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  1. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Around Us'

    That's so funny TrishD mentioned your page looked like Brisbane in Oz - that's exactly where I thought this was until I saw the AZ which I assume stands for Arizona. Great page.
  2. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge2_03-15_Hometown_Seattle'

    OMG what a fabulous photo and page. Love the serenity it portrays. Wonderful, wonderful page.
  3. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'home sweet home'

    When can I come and visit, please?! Stunning!!
  4. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge No 2 - PHOTO'

    Ooooh, fabulous photo and I just love your photo treatment.
  5. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Hometown'

    Great piccies of your hometown and I adore the way you've used Maya's Mixed Media Houses.
  6. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Chall # 6'

    Just LOVE your out of bounds pages, Timou!
  7. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Day out to enjoy'

    Oooh, FABULOUS elements used here - just love this!!
  8. Bush Girl

    Happy birthday girls

    Many happy returns of the day!!:flypig:
  9. Bush Girl


    HI Wendy! Welcome to the O!
  10. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'He Was Home'

    ***SIGH*** So serene and beautiful - I could look at this for hours!
  11. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'maze'

    Ooooh, just a deliciously juicy colour scheme and such lovely photos.
  12. Bush Girl

    Welcome our new Cheery-O's!

    Congrats everyone!! Welcome to the team.
  13. Bush Girl

    March 2015 Standing O's!

    Oh thank you so much, Sabine!!! :-D
  14. Happiness


    For the March 2015 Quote Me Challenge - I've used an extract from "Happiness" by Macy Grey. Now, this challenge was to scrap something that makes you happy. I've suffered from depression on & off for years, something I hid from and behind for ages, until I started scrapping...
  15. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge No 2 - PHOTO HOME TOWN'

    Oooh paradise indeed - one of my favourite places Down Under. We were regular visitors when we lived in Asia, for some western R&R. Love, love, LOVE Brisbane - not so sure about the Gold Coast though, preferred the Sunshine Coast. Great page and thank you for jogging my memory about this...
  16. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge No 2 - PHOTO (Mar 2015)'

    Wonderful photos and what an interesting slice of life, thank you for sharing with us.
  17. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Gent - I love you'

    Oooh, fabulous photos - I definitely want to visit your hometown!
  18. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Iamersfoort'

    LOVE the colour scheme - very dramatic and eye catching, Diane.
  19. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Challenge 2 Photo Hometown'

    Fascinating! We see these covered bridges on movies and I always assumed they were a Hollywood fabrication but clearly not. Wonderful page, thank you for sharing with us.
  20. Bush Girl

    Comment by 'Bush Girl' in media 'Where I Live'

    Why are there so many totems in your town?? Love the walking man under the street light - very clever!