
01/12 QOTD: Laughter


Well-Known Member
What makes you laugh?

I love comedies and so does my hubs so we often watch comedy movies and shows. Recently we watched a new comedy "Superstore" which had us laughing throughout. It is silly and funny. Dont' remember her name, but the girl from Ugly Betty is in it.

My hubs has a great sense of humor and is always joking around. I love that about him.

I check in with youtube or FB now and then for some comedy videos and especially love ones about animals.


The things my grandchildren say. They are a hoot! I make pages about the funny things they say. I know my children said funny things too, but I've forgotten them all because I was a young mother and didn't have the luxury or foresight to write them down. My kids are always sending me texts and emails with their kids' little gems.


The Loopy-O
Everyone MUST watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! MUST!!!
Gary and I tend to watch more dramas than comedies, and figured we would give this show a shot, and OMG- I was hysterical! Season 2 should be out this spring and I cannot wait!

My kids and hubs make me laugh, a lot. They have wicked senses of humor and deadpan out jokes that just catch you by surprise.

Puppies also make me laugh. Watching Jaida catch her tail over and over and over again, or when she does the weird somersault-y thing... :rofl:


The Loopy-O
This is what she does, but sometimes had her head between her legs and then rolls over in a somersault:


Well-Known Member
I think my dog, Haddie, makes me laugh the most - that and the Minion fart blaster gun that I have at my office (my coworkers have the same sense of humor that I do! :tape2: ). Haddie rolls around, upside down, every.single.morning to wake up ... grunting, barking, "talking" ... and while doing all that, so often tends to end up with face and tail together - and then eats her tail! LOL


Well-Known Member
This is what she does, but sometimes had her head between her legs and then rolls over in a somersault:

LOL! My niece has a pitbull, Apollo. He's a big, solid guys, but such a softie - and LOVES to play! Just got to make sure you don't get knocked over once he gets all wound up!!


Well-Known Member
Silly photos or videos on the net.

Some comedians, not all ... Jeff Dunham will do the trick.
Some tv shows too.


Well-Known Member
OMG....love the doggy pics LOL. Taz does both those poses.....all the time LOL.

Comedians - there is woman I really like that we hear on sirius radio....Kathleen something, can't remember her name, but as soon as I hear her voice, I know it's her and I will stay in my car listening to her as long as I can.

Larry the cable guy makes us laugh, he is so silly.