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  1. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'The Better To See You With'

    What a fabulously rich and warm page, Jean. I really like your element & paper choices, but I totally LOVE your words, simple, straightforward and documenting something that is so much a part of you. I know I said this was a photography challenge rather than a journaling one, but you know...
  2. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'a touch of spring'

    What a really beautiful page, Angela, and such a lovely, fresh thing to buy yourself - daffs are my favourite.
  3. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Beautifully Vintage'

    Ooooh, so much to look at and enjoy on your page!!
  4. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '2015 Fifteen Years of life....'

    Oh yes! A girl after my own heart - I love a good list to compare & contrast. WOW - 6 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren, that is an incredible achievement! Such a really lovely page, Liz, thanks so much for joining us - even if you weren't sure to begin with!!
  5. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '15 Years'

    Just FABULOUS, Jean. Totally LOVE this page, from the elements and design to your wonderful words - especially the final paragraph!!!
  6. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'happily ever after'

    Such a very beautiful, delicate page, Angela. Very, very lovely.
  7. Bush Girl

    Saying goodbye

    Oh oh oh oh oh oh NOOOOOO, Tina!!!! You're one of my absolute MOST favourite designers. I'm sorry for us but totally understand needing to put your family first. I wish you all the very best with your new ventures and hope that you'll pop in now and then to see us. ::grouphug
  8. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '15 years'

    LOVELY page! Fantastic journaling - love the bit about the "Y2K silliness" - I worked in the IT industry back then too and we were in such a tizzy - that all came to absolutely nothing!! Thanks so much for playing this month!
  9. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '15 years ago'

    What a wonderfully heartfelt page, thank you for sharing it with us. And I adore your grey & yellow colour scheme, very calming and elegant.
  10. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge No 4 - JOURNALING (Jan 2015)'

    What a totally stunning page, I love the touches of red and the way you've addressed difficult but important issues from the last 15 yrs.
  11. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge 4 - My Life's Journal'

    What a great page - love how your digital life has evolved!
  12. Bush Girl

    Good thoughts and prayers for Faerywings

    Gentle hugs and huge love coming through the ether to you, Chris. Thinking of you. :hug:
  13. Bush Girl

    Happy birthday

    Woot Woot! Happy Birthday girls!
  14. Bush Girl

    A sad day for freedom

    A very sad day indeed, Sabine. My husband works for a French company here in London and says the mood has been very sombre there today. Shocking, terrible news.
  15. Then & Now 1999-2015

    Then & Now 1999-2015

    Here's my entry for the January 2015 Journaling Challenge - set by me!! My life has seen big changes in the last 15 years, none bigger than the fact that I now have 3 kids, but I was entertained by the things that haven't actually changed that much. Of course, I forgot to mention my hair...
  16. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge 4_Journaling_Fifteen years ago...'

    What a wonderful page - and so beautifully journaled. I too, love the symbolism of the bird, caged then free.
  17. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge 4 My Last 15 Years'

    What a fantastic story! And isn't it wonderful that you are still such a committed scrapper 15 years later - but without all that paper mess!! I too, am an ex-paper scrapper. So glad this challenge got you to record this story for posterity.
  18. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '15 Years'

    ***SIGH*** Trudy. Such beautiful words, so full of heartfelt emotion. Thank you for sharing this with us, and for showing us your journey over the last 15 years.
  19. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media '15 Years Ago'

    Totally fabulous to hear your voice, Chris - see, I just knew you're a journaler at heart!! How fantastic to see your two so little - I've been watching them grow up over the last 7 years but never seen them this small. Such a delightful piccy and page.