
road trip

  1. 1930-Trip-page22.jpg


    Prepping the photos for this page was a nightmare. The original pictures used on pages 22 and 23 were so yellowed and faded they were almost invisible. I scanned at various resolutions, and used PSE, Topaz, and MyHeritage, trying color and b/w to try and improve them. I've used MyHeritage...
  2. Sherwood Pub

    Sherwood Pub

  3. 1930-Trip-page21.jpg


    Double page spread continued from page 20 - through Texas. "...50 miles of dirt roads with dips every little ways...saw lots of cactus along the road today. The country was very flat and desolate until we reached Kent, Tex. And after that it was mountainous but without trees...after leaving the...
  4. 1930-Trip-page20.jpg


    Double page spread - continuing west through Texas. "The Red River is indeed well named for it is like brick dust. The Brazos R. is also very red. In Fort Worth there were roses in bloom on the south side of the houses. We went by large patches of prickly pear cactus. Some of the leaves were as...
  5. 1930-Trip-page19.jpg


    Entered Oklahoma - oil wells and red soil. Had a flat tire (I think this is number 7 so far). "...There was a toll bridge over the Canadian River and we had to pay 25¢ to cross it..." Thank you for looking.
  6. 1930-Trip-page18.jpg


    They are on their way home to Washington from Kansas. I may finish this project after all. Thank you for looking.
  7. 1930-Trip-pages12-13.jpg


    Getting back to my 1930 road trip project after some major computer issues. Visiting family and going dancing with cousins and distant cousins. These young people loved to dance. Sixty years later we met many of these same people, or their families.
  8. 1930-Trip-pages10-11.jpg


    “…Dad, Gerald, Kenneth & I took Alton to Chicago. Tuesday we went to the bird sanctuary and saw the millions of birds…Wednesday went to Lake Odessa and saw all the 2nd cousins…another trip to Lake Odessa after Alton came back from Chicago.” Alton loved to travel his entire life. The Michigan...
  9. 1930-Trip-pages8-9.jpg


    “We went through the twin cities and Alton got a little hot under the collar, but we got through without a scratch…North of Chicago came through a rich residential district and saw Pierce Arrows with chauffeurs and Rolls Royces…the road wound through a beautiful forest of oaks…We came to the...
  10. 1930-Trip-pages6-7.jpg


    1930 road trip continues, pages 6 and 7. “…had to change a tire at Glendive, 10 miles out had to fix another (tire)… Cabins nice have real rain water to wash in…had two tires to fix, then had another flat…The front axle is bent on the car and causes it to sway a lot…” Based on Aunt Ellen's...
  11. 1930-Trip-page4-5.jpg


    Continuing diary of 1930 road trip. “No pavement after Mullan (ID)…Roads fair in spots, but spots far apart…Wonderful cabins, terrible roads (MT)…First flat tire…”
  12. 1930-Road-Trip-pages-2-3.jpg


    Left home at 5 a.m. First day on the road an easy one. "Roads in wonderful condition." (That will soon change.) Saw their cousins; “Made taffy and had lots of fun in general.”