too for the same reasons. I get too many BP/pulse fluctuations. Have you seen those little "carts" to sit on? I think about getting one- its a little plastic cart with whhels, but I feel like my arms would be to short to do weeding and stuff if I am even inches off of the ground hahah!

Trudy- your yard always looks amazing!


Well-Known Member
Ellen- our soil here is cruddy too which is why we do a lot of the herbs and veggies in planters so we can use bags of soil and mulch/compost. I do all of my gardening on my bum (tee-hee, feels weird to say that as an American) too for the same reasons. I get too many BP/pulse fluctuations. Have you seen those little "carts" to sit on? I think about getting one- its a little plastic cart with whhels, but I feel like my arms would be to short to do weeding and stuff if I am even inches off of the ground hahah!

Trudy- your yard always looks amazing!

yes I did see those Chris but I feel I'm more "grounded" on the ground.


Well-Known Member
We do have a garden but it's in need for some serious TLC and it's getting worse every year.

Plants don't seem to want to grow, except for the weeds. The lawn is more moss than anything else.
We sometimes try to grow something. We already did garlic, peppers and last year raddishes. Not sure if we'll do something this year and what it will be.

The garden needs so much of time to keep it tidy that there is not time left to enjoy it.


The Loopy-O
Ellen- same here, I would probably tip myself over, hit my head on a rock and bleed all over the flowers. :D

Katja- For flowers, I do perennials that are really hardy. The most I have to do with caring for them is to split them when they spread to much. Of course, this year I have to see how many of them have survived the new dog digging in the garden. Ugh!