
#simplette scrap

  1. Birding-Walk and Nature Center in South Padre Island

    Birding-Walk and Nature Center in South Padre Island

    I've never been on a birding walk before and this had boardwalks all over the water and marshes where wild alligators lurked and all kinds of water birds made their home. It was one of the highlights of my trip. Not only that, but the tiny green heron chick was in the long grasses below and I...
  2. Life-Finds-a-Way--Dinosaur-Border-Challenge-#3


    Over Christmas, we had the delightful experience of visiting an animated Jurassic World kind of dinosaur drive-thru. I took lots of pictures of the dinosaurs. This one was my favorite of a baby dinosaur puppet a puppeteer held close to the window to cheer the family. I love dinosaurs and the...
  3. Summer Days

    Summer Days

  4. Simplette_SeaSplash.jpg


    *NEW* Sea Splash (collection) by Simplette LINK
  5. Simplette_ExoticDream.jpg


    -*NEW* -"Exotic Dream (collection) by Simplette"
  6. Simplette_LaCouleurDesFleurs.jpg


    *NEW* La couleur des Fleurs (collection) by Simplette
  7. Orange so vibrant

    Orange so vibrant

    July Challenge #2 - Color Palette https://oscraps.com/community/threads/july-challenge-2-color-palette.33886/ Photo by Joe Dudeck/Unsplash
  8. Blue-Jay-and-the-Woodpecker,-July-Challenge-6 Poems-and-Lyrics-

    Blue-Jay-and-the-Woodpecker,-July-Challenge-6 Poems-and-Lyrics-

    A blue jay and a red bellied woodpecker were having an issue over the food in the bird feeder one day.
  9. Birdhouses, Birds, Butterflies and...the Fox--Recipe-Challenge-7

    Birdhouses, Birds, Butterflies and...the Fox--Recipe-Challenge-7

    I adore birdhouses. The center one is mine and then I added all the birdhouses from various designers to meet the recipe challenge. That was so much fun!
  10. Beauty in Bloom

    Beauty in Bloom

    Created for the Recipe Challenge. Specific ingredient list is posted in the challenge.
  11. Where flowers bloom

    Where flowers bloom

    Done for the July Color Challenge
  12. Finch Park

    Finch Park

    For the July Creative Techniques Challenge Process: 1st I created a Dodge and Burn Layer and darkened the pink area on the left and darkened the trees behind the kids in the photo. 2nd I created depth of field in the layout with the leaves (color picked from trees in photo) and the butterflies.
  13. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired

  14. Yellow Fish and the Turtle

    Yellow Fish and the Turtle

    Yellow fish in an aquarium at the Woodlands Children's Museum
  15. Wild & Free

    Wild & Free

    My granddaughter and great-granddaughter enjoying a ballgame.
  16. Simplette_LoveInAJar.jpg


    -"Love in a Jar (collection)" by Simplette
  17. grow wild

    grow wild

    fab friday color play 50%off Picture pixabay thanks for looking
  18. Simplette_GrowWild.jpg


    Grow wild (collection) by Simplette
  19. Simplette Grow Wild

    Simplette Grow Wild

    I love this "Grow Wild" Collection by Simplette. It is perfect for my country layouts. I took this picture on our property, which is a 50 acre "ranch" and came with this awesome old barn and other outbuildings.
  20. Goosey & Luc7

    Goosey & Luc7

    Created for the #7 Double Scraplift challenge. My inspiration came from Together by Nobles https://oscraps.com/community/media/together.351287/ and On a Rainy Day by scrap-genie https://oscraps.com/community/media/on-a-rainy-day.351164/