
#all about me

  1. I Am Not My Own

    I Am Not My Own

    I started thinking about the words, “I am His creation, the Maker’s masterpiece and all that He designs will be done in me” especially the words, “will be.” I can tell you for certain that He is still working on me to make me what He wants me to be! I haven’t arrived yet! I don’t know that I...
  2. Friendship


    Done for the Vicki Robinson Designer challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/03-2023-vicki-robinson-march-challenge.37288/ Journaling reads: People let me tell you about my wonderful friend. She’s a warm hearted person and I’ll love her til the end. People let me tell you...
  3. I Am Gods Woman

    I Am Gods Woman

    Done for the March 2023 Momma O’s Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/vicki-stegall-designs-momma-os-march-challenge.37179/#post-658622 Journaling reads: Helen Reddy’s song from 1972, “I Am Woman” was the unofficial song of the Women’s Lib Movement. I’m not a feminist...
  4. Smile


    Journaling reads: Mark and I went to lunch at the Mexican restaurant today. I had the chicken taco salad. Mark got a couple of tacos and ate half of my salad, as usual. After I took Mark back to work, I did some grocery shopping. I saw this row of Forsythia in full bloom on the way to the...
  5. love yourself

    love yourself

  6. Me at the age of 1

    Me at the age of 1

    Karen has had a great idea with the new collection. She wants to help us to tell our story ! You can discover the collection here.


    Be That Girl | The Complete Mixed Media Collection - Rachel Jefferies at Oscraps Photo: My own of me around 1987.


    Finding Balance Collection | Lynn Grieveson at Oscraps Photo: My own, me back in 2003.
  9. Attitude of Gratitude Day 16 - A Date

    Attitude of Gratitude Day 16 - A Date

    Journaling reads: I’m usually not ready to eat at 11 a.m. Normally I eat, when at home, between 12 and 1 in the afternoon. But, when Mark invites me to go to lunch, I go. I go because, well, I like going out to eat even if I’m not hungry at the time, I can always bring home the leftovers! And...
  10. I love to dance . . .

    I love to dance . . .

    Created for the Vicki Stegall Designs (Momma O’s) October 2022 Challenge
  11. She Was a Proud Momma

    She Was a Proud Momma

    Recipe Challenge #7 found here: https://oscraps.com/community/media/october-recipe-challenge-7-jpg.369214/ Journaling reads: Mom was not one who liked having her picture taken. But, I think from the looks of the expression on her face in this photo that she is a proud momma holding her infant...
  12. My Beautiful Daughters

    My Beautiful Daughters

    Journaling reads: I love being able to spend time with my daughters, even if only for a short time. They are more precious than gold to me. I love you both dearly and forever!
  13. BFF


    Journaling reads: After spending three weeks in West Virginia, my good friend, Ilene and I had to get together! And, of course, we had to eat lunch at one of our favorite spots, Olive Garden!
  14. Love


    Vicki Robinson’s Creative Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-09-vicki-robinson-september-get-creative-monthly-challenge.36180/ Journaling reads: Mom and Dad got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout! After only a 3 month whirlwind romance they said their I...
  15. Family


    Momma O’s (Vicki Stegall) Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/vicki-stegalls-designs-momma-os-september-challenge.36133/ Journaling reads: In front are my dad’s twin brothers, Hubert and Herbert Brandenburg, maybe 10-12 years old. Back row, left to right, Grover Tharp...
  16. Our Family

    Our Family

    Anna List Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annalift-challenge-09-02-22-09-16-22.36201/ Journaling reads: My paternal grandparents, William and Hazel Tharp Brandenburg. My dad is the oldest child standing in the middle of the crowd, maybe 4 or 5 years old. I believe...
  17. Go West Young Man

    Go West Young Man

    Lynn Grieveson’s Featured Product Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-09-lynn-grieveson-september-2022-featured-product-challenge.36179/ Journaling reads: Spring break of the 3rd grade, April 1964, dad decided to go on vacation to California since he enjoyed being...
  18. Harvest Love

    Harvest Love

    Karen Schulz Use It All Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/use-it-all-challenge-with-karen-schulz-september-2022.36156/ Journaling reads: Mom was 20 when she and dad married. Dad was 26. They married on Dec. 20, 1954 and I was born 9 months and 18 days later. I am one...
  19. Feeling Incredibly Nostalgic

    Feeling Incredibly Nostalgic

    Anna Color Challenge found here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/annacolor-challenge-09-09-2022-09-23-2022.36231/ Journaling reads: I was about one year old in this photo. I was looking at myself in the mirror. Not seen here, but my pregnant mother was standing in the background watching...
  20. Mania in Paris

    Mania in Paris
