Last night I needed time to play I saw a page by Pam P and it reminded me I wanted to Lift Adryane heres her fantastic inspiration Against the tide Against the tide
Process I needed a snapshot that was easy I just took a walk on the beach and asked someone to snap it.Then I started to...
424 boxes etc. have been officially moved from OH to FL - I should be unpacking but I'm taking a break - and getting back at long last to what will be my new normal. The old point and shoot did not survive the drop in the ocean - the new one is fantastic - I will be getting a new strap next...
Hi Ladies - I will be treating myself to a strap - before I go on my daily walks at the ocean - fyi I am home from Ohio - I moved 424 boxes etc...and its all here - the camera did not make it - I think its because I tried it too many times before the rice as I was walking back on the beach - my...
DK this is awesome - I'm glad you got to see the mines - My Great Grandfather mined those mines in CO and went back and forth to OH with the money he got from the Gold to support the was too wild for his new bride ... my great grandmother it would have been in the early 1900's when he...
Thanks for your comments - I'll keep you informed - now its a wait mode - I am so not good at waiting - best info is it needs to sit and dry for 5 days - I'll be in Ohio til next Wednesday so I won't be online but I'll let you know if the rice trick worked - if it did I'll be buying a strap for...
Hi Ladies - I am in desperate need of help - I dropped my camera in the ocean - actions so far stopped at store and bought 10 lbs of rice have my camera submersed in it open have the battery in rice and the memory card ....
its a canon point and shoot
how long before it dries out etc all...
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