
Search results

  1. 01lousmith

    Comment by '01lousmith' in media 'Apartment-hunting'

    Same as Beckturn! Lovely page and great shadows.
  2. 01lousmith

    Comment by '01lousmith' in media 'Fabulous'

    This is beautiful!
  3. 01lousmith

    NEW AnnaLift 3/18/17 - 3/25/17

    Thanks for the challenge! I love that it's making me try completely different things. https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=368015&nocache=1
  4. AnnaLift


    18-25 March 2017 AnnaLift Challenge: Scraplift of Budapest by Margeda. AASPN products: ArtsyTransfers Coastline, Collab For Art's Sake solid paper (for texture). Additional Oscraps products: Collab For Art's Sake Lynne Anzelc (script, stitching), Collab Smile NBK (piece of paper with book...
  5. 01lousmith

    **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**Scrap 25 - 275 Photos Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!

    Thank you, Joanne! I'm actually looking forward to your challenges. It makes me revisit these old photos. (And it's fun to see how digital cameras have evolved! I bought my first in 2002 and the resolution is laughable compared to what you get in a phone now!)
  6. 01lousmith

    **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**Scrap 25 - 275 Photos Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!

    Well, that was hard work! I cannot even imagine what you have in store for us for next month! https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=367962&title=globe-trotteuse&cat=702
  7. Globe-trotteuse


    Layout for the challenge 275 photos with Joanne Brisebois Credits: J Brisebois SLCMLF_5Mask, Recollection and Vintage Album Collection
  8. Sunshine


    Inspiration Ezter (method: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/text-portrait/) Credits: Jbrisebois Collaboration Life background paper, A Beautiful Mess overlay, Charlize Creations Butterflies Kisses WA, heart, beads
  9. 01lousmith

    **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**Scrap 25 - 275 Photos Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!

    I know what i am going to scrap in 25 pictures, but now i have to go and dig out the pictures from various exteranl HDD... Let's say i am busy procrastinating right now...
  10. 01lousmith

    NBK Design: Technique Challenge March 20 – March 26

    Hmmm I had this idea which I thought would work but I am not too sure of the result. It is cute and funny if nothing else! https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=367922&title=king-cat&cat=1601
  11. King Cat

    King Cat

    NBK Technique challenge 20-26 Mar-2017 Credits: NBK Designs - United In / Bitten by the love bug.
  12. 01lousmith

    NBK Design: Technique Challenge March 20 – March 26

    Cool challenge! I think I should be able to do that... I did the exact same to blend two papers for a background just a few days ago. Only need to find two suitable pictures...
  13. 01lousmith

    **WINNERS ANNOUNCED**Scrap 25 - 275 Photos Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois Designs!!

    Oh my! Finding 25 pictures is the bigger challenge! Bravo Mamie Loulou! Superbe debut!
  14. 01lousmith

    Comment by '01lousmith' in media 'Bon apptit'

    I love this style! everything is there to enhance the picture not distract from it! Love it!
  15. 01lousmith

    Comment by '01lousmith' in media 'Winter Visitor'

    What a beautiful page with all the texture/thickness effect!
  16. 01lousmith

    Comment by '01lousmith' in media 'Cat & Dog'

    Superbe! J'adore l'agencement des bandes de papier (les grandes comme les petites) et le choix des couleurs. Et les photos sont mignonnes!
  17. Mischief Together

    Mischief Together

    Credits: Jbrisebois Recollection & Vintage Album Collection. Layout inspired by DCS template Jun 2016
  18. Christmas Party

    Christmas Party

    Scraplift Challenge Scraplift of page by Romy 'I feel pretty' Credits: Dido Christmas Ornament Notion Set, Frame from Collab For Art's Sake, tape from Vicky Stegall Sunshine
  19. 11-12-13


    Layout for Recipe challenge Credits: Collab For Art's Sake, Banner shape from Jbrisebois Recollection, Template by Talie for DCS I believe I used all the ingredients: The ribbon is tucked under the foliage and flower. The banner is the birthday related item.
  20. 01lousmith

    NEW AnnaLift 3/11/17 - 3/17/17

    Oh great! I just saw this now! Thank you!