
Search results

  1. DoggiNo

    ABC's of Destinations

    Z - Zaventem (and from there a plane to anywhere you want to go LOL It's where our National Airport is)
  2. DoggiNo

    ABC Of Girls Names

    U - Ulrike
  3. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'and me'

    An absolutely gorgeous take on this challenge ! Wonderful page.
  4. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'take a chance,it might work'

    Very art-ful ! Love it.
  5. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Great Blue Heron'

    Those leave stitches are perfect on this page !
  6. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Nancy : Place Stanislas...'

    Super page ! La prochaine fois j'essaye d'crire plus; c'est une bonne occasion pour rvitaliser mon franais. :)
  7. DoggiNo

    ABC of food or drinks

    O - Oranges
  8. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Every Day'

    Stunning ! Such a calm vibe comes from this page, love it. Like the blending.
  9. DoggiNo

    Free Association

  10. DoggiNo

    Linked Words Game

    baggage porter
  11. DoggiNo

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 19

    Kat, what a coïncidence ! I was just on Spotify looking for some Christmas music too ! I've seen lights and trees popping up here and there; that must have gotten me in the mood and I feel a panic attack coming on (cleaning, presents, decorating, putting together a menu, shopping, cooking...
  12. DoggiNo

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 18

    Oh dear, Christmas presents ! Don't remind me. I have absolutely no idea and even worse, no time to go shopping for them ! I have 1 idea for my mum so I hope I can get that but apart from that everyone has was they want or need. Chris, I hope the sickies get well soon !
  13. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Strength'

    Great page and a good reminder ! :)
  14. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'I love Zebras'

    Oh my ! I've got a poster full of zebras behind me at the office. We track barcoded postal items ... zebra ... barcode ... see the link !? Lovely page !
  15. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Animalistic Artsy Papers 2'

    No matter how hard he (she ?) tries to look tough, the curly hairdo wins and makes it's a totally cute creature. Haha.
  16. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'Hugs'

    Gorgeous ! I could well have a photo like that of my husband and my parents cat too ! It's also a black cat.
  17. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'a little recipe ?'

    So many super pasta ideas ! I did one with pumpkin last week but if I make it again I will change the recipe. It was to be something carbonara-like with lots of eggs in the sauce and then in the oven, but it turned out more like an omelette. We actually put some mushroom cream sauce on top to...
  18. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'December Daily'

    That photo almost looks frozen. Nice !
  19. DoggiNo

    HellO! New designer!

    Woohoo !!! Chantal is in the house ! :laugh:
  20. DoggiNo

    Comment by 'DoggiNo' in media 'AnnaLift (11.14.15 - 11.20.15)'

    I swear I haven't been drinking and I still see more than double ??? Super photo !!! Great idea.