
#standing o

  1. Love-you-to-the-moon-and-back


    Mixed Media Backgrounds 11 by Wendy Page Designs On sale 50% off Fotoblendz framed masks N°23 by Anna Aspnes Picture by me thanks for looking
  2. BoHo Memories

    BoHo Memories

    Made with the gorgeous Boho vibes All in One by Natali Design Photo from Pixabay
  3. Dinard


    For November Challenge #7 - Font Challenge


    Created with products from Oscraps Tether Me {Collection} by digiARTventures and Mixed Media by Erin
  5. Favorite Season - Scenic

    Favorite Season - Scenic

    ADB Designs | Favorite Season | Oscraps October Color Play CarolW Designs | Simple Drop Template#1
  6. Veil Of Secrets

    Veil Of Secrets

    Veil of Secrets (collection) by Simplette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Veil-of-Secrets-collection-by-Simplette.html
  7. On Account of the Gum

    On Account of the Gum

  8. Cow Life

    Cow Life

    My new addition to my cow and plant collections - cow cactus planters! (Yes, my family thinks I'm crazy!) my process: Began by clipping photo to fotoblendz masks. Extracted cactus planters. Added solid paper, artsy transfers. Blended, rearranged and recoloured layers. Created twig cluster with...
  9. Autumn-Leaves.jpg


    October Challenge 1 - Collaboration https://oscraps.com/community/threads/october-challenge-1-collaborations.40594/ Autumn Leaves sung by Nat King Cole Pexel Photos
  10. LGrieveson-Sept2024ColorPlayChallenge-The House by the fountain

    LGrieveson-Sept2024ColorPlayChallenge-The House by the fountain

    Lynn Grieveson : Deciduus Photo : pinterest Son "The House by the fountain" composed by Nino Ferrer (author, performer)
  11. 24-10_O_October-Challenge-#3---Big-Photo-Challenge


    October Challenge #3 - Big Photo Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/october-challenge-3-big-photo-challenge.40570/
  12. Into The Woods

    Into The Woods

    Ethereal Woods (bundled)
  13. fabric


    Anna aspnes : artplay palette fabric anna aspnes : artplay palette embers ArtHouseWhimsy : the vintage photos collage collection
  14. September AJ Week 4 {FOCUS}

    September AJ Week 4 {FOCUS}

    Week 4, for our September AJ Challenges, is still using the word prompt focus. This week, Chris asks us to think about a mantra. Since my layout is kind of a "full circle" - which is where my muse led me this week, I'm going to concentrate on the word love. "I am loved", I'm surrounded by...
  15. -Aug-2024-Sertoma-park.jpg


    Last of the sunner visit with the Grandkids. Had such a fun time but was also very worn out by the time they headed home. Anna Aspnes various kits and the background paper from ETD Seafoam.
  16. #3-seasonal-FL-weather.jpg


    rjefferies_allofthis, rjefferies somewhereinbetween My photo...storms across the pond.
  17. Night Thinker

    Night Thinker

  18. unstoppable


  19. Siren


    Atmospheres Vol 1: {Sunken Cities} by Mixed Media by Erin https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Atmospheres-Vol-1-Sunken-Cities-by-Mixed-Media-by-Erin.html Siren: {Collection Bundle} by Mixed Media by Erin https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Siren-Collection-Bundle-by-Mixed-Media-by-Erin.html
  20. Happiness


    Happiness …is lunch with my hubby. 8/16/24