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  1. what does the fox say!?!?!?

    what does the fox say!?!?!?

    if you have not heard this catchy but irritating little ditty...go here http://youtu.be/jofNR_WkoCE and be prepared to find yourself singing it later. My kids say they hate it...it is a video viral craze, and with Re's What does the fox say? kit, I caught the fun of it for a page in our 3013...
  2. anneofalamo

    Cleaned out my Fireplace...Winter is coming!

    shoes! those are my weakness too...and now that I have two teen daughters, I live thru them on the high heels! tee hee I don't do many dishes...lots of kids, lots of chores...but I love when my sink is all clean when I wake up! oh I hear you on this one...5 boys...I tried to hand this out as...
  3. anneofalamo

    Cleaned out my Fireplace...Winter is coming!

    Okay, okay, really it doesn't get as cold here as some of ya'lls winters, but it is getting colder!! I cleaned my fireplace completely out today,and it is all ready for a fire tonight! It is a mundane chore, but one that means tonight I can sit on the couch, kids will stare at the fire and life...
  4. anneofalamo

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 7

    and see I am lovin your wordiness!
  5. anneofalamo

    Snips and Snails CT Call!

    I just want to do a shout out! These kits are fun and so perfect! This is a great call!!
  6. anneofalamo

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 7

    GOOd mOrning! Hilarious teen stories there Chris...and scary too! But funny and scary are kinda melded with teens I am beginning to realize! Laurie! Staying close to home is on my to do list also! Today is my Whitley (7 today) birthday! They are already up and giggling in their rooms. Birthdays...
  7. anneofalamo

    May we introduce...

    What a fun place to play this is truly! I am so excited and I want to tell everyone...the reason this place is so awesome is the backroom is run so extraordinary. You can relax and know that they are busy back there, getting sales, challenges and the most delicious designs all in order for you...
  8. chase your dreams

    chase your dreams

    my boy turns 7 tomorrow...he has been so remarkable to watch over the past 20 months having him with us. He has a joy that was buried so deep...this photo is my Whitley now! I fell in love with the diamond strips in Maya's kit Aero Toni by Maya de groot
  9. anneofalamo

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 6

    Thank you Chris for your welcome! I am loving the oh so much! This morning O is a great way to begin... WWW laughter today sounds wonderful and scraping about it should be on the list also Laurie-you could add another verse to the Wheels on the Bus! :) my newly flown son came yesterday to...
  10. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'biotoopstudie B'

    the coming soon inyour credits is tantalizing to me..this is masterpiece for multiple photos and you so captured the event perfectly!
  11. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'AnnaLift 11.02.13 - Unexpected Sight'

    you took the photo? I am in awe just of that, and then the magic of this page...my mouth is wide open in awe..
  12. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Sunday stroll'

    I am such a fan of the pages made with Anna's things...and have never used them...out of fear...your page is so inviting and precious!
  13. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'silver lining'

    what a total eye catcher this page is!!
  14. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Darkness...'

    I love this, it seems to be alive with a newness...pure wonder
  15. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'dancing leaves mini kit'

    your masking and colors are just remarkable...I love your journaling also, it gives the viewer just enough to live your memory!
  16. anneofalamo

    Comment by 'anneofalamo' in media 'Love The Shot'

    the depth to this makes me feel like I am pulled into the page! wow woman this is butt kicking awesome!!
  17. glue


    Fun challenge, Washitape, 2 pattern papers (cropped), paint splatters and stitching all from Snip and Snails Happiness is YOU http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=45065&cat=661&page=1 and a few other fun things from Liatha's Purple Delight...
  18. the pants

    the pants

    The other side to the glue page...same day, but was excited to see this photo of our Abby in one of her all time favorite outfits! Her brother's old church pants. Page is made with: Snip and Snails Happiness is YOU http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=45065&cat=661&page=1...
  19. Star of Wonder Jan 2005

    Star of Wonder Jan 2005

    first page of 2005! I am determined to scrap and print books for our lives! woo hoo going back in time. The kids are so darn small... I got this kit from Laitha Designs-Purple Delight Laitha's Designs Purple Delight and was gonna do the color challenge..lol, but read it wrong! So I took...
  20. anneofalamo

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 5

    Goooooood Morning to you all! MY first full day as a CheeryO!! wootie woo! I am so so relieved that Laurie has coffee...that makes me shudder thinking it would be gone... First cup in this am, house is quiet. No gym today, my hub does swimming on Tue/Thur and I walk/run the mountain later in...