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  1. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'Colourful'

    Loving the effect you did with your photo, and love your title page, I hope your 2011 is a colourful one as well :D
  2. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'Looking Forward!'

    Gee, where do I begin? I love this so much, it's what I aspire to be when I scrap (although I never quite get there) and I am in love with your photos :)
  3. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'One word'

    When I saw this on the thread I took at a closer look at my downloads thinking I had missed something awesome! You have done a fab job and I just wish this had been included in the kit!!! AWESOME
  4. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'Mirror'

    oh my gosh! I was going to say how adorable your little one is, and he (? sorry if it's a she) is totally adorable, but then looking closer I see what you did to the photo and you have just blown my mind, that is awesome!!!!!!!!! I have a LOT to learn, I think I need to go try this, but oh my...
  5. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'Title page or forward page'

    thanks for all your comments guys, coming from those that I have been inspired by on here means so much! I need to block out some time and troll the gallery and leave some much love myself!!
  6. Title page or forward page

    Title page or forward page

    As these will be printed and then put into a traditional album, my title page turned out more like a forward page, hope that still counts? Journaling reads: In 2011 I want to include myself more in my scrapping... for too long I excluded myself due to me not being happy with the way I...
  7. ChelleBB

    Comment by 'ChelleBB' in media 'Frontpage'

    this really is inspirational!
  8. ChelleBB

    G-Day from South!

    Thanks for all the kind welcomes! Bit worried about what the other two aussies are doing, lol.. sounds like they're giving us all a bad name, rof - hope not! Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to getting to know you all better... oh and before I get lost in the forums like I did last...
  9. ChelleBB

    G-Day from South!

    Hi, I'm Chelle (Michelle) and I am a SAHM of 4, wife to 1, personal assistant to 5 kitties and avid scramper! I live in South Australia, in a small country town so the internet is my life.. lol I look forward to getting to know everyone and joining in as much as I can here :D